Here’s the latest update on the unannounced closure of the Orange Line bike path.
Reader danger d maps the closed portion of the path, indicating that only the area near Woodley Ave is actually fenced off, although several blocks leading up to it are marked with detour signs.

Red marks fenced off area, orange is marked with detour signs, and green denotes the detour route around the construction zone
Meanwhile, he keeps getting bounced from one agency to another in his attempts to determine who’s responsible for the closure, and why.
The county denied having anything to do with it, and referred him to the City of LA; he’s still waiting for a response from the LADOT Bikeways Section.
Despite the recent controversy over the Rowena road diet, the street remains dangerous, as a pedestrian was struck trying to cross the street Sunday night.
As we mentioned on Monday, trial began on Tuesday in the murder case against Neil Storm Stephany for the DUI hit-and-run death of cyclist Shaun Eagleson in Newport Beach last year.
Stephany’s defense attorney actually claimed his client was so high on a combination of heroin and two anti-addiction drugs than he had no idea he’d hit a human being.
Evidently, being so stoned that he didn’t have a clue what the hell he was doing behind the wheel is supposed to absolve him of any responsibility.
The seemingly endless helmet debate rages on, as the Wall Street Journal asks if helmet laws do more harm than good, while the Guardian compares lessons on the subject from Seattle and Amsterdam.
Meanwhile, a Seattle writer says scrapping the city’s helmet law could improve bike safety.
But at least police in this country don’t usually assault cyclists for not wearing a helmet, then falsely accuse them of assaulting an officer.
And a Seattle writer says he’s seen the largely helmet-free future bike activists are trying to build, and we’re going to hate it
The date has been announced for this year’s edition of Feel My Legs, I’m a Racer.
The oddly named event takes riders up 10 of LA’s steepest hills, and is recognized by those in the know as one of the nation’s toughest hill climb events.
If you think you’re up for the challenge, mark your calendar for November 8th at Sunset Triangle Plaza. And leave your entry fee and attitude at home.
The Orange County Bicycle Coalition is hosting a Cycling Savvy: Safe and Legal Cycling class this Friday from 6 to 9 pm, and Saturday from 8 am to 3 pm at Jax Bicycle Center in Irvine; cost is $75 for the course.
Two hundred injured vets will set off from Palo Alto this Saturday on their way to the Los Angeles VA Medical Center in Westwood on the UnitedHealthcare Ride 2 Recovery California Challenge.
Westwood officials propose turning the northern end of Broxton Ave into a pedestrian plaza. It’s a small step in the right direction; what’s really needed to revive the dying district is to do the same with Westwood Blvd through the Village. That’s not likely while Paul Koretz is the area’s councilmember, though, since he’s promised local businesses that he won’t even allow bike lanes on the street that could bring them more customers.
CiclaValley reports Mulholland Drive will be closed west of Beverly Glen for construction of a water project this weekend from 8 am to 5 pm, Friday through Sunday.
If you don’t want to ride your bike at Sunday’s CicLAvia, you can always WalkLAvia.
Get ready for CicLAvia with a free bike safety check and adjustments at the Burbank Farmer’s Market this Saturday, courtesy of LACBC neighborhood chapter Walk Bike Burbank.
South Pasadena Police will also be offering free bike safety checks at a bike rodeo on Saturday.
Streaming service Hulu is the new title sponsor for the Santa Monica Breeze bikeshare system.
Long Beach police receive a $340,000 grant to combat an “alarming” increase in pedestrian and bicycle fatalities, as well as distracted and drug-impaired driving.
Long Beach bike advocate Brian Addison will be honored with Calbike’s inaugural Bicycle Dreamer Award on November 2nd. Brian was one of the most consistently reliable and insightful writers when I was guest editing Streetsblog LA.
Those electric skateboards and hoverboards that zoom past you in the bike lane will now be doing so legally.
A Huntington Beach bike rider was critically injured when a driver suddenly veered into a bike lane on Warner Ave, striking the cyclist.
SoCal Cross’ annual Spookycross Weekend moves down to Santiago Canyon in Orange County on the 24th and 25th.
Oakland considers installing a road diet and bike lanes to improve safety for bike riders on one of the city’s most popular and dangerous streets for cyclists.
Sad news from Stockton, as an 82-year old bike rider was killed in a collision.
After answering an online ad, Santa Rosa police bust a bike thief and recover an $8,000 Specialized.
People for Bikes reports that not every pro football player drives a massive SUV or high-powered sports car to work; at least one even rides a single speed.
Bicycling offers seven tips that you may be overdoing it. In my case, it was when riding a bike stopped being fun and started to feel like an addiction.
Treehugger says it’s time to stop blaming cyclists for ignoring stop signs, and make our roads work for everyone, instead.
