About BikinginLA

This site is not about bike racing.

Or road cycling. Or transportation riding. Or fixies. Or mountain biking. Or bikeshare. Or any other niche in the big, wide, wonderful world of bikes.

It’s about bicycling. Period.

It’s about the latest bike news. It’s about advocacy, and making our streets safe for people on bicycles. It’s about honoring fallen cyclists, and doing what we can to ensure it never happens again. And looking past the usual victim blaming to see events from a bike rider’s perspective.

As the name implies, it’s about bicycling in Los Angeles, and throughout Southern California. And anywhere else bikes happen to make the news.

It was born as a bike blog, and gradually transformed into Southern California’s leading source for bike news and advocacy. You can still read the older posts in the archives, or check out the highlights on the Best Of page.

Or just come back every day for the latest updates.


Got a tip or correction? Leave it in the comments, or email Ted at bikinginla dot com.

If you’re interested in advertising or sponsoring this site, email ads at bikinginla dot com.

Guest posts are welcome if you have something to say. However, that is not an invitation to SEO marketers, disguised or otherwise.



About the editor

As the editor and primary author of this site, I’m a lifelong bike rider, with over 30 years as an adult cyclist; my first grown-up bike came from Louisiana’s Gus Betat, back when it was still the oldest continuously operating bike shop in the US.

I’ve ridden through the Rockies, dodged gators and pickups along backwater bayous, and circled the sunny sands and tans of San Diego. I’ve called L.A. home for over two decades, currently residing in Hollywood with my wife and a rescue Corgi.

I’m also former a board member of the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition. If you care about a safer, more bikeable, livable and equitable Los Angeles, you owe it to yourself to join.

And yes, I am the guy who spent a couple nights in the ICU after the Infamous Beachfront Bee Encounter.

If you want to know more about me and why I do what I do, read this interview with Bicycle Times.

You can follow me on Twitter by clicking here.


In real life, I have over 25 years experience as a freelance writer, creative director and marketing consultant.

I’m available for personal appearances and panel discussions, and you can contact me at email addresses above to consult on bicycling issues or marketing.




    • Renee Andreassen says:

      Christine Dahab who hit 13 bicyclist June 2011 will be sentenced Friday July 26, 2013 at
      West District
      Airport Courthouse
      11701 South La Cienega Blvd.
      Los Angeles, CA 90045
      Dept D
      I hope all of the victims will come to give their victim impact statements
      I would appreciate any assistance this website can get out to those impacted by this horrible event

    • ethel says:

      Hello, I live in SF but have strong ties to LA. I read your heart warming LA Times peice just now on the passing of your friend and his corgi. It was a lovely tribute and a kind remeinder of how we should see ourselves in the world and how we should treat those around us. Thank you.

  1. mario says:

    Really enjoyed your talk today on KPCC. I am mostly a mountain biker and have been thinking about buying a road bike…it is tough riding in paved roads on a mountain bike. So making our roads safer is one of the most important considerations for me in road riding. The second is the selection of a good bike (not too expensive). Would appreciate any advice you may offer on selecting a good road bike for under $2,500.


  2. Gary says:

    Great site you have here, thanks for what you do. We’re beginning our campaign today at http://www.baufl.org Bicycles Allowed Use Of Full Lane. Change Lanes To Pass. “The Million Car Challenge”.

    Our Mission is simple.

    Deliver one consistent message using one million cars so that millions of drivers will get the message….. “Bicycles Allowed Use of Full Lane, Change To Pass


  3. Zeke Yount says:


    I just received a nice surprise while reading your entry today when I saw the link to my blog and then a REALLY nice surprise when I saw that you were kind enough of to list me on your blogroll! I very much appreciate the listing and that you found it of sufficient quality to be listed!



  4. Zeke Yount says:


    Just a short note of ongoing thanks for linking to my posts! I can generally make a well educated guess that you’ve linked to a post because my “visits” jump up noticeably! I appreciate it very much.

