News is just breaking that a bike rider was killed in LA’s North Hills neighborhood Friday night.
According to KABC-7, the victim was struck by two cars around 8:30 pm at Rayen Street and Woodley Ave in North Hills; the first driver stayed at the scene, while the second reportedly abandoned his car and ran away.
The victim died after being taken to a local hospital.
In a story that hasn’t been posted online yet, KNBC-4 reports the victim was knocked off his or her bike by the first driver before getting hit by the second, who fled on foot.
Judging by the bike lanes visible in the video, the crash appears to have occurred on Woodley Ave just south of Rayen. Video from the scene shows the victim’s mangled bicycle resting on the center yellow line, with the abandoned car blocking both southbound lanes.
No other details or description of the victim are available at this time.
This is at least the 60th bicycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the 26th that I’m aware of in Los Angeles County; it’s also 12th bicyclist killed in the City of Los Angeles this year.
Update: The LA Daily News describes the victim as a 56-year old man.
According to the paper, the victim was attempting to turn left onto southbound Woodley against the light when he was struck by a southbound 21-year old driver in a Lexus.
That was confirmed by a witness who left a comment below.
The Lexus driver was attempting to make a U-turn to get back to the victim when the bike rider was run over by the second driver, who fled the scene in his or her car — not on foot as originally reported. Again, that’s confirmed by the commenter below.
The suspect vehicle is described only as a black sedan.
A ghost bike will be placed at the scene Monday night.
Anyone with information is urged to call the LAPD Valley Traffic Division at 818/644-8000.
Update 2: The LA County Medical Examiner has identified the victim as 56-year old Joel Fisher.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for Joel Fisher and his loved ones.
We lift up the family and friends of the victim in our prayers.
I watched this happen and would like to correct a couple things.
The cyclist was running a red light, they weren’t in a bike lane. The driver of the 2nd car didnt flee on foot, they drove off.
The car seen in the footage is of the first car that initially clipped the cyclist. He stayed and was cooperative.