Archive for General

Move along, nothing to see here.

My apologies.

I had intended to post tomorrow after taking today off for a medical test. However, it did not go as well as I hoped, and I came home in far more pain than I went in. I’m taking a pain pill, and calling it a night.

I’ll see you next week.

Move along, nothing to see here — banged up arm edition

My apologies, once again.

Wednesday was a slow news day in the world of bikes, with barely enough to fill out the most meagre of posts.

And since I’m still dealing with a balky and badly banged up arm, I’ll take this as a sign to take the night off and ice up, before I make things any worse.

I’ll see you back here bright and early on Friday.

Move along, nothing to see here — giving up on the week edition

I give up.

After waking up the morning after my fall with extra added pain and stiffness, and a barely functional right arm, I’m giving up and shutting things down for the rest of the week.

Hopefully things will improve and I’ll be back next week.

Move along, nothing to see here — Emergency Room edition

No new post today.

I took a bad fall while walking yesterday, landing on my surgically repaired shoulder and banging my head against a concrete wall.

All of which led to a six hour stint in the emergency room from hell.

They tell me I’m okay, but I’m in a lot of pain and not up to working tonight. Hopefully I’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep, and we’ll be back tomorrow to catch up on what we missed.

And yes, I’m getting damn tired of this.

Move along, nothing to see here — end of the week edition

My apologies.

I am reluctantly throwing in the towel on Friday’s post. I was really hoping to make it through my first week back, but after trying, and failing, to write tonight, I’ve just got nothing left to give.

As usual, we’ll be back on Monday to catch up on what we missed. And hopefully by then my aching shoulder and I will both be rested and ready to work.

Moving along, nothing to see here — fixed shoulder edition

Just a quick update.

I was really hoping to be back by now. But my doctor tells me.a that, while my shoulder surgery was successful, they had to do a lot more work than they expected. And I haven’t bounced back the way I had planned.

So please accept my apologies. I’ll try to be back to our regular schedule next week.

Move along, nothing to see here — busted shoulder edition

My apologies.

I was hoping to post one last time before my shoulder surgery. But my surgery time was move up several hours, which means I should be sleeping already if I’m going to make it on time.

I’ll be out for most, if not all, of the month. But we should have a number of guest posts between now and then, so keep checking back. Or better yet, sign up for the email list over there on the right to ensure you won’t miss anything.

Stay safe out there, and ride with a smile on your face. And I’ll see you again in a few weeks.

Move along, nothing to see here — just too effing tired and sad edition

My apologies.

I ran out of time to write a new Morning Links for today, after spending my time last night writing about yet another tragic bicycling death instead.

And frankly, after writing about the needless loss of a loving 18-year old kid with a bright future, I just don’t have the heart for it.

We’ll be back tomorrow, as usual, to catch up on anything we missed the past couple days.

Move along, nothing to see here — running on empty edition

My apologies.

After caring for my wife, taking care of the dog, running errands, meeting with a radio producer, making dinner and doing dishes, along with tending to my own duties and injuries, I’ve got nothing left to give tonight.

So please excuse today’s absence. We’ll be back as usual tomorrow to catch up on everything we missed today.

Move along, nothing to see here – Just stop killing us, already edition.

My apologies.

I had every intention of posting a new Morning Links today after yesterday’s unexcused absence.

But after spending my night writing about two fallen bicyclists, in Oceanside and Cathedral City, there’s no time left for anything else — especially since I have to be up in a few hours to care for my wife’s broken shoulder. Not to mention my own banged up ribs and shoulder.

We’ll be back bright and early Monday to catch up on what we missed. And next week should go a little smoother.