    We are planning on visiting Bro Dave in L.A. toward the end of May. He thinks I should ride the Venice Beach path with him to get a good appreciation of the local culture! 🙂

    – Zeke

  5. bikinginla says:

    Glad I can be of help, Zeke. However, coming directly from the Smokies to Venice could be too much of shock for your system. I’d suggest stopping in a transitional area, like maybe Vegas or Sodom and Gomorrah , to acclimate yourself before diving into Venice head first.

  6. Zeke Yount says:

    Maybe the shock of it all will be enough that my heart rate will stay in the “fat burning” range without me having to do any exercise at all. I’ll be sure to have extra batteries for my heart monitor!


  7. Really like your blog. Let’s exchange links:

    check me out in NYC:

    been blogging for 6 years now on NYC bike culture and am currently writing a book: http://www.bikenycthebook.com

    look forward to hearing from you.

    Michael Green

  8. MaBell says:


    The Los Angeles Bicycle Kitchen / La BiciCocina will be throwing a benefit concert Saturday June 12th, 9pm at 4316 Melrose in East Hollywood. Very Be Careful will be playing and lots of bike swag for sale. See http://www.bicyclekitchen.com for more info. I can also send you a jpeg flyer if you like.

    Ride On,

    • bikinginla says:

      No, I hadn’t seen that yet, though I did notice his name popping up in searches on my site today. That is sad. Just goes to show that it doesn’t matter how good a rider you are sometimes.

  9. Opus the Poet says:

    Here’s a story you might find amusing if it wasn’t so evil.


    They’re claiming a cyclist rider on a BSO was able to bend the mountings of 2 parking meters including flattening the second one to the ground and still have enough momentum to ride in front of a car. Apparently physics was not the officer’s strong suit in school.

  10. Louie says:


  11. DC says:

    On July 3 of this year Martin Erzinger was driving his new Mercedes when he rear-ended cyclist Dr. Steven Milo. Milo suffered damage to his knees and scapula, spinal cord injuries, bleeding to the brain, and more injuries. Erzinger didn’t care that he mowed down Milo and left him to bleed out in the street. Erzinger kept driving until he got to a Pizza Hut where he immediately called Mercedes Benz Roadside Assistance to report damage to his car.

    Is that the outrageous part of the story? Remarkably, no!

    Erzinger’s attorney claimed he suffers from sleep apnea and blamed new car fumes. The court bought the new car smell story and slapped Erzinger’s hand by citing him for 2 misdemeanor traffic violations and restitution to the Dr. Milo.

  12. Al Williams says:

    DC’s material is from an article in “The Car Connection,” an internet publication, entitled Sleeping Rich Guy Says ‘New-Car Fumes’ Made Him Hit Cyclist. http://www.thecarconnection.com/marty-blog/1052577_sleeping-rich-guy-says-new-car-fumes-made-him-hit-cyclist

  13. DC says:

    I read about this in the Agoura paper:

    In Ventura County, Team in Training is expanding and adding a cycling training program. The Ventura County program will cover the cities of Agoura Hills, Camarillo, Lake Sherwood, Moorpark, Newbury Park, Oak Park, Oxnard, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Ventura and Westlake Village.
    Caitlin Steel of Thousand Oaks will be head cycling coach.
    Their first target ride is America’s Most Beautiful Bike Ride on Jun. 5, 2011 in Lake Tahoe. Just as the name suggests, this century ride promises breathtaking views and challenging ascents and descents.

    For a preview and to sign up for TNT’s new cycling program in Ventura County:
    Sunday, Dec. 19, 3 p.m.
    Newbury Park Athletic Club
    161 N. Reino Rd. Newbury Park, CA 91320
    Questions: Call 805-616-2873 or email elise.mcconeghy@lls.org

  14. bikinginla says:

    Thanks for the heads-up, DC. I’ve added a brief mention about it in today’s post.

