No new post today

My apologies once again.

I’ve struggled to keep up with this site while my wife remains in the hospital long after we expected her be home, due to complications from her surgery. Today’s test results will determine whether she needs another operation, which would mean at least another week in the hospital.

Tonight it caught up with me, falling asleep mid-sentence almost as soon as I sat down to write.

I’ll do my best to be back tomorrow, and catch up on anything we missed today.

Meanwhile, thanks to J Patrick L, Michael Y, Jeffrey F, Mark J, and Joel S for their generous donations to the BikinginLA Holiday Fund Drive. And a belated thanks to Robs M for being the first to donate using Zelle, which I somehow missed until today.

I can’t begin to tell you what that support means to me right now.



  1. Biked says:

    Since you are too worn out for those reading only comments or most salacious links your family has a most extreme medical disaster that rather obviously threatens your work for us beyond your own precarious health.

    Your in the hospital long enough for multiple crowd fund seekers to come and go, but have not sought charity to help with higher costs or much less income.

    I do hope the generousity this year exceeds all past combined and that as just that might be insufficient you get good news today, and all needed suppport.

    You make your work seem easy perhaps, but give to us instead of sell to highest bidder, paying forward, for biking, now possibly short. Do tell us before obligating your life elsewhere what keeping you on this mission of choice will take.

  2. Peter says:

    Sorry to hear about your wife. Hope all is well. Sounds like you need a break so you can support her. Not sure why you should apologize. Please take care!

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