Skip all the begging, pleading and groveling, and donate now via PayPal, or with Zelle to ted @ bikinginla.com.
Maybe you didn’t notice there’s no paywall here.
No subscription fee.
Not even a beg button asking for your hard-earned money.
Although maybe there should be.
Nothing to prevent you, or anyone else, from coming here as often as you want. Or keep you from sharing the information you find here with anyone you want.
That’s partly philosophical. I believe information wants to be free.
But more importantly, I think the information we present here is important, and needs to get out to as many people as possible.
And by we, I mean me and my corgi intern and chief fundraiser. And everyone who sends links and information to share with the rest of us.
And that’s where you come in.
Because while this site is free, creating it isn’t.
Our advertisers over there on the right cover about half the annual costs to keep this site up and running, and allow me to focus all my efforts on bringing you all the freshest bike news from around the world, and around the corner.
Along with ongoing advocacy efforts to make our streets more comfortable and inviting for everyone, and help keep you safe on the road.
But the simple fact is, I rely on you to make up that shortfall. Even though asking for money doesn’t come easy for me.
In most cases, I’d rather go without or find a way to scrape by rather than ask for help. I know we’re all struggling now, and you have problems of your own.
So this is the one time of year when I ask for your help.
Okay, beg.
The money you give now is what will keep me going for the coming year, and keep all the best news and advocacy flowing your way.
Not to mention keep that fuzzy intern in kibble.
I truly value and appreciate any help you can give, no matter how large or small. Because I know all too well how hard it is to give when you just don’t have it, and want to help anyway.
So just take a moment, and ask yourself what this site is worth to you.
Then give what you can. And don’t sweat if you can’t.
You don’t want to see me grovel.
Donate now via PayPal, or with Zelle to ted @ bikinginla.com.
Hi Ted,
I just made a Donation via Zelle! Happy Holidays, and Thank you for all you do to advocate for Bicycle Safety!
God bless!
Go, Go USA!!!
Warm regards,
Thank you, Lionel. I really appreciate the help!