  15. DC says:


    Article in tomorrow’s edition of the T.O. Acorn about the Knickman’s, their son’s illness, and N.P. resident Jack Nosco who organized two cycling fundraisers that raised $15,000 to help with medical costs. An amazing story.

  16. DC says:

    Old news but contains an important message when riding in the rain:

    On Saturday, Long Beach fire crews rescued a 23-year-old woman from the Los Angeles River. About 1:50 p.m., the woman was riding her bicycle at Del Amo Boulevard when she hit some water and the bike slid into the concrete-lined river bank, said Capt. Rich Brandt of the Long Beach Fire Department.

    A passing jogger called 911 as she saw the woman bobbing up and down in the river, doing a dog paddle to stay afloat. Fire rescue teams, attached to the riverbank by rope, threw the cyclist a rope and plucked her out at Wardlow Road, about a mile south of where she fell in, Brandt said.

    The woman was transported to a hospital for observation and was released in good condition Saturday night.


  17. DC says:

    There seems to be more to this story than is contained in the initial article.

    Bicyclist with rifle shot, killed by LA police
    Saturday, December 25, 2010


    LOS ANGELES (KABC) — A bicyclist that rode toward officers with a rifle was shot and killed on Christmas morning, according to police.

    At about 4 a.m. on Saturday officers received a report of an assault involving the use of a rifle at the Jordan Down Housing Projects.

    Officers were near an open field behind the housing area when they saw an occupied SUV nearby. While dealing with the people in that vehicle, they saw a man holding a rifle and riding toward them on a bicycle. Police say the man ignored their commands, prompting them to shoot.

    The man, believed to be in his 20’s, was pronounced taken to a local hospital, where was pronounced dead. An assault rifle was recovered by police.

    The identity of the bicyclist has not been released. An investigation into the shooting is underway.

  18. […] others note, there seems to be more to the story than what has been reported. Why the man would ride towards […]

  19. DC says:

    Joe Powers, an older Ventura cyclist, was injured today after losing control of his bicycle while riding on Highway 150. See the VC Star for more.


  20. […] got that way, while a Ventura man is injured after losing control of his bike on a 30 mph descent; thanks to DC for the second […]

  21. DC says:

    Pedeferri, the cyclist who was left a quadriplegic after a driver high from smoking marijuana mowed him down, nearly killing him, is having his case under deliberation. This is a tragic story of a man who has given so much to society and the pothead who nearly killed him.

  22. Chuck says:


    I have come across your blog on several occasions and I really enjoy reading your posts. My name is Chuck. I represent Biking.com, an online biking resource. I am curious if you accept any advertising or sponsorships on your blog. I would love to speak with you about a possible sponsorship with Biking.com. Please contact me via this email should an opportunity become available.

    Thank you.


  23. […] Ted Rogers is quite a guy. I have had the good fortune to get to know him through tweets and his remarkable […]

  24. Louie says:

    Don’t know if you heard yet but Frontier Airlines no longer has oversize fees for checking your bike on a flight. http://media.frontierairlines.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=5264

  25. Bruno George says:

    I just want add my rant to this list. Too many of my friends have been wiped out riding bikes in the past year. Dan Crain, Bruce Taylor, and now Jim Swarzman. None of these guys were young, Jim was the youngest at 47. They were all Ultra Cyclists and Randonneurs.

    I do a lot of ultra cycling so I have plenty of time to worry about getting wiped out myself. In addition to our venerability, several other thoughts have come to mind.

    No law should be construed as safety equipment, especially bike laws.

    We are a nuisance and annoying to the general driving public. We get heaped in with Harley riders and cyclists who believe Bike Messengers are good role models.

    I don’t have a quick three word fix for keeping alive on the road, except perhaps ride like you drive. We don’t do our cause any good by re-interpreting the motor vehicle code for out own convenience. I’ve never pulled up to a stop sign or stop light and yelled “clear” to the cars behind me. Or, run red lights at “T” intersections.

