Cut off — and flipped off — in DTLA

Last night took me to a meeting of the LACBC’s Civic Engagement Committee in Downtown LA.

And nearly into the rear end of a delivery driver who cut me off by swerving from the left lane to the curb with no warning.

Then he flipped me off before driving away.

But rude and dangerous bicyclists are the problem, right?


  1. Scott says:

    So glad you are OK. Too common in DTLA… Later that evening, the green paint marking the bike lane on Spring Street was removed. I am so disappointed but will await final judgement until I see the darker green stripes that are supposed to be the replacement.

  2. John says:

    It looks like you should have the license plate and the company he works for. If its a franchise contact corporate headquarters and see what happens.

  3. D. D. Syrdal says:

    I have seen so many people doing that lately, it’s like no one thinks about where they’re going before they get on the road. Stupid, stupid people. Glad you were able to stop in time.

  4. C.C. says:

    I had a woman on Los Angeles street do the same thing to me, she had me pinned between her car and a parked car. She just pulled over without looking.

  5. ValleyBall1 says:

    As an ex-Muay Thai fighter, I look forward to the day someone pulls something ridiculously stupid on me; while I don’t condone violence, you also have to protect yourself (if it comes to that).

  6. Opus the Poet says:

    Does the raw video have enough resolution to read the license plate? If so you now have sufficient evidence to use the anti-harassment law you have in LA. Go Get ‘Em!

    • bikinginla says:

      Unfortunately, the low light didn’t allow me to capture the license clearly enough to read. I’ve captured stills from the video and used Photoshop to isolate, enlarge and sharpen the image, but still can’t get anything clear enough to read.

  7. John says:

    Send them to the LA Bites Customer Service dept. They may take action and its only an e-mail. Shouldn’t be to hard to figure out which driver this was based on who was making a delivery in that area.

  8. John says:

    While you may not get good resolution on the license plate. I’d say you got a good image of the drivers face.

  9. ValleyBall1 says:

    Email LA Bites and let us know what they say! I use that service a lot and hope they respond accordingly.

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