The Path Less Pedaled wants your help in passing out some “do good” bike merit badges.
A federal judge rules a pair of Seattle-area cops can be tried for tasering a non-resisting black bike rider.
Salt Lake City’s new protected bike lanes are already boosting bike ridership and have the support of local businesses.
More proof cyclists are tough: A Lawrence KS man apparently rode his bike to the hospital after he suffered serious injuries in a stabbing.
Nice story about Oklahoma City’s unexpected attempt to redesign itself around people rather than cars, after being named one of America’s most obese cities.
Not something you see everyday, as a Dallas cyclist stumbled on a former college football star hacking a jogger to death with a machete.
A Chicago writer says unequal distribution of protected bike lanes and bikeshare stations are dividing the city into the rich and the poor. Which is exactly what it’s been for at least the last 50 or 60 years.
A British cyclist compares riding in New York and London, after getting hooked on bicycling in an unnamed SoCal college town.
Fifty representatives of the fresh produce industry will ride 300 miles from North Carolina to Atlanta to raise money for school salad bars.
A new product promises to make you more aero by putting a hump on your back. By that standard, the Hunchback of Notre Dame could have won the Tour de France if they’d just invented the bike a little sooner.
Two Polish brothers are attempting to bike the full length of the Amazon River, starting at the headwaters at Mount Mismi, Peru. Speaking of Peru, Lima will build an elevated boardwalk to give bike riders and pedestrians access to the beach.
Caught on video: A British Columbia bike rider gets doored by a car passenger when the driver fails to pull over to the right before letting her out.
Halifax, Nova Scotia police don’t seem to get it, as they blame a cyclist for apparently getting right hooked by a propane truck. But at least they’re ticketing drivers who park in a bike lane.
British police repeat the warning that social media apps may be responsible for an increase in high-end bike thefts.
Probably not the best idea to kick a car and slam your bike into it, like a Brit bicyclist did after a collision.
A Bollywood star says she got her bikini body for her latest film by riding a bike on location.
A 13-year old Israeli boy was stabbed as he rode his bike through East Jerusalem.
If you need a reason not to participate in Australia’s Ride2Work Day, getting your bike stolen is one of the best. Especially if it’s a custom-made bike worth the equivalent of $16,000 US.
An Aussie website says more people will bike when everyone accepts cyclists’ right to the road.
Eight lessons in letting go and having fun from a British adventurer who rode around the world, as he discusses his journey through Asia.
Of all the things that can make you fall off your bike, stumbling onto Miss Bikini Ireland doing a topless photo shoot for breast cancer awareness is one of the better ones. Apparently bus bike racks aren’t just a place to store your ride, they also make a dandy perch for short fare-free ride.
And it’s not his fault if your bike-riding nephew jumps off his new bike to give you a hug, and breaks your wrist in the process. But it is your fault if you’re jerk enough to sue him for it.
The link for Feel My Legs is for 2014 and my time machine is broken. HELP!
No time machine needed; the first link is for this year’s challenge, the second is your virtual time machine, taking you back through the history of the race.
Thank you. I hate it when my brain falls out.
Getting something fixed on the Orangeline is truly a clusterfuck
Outside of fence – bike path landscape/maintenance/trash removal (LADOT)
Inside of fence – busway landscape maintenance/trash removal (METRO)
Graffiti on bike path/non-Metro poles and walls EAST of 405 Fwy (CITY)
Graffiti on bike path/non-Metro poles and walls WEST of 405 Fwy (CITY)
Graffiti on Metro soundwall & busway appurtenances (METRO)
This above was sent to me by Karen Kern a Metro C.R. person who basically told me if it’s not under their jurisdiction they don’t forward it on to the right agency. Don’t you just love it that government agency don’t talk to each others!
Then you have the police;
– Metro police handles only things that are inside the buseway and they really get annoyed when ask them to help out with the homeless issue. They say they don’t have the man power or the time but they do have time to sit in the patrol car on their phones along the numerous niches inside the busway.
– LAPD I’ve had better luck communicating with especially through Srgt Artee Panghongkeow
Btw, there’s no need to do the detour IF you don’t mind riding on on Victory w/ traffic for a 100yrds going east bound. West bound there’s a 3ft wide dirt path which I take. Also the taggers are out in full force, I give it another week or so and you may not know it’s blue.
One last thing the LADOT bikeways phone #213-972-4969 is absolutely worthless, I have never had someone call me back never!
Video of the Orangeline Closure Area;
I don’t get it, being high is what made the driver responsible for the wreck in the first place so how can you be “too high”? “I consumed something that made it illegal for me to drive, but I took so much that I was legal again.” It doesn’t work that way. (curse word removed to preserve PG13 site rating).