    I think Skydiving and Bull Fighting maybe safer hobbies.

    • Rob Cravens says:

      Sorry Bruno, not sure I understand what exactly you are getting at in your post. You say that bike laws won’t keep you safe, then launch into negative comments about riding discourteously/not obeying laws. These are points well worth discussing, and perhaps you could expand on them. I am not sure about bike laws not improving safety (although nothing will keep you absolutely safe), but I share your apparent dislike the practice of routinely blowing red lights and stop signs.

      HOWEVER, that said, I also knew Jim Swarzman. I rode with him on club rides several times, including a trip through Angeles where he got “buzzed” by an SUV that actually touched his jersey sleeve with it’s side mirror. The driver followed up by shaking his fist at Jim as he drove off. Jim’s death is still an open would for so many people in Los Angeles, I think just about everyone knew him, and nobody didn’t like him. He was not riding badly in Angeles that day, and he was not riding badly on the highway the night he was killed.

      Please be careful how you frame your comments. Mentioning Jim’s death and then launching into a list of complaints about cyclist behaving badly can very easily be seen as an indictment of Jim. I for one will not let that impression go unchallenged.

      • Bruno George says:


        Thanks for your note. The post wasn’t very clear.

        I was trying to make three general points with my posting:

        First, too many people I know have been dying on the road recently.

        Second, I don’t think laws by themselves can fix what I see is a cultural issue.

        Third, cyclists need to look inward to make sure that they are riding as safely and as courteously as we are expecting from the other users of the road. The old Golden Rule thing.

        Jim was a gentleman on the road. I had no right to leave you with the impression that I was criticizing Jim in any way shape or form.


        • bikinginla says:

          Thank you both for keeping this civil. When I saw Rob’s comment last night, I could see where he might have gotten that impression, however, I didn’t take Bruno’s original comment that way, or I would have been quick to criticize it myself.

          I think we all can agree that too damn many cyclists have died on our streets. However, it still represents just a minute fraction of the countless rides that take place every day.

          That said, one death is one too many. New laws will help, especially ones that prevent harassment and and stop rewarding drivers for fleeing the scene, as will better enforcement of existing laws.

          Bruno also has a point that we each need to ride in a safe and courteous manner, for our own safety and that of others. But by all accounts, Jim Swarzman was doing everything right, and it still wasn’t enough to keep him safe from a careless and/or drunk driver.

        • Rob Cravens says:


          I suspected you were not going after Jim, I just wanted the fact that Jim’s hands are totally clean to be explicitly stated. The incident is a little too fresh, the emotional wounds are still open. I have lost 3 friends or friends-of-friends in the last 2 years. 2 others severely injured in bike vs. car accidents(myself being one of those 2).

          I have no disagreement with your other points, I think some introspection among riders would only lead to good things.

          Thanks for clarifying.

  26. Chris says:

    Hello Ted!

    Love your site and appreciate all you do to make cycling in this concrete jungle safer and more accessible.

    I commute from H’wood to Santa Monica for work, taking SM Blvd most of the way. There is a auto repair shop that constantly parks multiple cars in the bike lane without any concern for cyclist using the lane. I’ve tried to calmly explain that this is both illegal and dangerous since it forces cyclist to swerve into the traffic but they only pay me lip service to shut me up. I am fed up and hope you can point me to someone I can talk to to resolve this issue. I have take to wearing a GoPro camera on my helmet and have evidence of their impunity. They are located on The corner of Manning & SM Blvd, near the Mormon temple Please help before I lose it!



    • bikinginla says:

      I lived just a few blocks from there for over a decade, so I know that shop very well and am very familiar with the problems they cause by parking cars on the sidewalk and in the bike lane.

