Let’s start by catching up on a few events we haven’t mentioned yet.
The LACBC is hosting a pre-St. Patrick’s Day ride through DTLA at noon today.
Pure Cycles is sponsoring a happy hour ride this evening through Griffith Park and ending with beer.
LA Streetsblog is celebrating their 10th Anniversary at the El Paseo Inn on Olvera Street this Wednesday.
LA County Supervisor Hilda Solis is hosting a Rosemead Blvd Complete Street Community Tour on April 7th to explore the changes coming to the boulevard.
Speaking of events, Streetsblog’s Joe Linton attended Wednesday’s Open House for the Venice Blvd Great Streets project, and reported that results are inconclusive at the six month mark.
The project removed a single lane of traffic in each direction, while implementing parking-protected bike lanes and other safety improvements. And resulted in the expected howls of complaints from the Westside’s entitled drivers and traffic safety deniers.
The results so far show that while it hasn’t been the disaster the opponents have claimed, it hasn’t been a rousing success, either. According to Linton, “Overall crashes, injuries, travel times, and even speeding show very little change.”
However, it’s just halfway through the one-year pilot project, so things may continue to improve as people get used to the changes.
Meanwhile, a video from Los Angeles Forward suggests the project may be succeeding in its original goal of creating a small town downtown atmosphere in the long-neglected community.
The case against the Burbank man charged with violating the ban on bicycles on the Mariposa Bridge comes to trial at the Burbank Courthouse on March 28th.
He accuses the equestrians who pushed through the ban of being bullies, while insisting there has never been a case of a bike involved in an accident with a horse in the bridge’s 80-year history.
Glendale/Burbank state Assemblymember Laura Friedman explains the reasoning behind her bill AB2363, which would give cities more control over how they set speed limits.
Curbed looks at Pasadena’s threat to pull out of the Metro Bike bike share program.
Long Beach is expanding their own bikeshare program into the northern part of the city, approving the purchase of 500 more bikes.
A San Diego Op-Ed says adjusting to dockless bikeshare is a necessary step to increasing transportation options in the city.
A Del Mar street project will improve access and safety for bike riders and pedestrians in the southern part of the city.
Honolulu plans to sacrifice 70 parking spaces to build protected bike lanes. Unlike Los Angeles, no one appears to be going berserk over the lost car storage.
Bullhead City AZ is running a billboard campaign to call attention to the state’s three-foot passing law.
Unlike Honolulu, Aspen CO city leaders caved on plans to remove just 15 parking spaces to make room for bike lanes.
Fort Worth TX bike riders are getting physically protected bike lanes. Those planters prove you can beautify the street and improve safety at the same time.
A New Jersey cop is facing multiple charges for hitting a bicyclist with his patrol car while on duty, then trying to cover it up by giving the victim cash and buying him a new bike.
A New York man is creating a new data point by using traffic cameras and his computer to track how often bike lanes are blocked.
A solution to bike theft and expensive bike hubs could be in the offing, as a New Yorker has designed a modular bike-storage kiosk that can be placed anywhere at minimal expense.
This is why people continue to die on our streets. Fifty New Yorkers have amassed over 45 speeding and red light camera violations each, yet continue to drive, and pay just $50 per ticket. One driver received 65 tickets in just 19 months.
Plans for a bike and pedestrian bridge over a Charleston SC river were derailed when the application for a federal grant was denied; the local paper says demand for the bridge is high, so the city should find the money and build it anyway.
Atlanta has doubled its bikeway mileage in six years.
An ebike allows a Georgia man to keep riding after he suffered a heart attack.
Forbes discusses how to use Apple Maps’ new bikeshare data to find a bike to rent in countries around the world.
He gets it. An Edmonton, Canada city councilor says bike lanes are as much about economic development as they are transportation.
Nearly 10,000 people have complained about plans to ban bikes from a busy British highway.
Caught on video: A bike rider in the UK was seriously injured when a driver fell asleep at the wheel and slammed into him head-on; the dozing driver was sentenced to a year behind bars. Before you click on the link, make sure you really want to see something like that, because you can’t unsee it.
Caught on video too: A truck driver left the country to avoid justice for clipping a British bike rider.
South African police have recovered the bicycle and cellphone of a man who was stabbed to death in a robbery attempt while riding earlier this week; three men have been arrested for the crime.
An Aussie researcher says cities have to improve safety for slow cyclists who have to ride bikes for their jobs.
Your next bike seat could be more hole than seat. And learning how to ride a bike is hard if you faint during your first class.
“The case against the Burbank man charged with violating the ban on bicycles on the Mariposa Bridge comes to trial at the Burbank Courthouse on March 28th.”
I really appreciate his efforts, but I’m pretty sure he’s going to lose in court. It’s a stupid law, but unless the court somehow finds the law is unconstitutional, I guess he’ll be found guilty of breaking that law.
I hope I’m wrong!