This is what it looks like when an LA Metro bus passes way too close, in violation of the three-foot passing law.
And common sense.
Thanks to Don Ward and Carlos Morales for the heads-up.
Speaking of Metro, you may recall last week Michael MacDonald wrote a guest post about being told by a sheriff’s deputy to get out of the Wilshire Blvd Bus-Only Lane.
Even though he was directly under a sign reading “Bikes Okay.”
On Friday, MacDonald, along with the BAC’s David Wolfberg, met with Metro head of security Alex Wiggins.
Suffice it to say it did not go well.
We hope to have a follow-up from MacDonald about his meeting, once he has time to think the matter over.
Frequent contributor and unofficial BikinginLA proofreader Mike Wilkinson says he just happened to stop into his local Performance bike shop over the weekend, only to discover LACBC volunteers getting ready for next Sunday’s LA River Ride.
Volunteers from the Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition were at Performance Bicycle in Long Beach yesterday signing up riders for Sunday’s 16th Annual Los Angeles River Ride. The event will feature rides from two miles to 100 miles that are meant to be enjoyed by every type of rider. The ride benefits the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition. Online sign ups are available through Wednesday, and there is more information on the LACBC website.

Adrian Oviedo and Sandy Brambila pose with the LACBC River Ride logo at Performance Bike in Long Beach
Meanwhile, CiclaValley looks forward to the River Ride.
Bike lawyer Bob Mionske points out the real reason you need to wear a helmet: defense lawyers will use it against you if you get hit by a car and don’t have one on your head.
And Ohio Bike Lawyer Steve Magas offers an improvement to the useless and too-often misunderstood Share the Road signs.
A driver’s training school forwards advice for young cyclists and drivers on how to safely share the road.
Muhammad Ali may not have been The Greatest if someone hadn’t stolen his bicycle when he was 12 years old.
The LA Weekly asks if the City of Angels can really reduce the number of traffic deaths to zero, in a surprising fair report.
Richard Risemberg looks at LA’s non-network of disconnected bikeways.
A complication that could hold up the completion of the LA River bike path — and restoring the river itself — is the 400 parcels of river channel controlled by individual owners.
We already knew the former governator was one of us, as he takes a helmet-less spin in LA. So are Liev Schreiber and sons on the other coast.
Burbank residents suggest a bike lane would help beautify a sound wall along the 5 Freeway.
Santa Monica is revamping the beachfront parking lot at Ocean and Hollister Aves to reduce conflicts between cyclists, pedestrians and motorists.
The Daily Pilot gives a brief mention of Saturday’s memorial for eight-year old Brock McCann, who was killed by a garbage truck while riding his bike in Newport Beach last month.
The OC Register’s David Whiting looks at the ongoing conflict between mountain bikers, hikers and horse riders. Which could be solved with just a little courtesy and consideration on everyone’s part.
Napa is experimenting with roundabouts leading to the downtown area, though local cyclists aren’t too sure about the idea. Meanwhile, the victim of Friday’s fatal bicycling collision has been identified as a Napa bike commuter and advocate.
Not surprisingly, the hit-and-run driver who intentionally ran down three bike riders to culminate a Sacramento-area crime spree has pled not guilty by reason of insanity. As if a rational person would run down three innocent people just for the hell of it.
A website for Millennials offers five ways to reduce stress on your bicycle commute. Which actually make pretty good sense for a change.
USA Cycling dumps a British anti-doping expert after he calls for a re-examination EPO, asking why some substances are banned while others aren’t.
A Denver TV station breaks the shocking news that some bike riders break the law. Unlike, say, most motorists.
A group of fathers is riding 1,500 miles from Boston to Chicago by way of Baltimore to support fatherhood and raise funds for organizations that support parenting. Thanks to Megan Lynch for the link.
There’s a special place in hell for whoever stole the ghost bike for a highly decorated former Navel Seal who was killed while riding in Maryland last year.
A Louisiana legislator says drivers in his district shouldn’t be punished for hitting someone on a bicycle if they insist on playing in the street.
Canadian cycling champ Jocelyn Lovell has passed away at age 65, 33 years after a training collision that left him a quadriplegic.
If you build it, they will come. Bicycles now outnumber cars on two of London’s new bicycle superhighway corridors, with up to 1,200 riders per hour.
Seriously? After a British cyclist is clipped by a passing car, the local press responds by asking if bicyclists should stay off the roads. Sounds like they’ve been talking with a certain Louisiana politician.
A mountain biker in the UK was saved from a near-fatal heart attack because during a race because the riders behind him just happened to be medical resuscitation specialists.
A record 150 people from eight countries will take part a 55-mile ride from Poland’s Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp to the Jewish community center in Krakow to commemorate the Holocaust.
Touching story, as an elderly Chinese woman was killed falling off her bike, and the eight stray dogs she had taken in surrounded her body to guard her for over six hours.
Your next bike could have a belt drive and no seat tube — or Chinese Lacquer and no seat tube. If you’re going to pull a gun on someone who asks for his friend’s stolen bike back, get rid of the evidence. And the meth.
And if you’re going to steal a bicycle, at least put some damn pants on.
That link asking if bikes should be banned has been completely reversed after some rather pointed comments left by readers.
Video from MadSasquatch, who previously caught that cell phone rider on the sandy curves @ Venice and his own hospital visit after getting clipped. Hospital PSA:
Ah, what’s old is new again. No seat tube, sounds like the ‘soft ride’ beam. Like the look but it would be nice to have period fenders and an electric version.