      Fortunately, your timing couldn’t be better. The LAPD just sent out a memo to all their departments reminding officers that bike lanes are legally considered traffic lanes, and that it is against the law to park in them or otherwise block a bike lane.

      My suggestion is to contact Captain Nancy Lauer of the West L.A. Traffic Division; you’ll find contact information for her here — as well as all L.A. Traffic Divisions — along with Sgt. Krumers tips for how to reach out for help more effectively.

      Let me know how it works out. If you still don’t get results, I can reach out to Sgt. Krumer for help.

      • Chris says:

        Great! I will give Captain Lauer a call and put her number on my speed dial, right next to FilmLA! I am so tired of having to deal with these issues but it’s great to know that I am not the only one who feels these frustrations. I have begun wearing my GoPro camera during my recent commutes and the footage speaks for itself; distracted drivers who don’t want to take responsibility for themselves when they veer into my bike lane and then lash out when I say something. I guess the battle must go on and as the price of gas grows, so do our numbers. Thanks for fighting the good fight. 



  27. Louie says:

    Don’t know if you’ve seen this but this is very pertinent to cyclists who actually try to ride lawfully.


    Great stuff but I haven’t found the actual video by the guy, just the newspot.

  28. DC says:

    A cyclist was killed by a SUV driver in Camarillo at 1:15 pm on Saturday 6/11.
    I’m sure the driver will get no more than a slap on the hand, if that.

  29. Lanny says:

    Saw a kid get on his bike mowed down by what I can only assume was a drunk driver at Avenue 46 and York Blvd. in Los Angeles. The driver fled, the kid didn’t have a wallet, and the police barely showed up. I have seen no news articles or reports about the incident. Who do I contact to make sure the dumb fuck that hit him gets caught?

    • bikinginla says:

      Unfortunately, collisions like that are so common that they hardly ever make the news unless someone is killed. If I wrote about every bike collision I hear about, that’s the only thing I would write about.

      Since it happened near Downtown, contact LAPD Central Traffic Division at 213/972-2445, and they should be able to put you in touch with the investigating officers. Or email me at bikinginla at hotmail dot com and I’ll put you in touch with LAPD Sgt. Krumer, who can make sure your information gets to the right people in the department.

      And thank you for stepping forward to do the right thing.

  30. Chrissy says:

    I’m an east-coaster who loves the easy biking in Cambridge and Boston, MA for my 15 minute work commutes. My husband and I are moving out to the LA area and are considering what neighborhoods are the most bike friendly and have a decent amount of bike lanes. Any feedback would be much appreciated!

    • For the San Fernando Valley I can only think of Chandler Blvd as comfortable or easy, and the bike path that runs next to the Orange Line busway This will take you about 16 miles east/west across the Valley. Going north or south from there is a bit more difficult.

    • JA says:

      I live in the South Bay (Torrance-Redondo) and car-free Monday thru Friday. I still have a car because I’m usually head out of town on weekends. Because the South Bay a coastal area, it is densely packed but I’ve never had a problem getting around. A big plus for me is the bikeable accessibility of food sources (2 Whole Foods, 3 Trader Joes, farmers markets 5 days a week) and easy access to the South Bay Bike Path, which provides easy commutes to El Segundo, Marina del Rey and Santa Monica.

    • Evan says:

      Chrissy…I live in Santa Monica, which has a lot of bike lanes and which just unveiled a promising bike action plan. It’s a lot better than some other areas in SoCal, but it isn’t perfect.

      Though bike friendliness and infrastructure/support is of course important, I think you also want to consider whether the neighborhood you choose is conducive to riding your bike…a lot of bike lanes won’t be as helpful if you don’t have a place to ride your bike to. Think about what’s important to you in terms of what you want to live near.

      Santa Monica is very good in that there’s a lot of destinations and different markets, parks, destinations, etc. Long Beach has rightly gotten a lot of praise for what they’ve been doing lately, but as a native Long Beacher, I think that the area is really spread out (and most of the really innovative bike infrastructure in LB is in the coastal neighborhoods, while the more suburban parts haven’t gotten many improvements), and I think being able to bike to a lot of stuff nearby is important.

  31. Bike lanes. Meh. RIDE.

  32. Louie says:


    Have you seen this yet? I’ve been kind of waiting for you to mention it.


  33. DC says:

    Bicyclists open fire near Capitol Hill
    By Martin Weil – Washington Times Newspaper

    Two people on bicycles fired shots as they pursued a car late Saturday in a Northeast Washington neighborhood on the edge of Capitol Hill, authorities said.

    D.C. police said they received no reports of injuries or damage in connection with the incident, which occurred about 11:30 p.m. near 10th and F Streets NE.

    Police said they had not yet learned of a motive in the incident, but said it did not appear to be a random attack.

    Officers will patrol the area and will give special attention to people on bicycles as well as to enforcing traffic regulations, police said.

    The area involved is a residential rowhouse neighborhood a bit more than a mile from the Capitol, and two blocks south of H Street NE.

    By Martin Weil | 10:33 PM ET, 09/04/2011

  34. bryan says:

    thank you

  35. oilrigpilot says:

    Hello… keep up the great work you’re doing, PLEASE. I live in Columbia, SC and work in New Orleans (flying hell’s) and I venture out to L.A. every year for R&R – paragliding, cars, moto’s, biking, etc… I really enjoy your blog. Thanks for your dedication to the hobby / sport. Your service is very valuable.


    • bikinginla says:

      Thanks, I really appreciate that! My plan is to keep this up until our roads are finally safe and enjoyable for everyone, or I’m six-foot under, whichever comes first.

  36. Steven Vance says:

    I know how frustrating it can be to deal with all of the bad news. And the news is especially bad where you live. 8 fatal shootings against people bicycling this year.

    You are not alone in the fight for a better environment for bicycling in America. Thank you for having the courage to continue your advocacy.

  37. pT1 says:

    Hey, didn’t Jeffrey Adams, the Santa Monica douch…er, road rager who deliberately hit a cyclist get arraigned? I’d heard he was to be charged with two felonies but it’s mis-reported that he wasn’t charged with felonies. Can you verify? Because everywhere I look online is using an incorrect blog post as a source.

    • bikinginla says:

      Unfortunately, I can only report what the authorities tell us. When phone calls to both the DA and the Santa Monica City Attorney’s say no felony charges have been filed, that’s usually a pretty good indication that felony charges haven’t been filed.

      On the other hand, sometimes they change their mind. And as soon as I find out about that, I post a correction. Sort of like this one.

      But hey, thanks for the unbridled, if unjustified, sarcasm.

  38. Aleem Zaki says:

    Hi Mr. Rogers!

    This is Aleem Zaki. I am a 10th grade representative in student government from Sierra Canyon School (http://www.sierracanyonschool.org/page.cfm?p=1) who visited you a week ago to hear you speak about what you do and have accomplished to help bicyclists enjoy and be safer riding in Los Angeles. I wanted to inform you that our school is thinking about having a Bike-To-School Day and it would be a wonderful introduction for it if you could speak with our students about being a frequent biker and what you do. Our school has all-school meetings on Mondays (9:38 – 10:04 AM) and invites guests to speak. What you have done with the Bicycle Coalition fascinates me and will fascinate our school. If you are avaliable on a Monday, please email me about giving a brief speech!

    Aleem Zaki

  39. JD says:

    Please consider adding Gost Bikes to your links in light of the many recent tragic deaths in this area. Thank You.

  40. Hey there – I’m KPCC’s social media editor and creator of the map your referenced from us (thank you for that).

    We would love to hear from you if you end up getting more data to contradict the media reports on that study.

    On the map, I wish I had been able to take existing maps and merge all the information together, but without a spreadsheet of data, I won’t be able to do that. However, I am going to take a look at what has been reported to us and hopefully write a post next week.

    Thanks again for the shout-out!

  41. O.Y. says:

    Why was Critical Mass delayed by more than ten minutes last Friday? The word among the locals is that it was because of that convicted felon Alexandra Thompson, the newly refashioned LAPD booster who was assisting the police in recording the faces of the cyclists participating in the ride.

    Does the biking community have any opinion on what the LAPD was doing last Friday? Is it really appropriate for officers to use video cameras to record the faces of the riders? It made a lot of us in the crowd feel very uneasy. We were so taken aback, especially by the fact that LAPD delayed the ride just so their ex-con partner could take pictures.

    What will she use them for? Her “crime-fighting” blog that is just a front for her activities?

  42. Monet says:

    Living vicariously leaves me wanting for all things bicyclist related.

    Thank you for working for the greater good!

  43. Gil Solomon says:

    Re the video of Big Blue almost running you down. Do you ride with a recording device? I do now every day when i commute – a Cervellum HindSight which keeps a 5 minute loop and stops if you are hit or crash. Also thinking of putting a GoPro in the front on my helmet since the HindSight only records behind.

    Gil Solomon

  44. Louie says:

    I sent this link to your hotmail address but I’m not sure if it went through.

    • Louie says:

      Not the best light for cyclists to be seen in.

      • bikinginla says:

        I didn’t get the email, but thanks for leaving it here, as well. I agree, doesn’t put bicyclists in the best light. But I suppose there’s always going to be a few self-righteous jerks in a crowd of 100,000 plus.

        • bikinginla says:

          Glad you think so, Joe. By the way, you can hide behind a fake email address, but you can’t change your IP address, which identifies you as a Verizon DSL customer — and which can identify both you and your home address, if it comes to that.

          Now I repeat — don’t attempt to contact me again, whether directly or through my blog.

  45. Matt says:

    Hi bikinginla, sorry to post here but I can’t find an email address or contact form. Do you accept guest work? I’d like to write something for you on bike safety, I think the topic suits your blog perfectly. Let me know if it’s ok to send something over for consideration.

  46. Louie says:

    Hey Ted,

    Here’s some news from my neck of the woods. I’m honestly not sure whose side to take on this one.


  47. Wayne Gunn says:

    Update on Maija Heller, the USC professor injured on PCH at this site set up by her roommate: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/maijaheller/mystory She rides to USC daily from home near the accident site and started in early that day (and in the dark) to help load instruments for a two month trans-Pacific research cruise. Needless to say, she will be on a different journey- of recovery.

  48. S. Greene says:

    This is a great site. You should have a free “subscription” so that interested persons can get updates and you could collect a mailing list. Most of us are too busy to check into a site daily but if we get reminders that you’re there…we will. Just a suggestion.

  49. Bill King says:

    Is there no longer an email subscription? I understand if you prefer to get traffic to this site, but just wanted to make sure I’m not missing something.

    • bikinginla says:

      Actually, you just missed it. Scroll down beneath the Post Comment button on the comment form, and you’ll see a check box labeled “Notify me of new posts by email.”

      Just enter your email address and click that box, and it should work.

      • Bill King says:

        Duh. I wasn’t thinking. When I saw it I was thinking I would get your posts plus all people’s comments. But now it makes sense. Thanks! Keep up the good work!

  50. Ellen McKay says:

    Hi there

    I have a website related to healthy eating, nutrition and fitness and I am interested in buying a link on your site.

    Are you interested in something like this?

    If so, please let me know your price, etc

    By the way, nice site! 🙂

    Hope to hear from you.


  51. Waye Gunn says:

    You probably saw this but if not, I saw the article in Huff Post: texting AU driver who hit cyclist “I don’t care”

    my comment: What a piece of work. She got a fine and suspensions for 40+ texting violations. 20 years in prison with no cell phone might get her attention. Cyclist had a major spinal injury.


  52. Lois Rubin says:

    The OCTA is building a 63 mile off road bike loop and I didn’t even know about it. There’s a planning meeting for the public next week: http://www.socaltrailriders.org/forum/showthread.php?71144-O-C-Loop-Planning-Meeting

  53. john samulski says:

    riding south on PCH Saturday in Huntington Beach I saw aftermath of a cyclist run down by car on the northbound side,several fire trucks blocked traffic while emt look to be giving cpr, happened just south of Seapoint, CSI told me they took him to Hogues hospital. Wondering if anyone has heard details or the poor guys condition.

  54. Diana says:

    Great blog!

    Please sign me up so I receive your updates.

    Thank you.

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    Dear webmaster,

    I have visited your site and I think that the content could be of interested to our web site visitors. I am planning to place a link of your site on our site. I wonder if we both sites could join hands to achieve win-win cooperation.

    I represent one large dating site for bikers in the world. We have PR 5, alexa ranking 221,786. About 300, 000 registered users in our network, and hundreds of new members sign in our service each day.

    I wonder if you can add our small banner on your site. In return, we will link back to you and reward you $40 commission for each paid member you drive to us.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you!

    Best regards,

    Affiliate Manager
    5334 Yonge Street, Suite 141
    Toronto, Ontario M2N 6V1

      • cantalouped says:

        Ted you are just letting them keep the $2 per signup by leaving there link here without providing one where they have to pay you for registrations apparently without sales?

        MAKE NO MISTAKE! I am not saying promote there sight, just saying don’t do it for free, which is what you are now doing. Better yet setup your own networking site is what I would say as clearly GPS with crowd sourcing by speed etc. has a lot of potential.. Waze or whatever wise.

        Anyway I am here to comment for balance on technology with a local angle so standby for that! (unfortunately if you listen this comment may not have a parent to hang off of which is sad, perhaps you could just delete the link posted and leave the rest? Or substitute someone you know who is an affiliate’s link…..)


        [the above was written before I clicked the “return” link, which I did to confirm an error I made in thinking this robot that spammed you knew what biking was here… but my point stands- some of us have motorcycles as well and if this every flavor of person matching site engine does not have a human powered fool or not variant that would surprise me… in nearly two decades turns out they just have under a dozen, the older women younger men back in the day not worthy of it’s own site, no Cougar network tv show back then lol, so an actual bicycle site could be there dozenth someday lol but as they have a suggestion button already apparently not. I should of suggested an actual dating site for us but don’t know one yet!

  56. ghostryders says:

    Any updates on bike ryder in oJai??

  57. tdf65 says:

    Thank you for an excellent site. One small nit: Instead of posting race results (Tour, Giro, etc.), I suggest a descriptive note and a link to the outcome. Through the miracle of DVR, many of us don’t get to watch until the next day.

  58. Pedro Avalos says:

    Hi Ted,
    Also this coming Sunday November 6 is Sunday Funday with LACBC. Check out the website.

  59. Yanovsky Leonid says:

    Article Order on your site_111

    Hello , We are interested buying an article on your site bikinginla.com with a link leading to a gambling site. How much will that cost?

  60. Dot Wong says:

    Thanks for all you do!

  61. MICHAEL says:


    Just trying to show this individual’s wrong doings so others will know who they are, and to avoid them.

  62. Larry Kawalec says:

    Vision Zero has a long way to go with psychopaths like this behind the wheel


  63. Mayra Alferez says:

    Hi my name is Mayra Alferez I would like to share a post meanwhile you’re out of office to deal with your medical treatment. I live in garden grove right in front of where Jacob Ramirez was run down by a drunk driver along side his family. This has impacted everyone in the community and I’ve spoken to his mom Angie she is devastated as expected everyone is mourning this little angel so please let me know if I can write a post about him and an update on everything.

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