In yet more fallout from the NTSB’s ill-considered call for mandatory bike helmets, a Fresno paper questions whether they’re really needed for adults.
That’s despite living in what they say is one of the nation’s most deadly cities for bike riders.
Meanwhile, executive director of the Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition says “The problem isn’t that we don’t wear helmets, it’s that we’re forced to share space with much faster vehicles.”
Photo by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay.
Phil Gaimon’s Phil’s Fondo brought out hundreds of bicyclists to ride the Santa Monica Mountains, along with one miniature bulldog who hitched a ride in his owner’s backpack.
Santa Monica is considering getting rid the docks for its Breeze bikeshare, replacing the current system with dockless ebikes.
Bike Mag says San Diego’s mountain bike scene is finally on the rise. Or maybe they’re just discovering it.
No bias here. A writer for a San Diego paper calls e-scooters today’s Pet Rock — and simultaneously a plaything for 30-somethings, a toy best suited for children, and what’s keeping Millennials from walking.
That’s more like it. San Francisco plans to address the need for more bike and scooter parking by installing 100 new bike racks every month for the foreseeable future.
A Bay Area bike advocate says the new protected bike and pedestrian lane on the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge may not draw a lot of regular use, but it’s a better transportation policy than adding another motor vehicle lane.
Sacramento is done handing out warnings, and ready to crackdown on scofflaw bikeshare and scooter riders.
Presidential candidate and former VP Joe Biden offers a $1 trillion transportation plan that keeps America addicted to motor vehicles.
Good question. A science writer says she cares about climate change, so why does she still drive an SUV?
A Kansas paper totally misses the point, after woman followed a man in her car before trying to run him down as he jumped off just in time, then chased him across the parking lot with it. But the local paper only says she hit a bike ridden by a man. Note to Salina Journal — the past tense of ride is rode, not road.
This is why people keep dying on our streets. A Chicago woman only faces a trio of misdemeanor charges for killing a man riding a bike, despite driving with a suspended license.
A former Minnesota Ford plant will be redeveloped as a low-income housing community, with an emphasis on getting around by bicycling, walking and transit.
Bighearted Kentucky residents pitched in to buy a new bicycle for a 62-year old local celebrity after his was mangled when he was hit by a motorist; the man is known for riding his bike around town and waving as he goes by.
New York police are looking for a group of men who surrounded a delivery rider, striking him in the head before making off with his ebike.
The Virginia Tech student newspaper says trading a car for a bicycle could be one of the best decisions students could make during their time on campus.
Kindhearted Virginia race organizers buy a new handcycle for a man who lost both legs due to complications from diabetes.
Police say the Florida bike rider who was run down by a hit-and-run driver in a crosswalk after rolling a stop wasn’t at fault, because regardless of any other factors, drivers are required to stop for anyone in a crosswalk — including people on bikes.
A new European study shows that bicycling just 20 minutes is enough to ward off heart disease in people over 60.
The Sun says a “shocking” study shows 20% of British men can’t ride a bike. Which really just means a full 80% can, which is pretty damn good.
The founder of London’s Black Cycling Network says he was stopped and frisked by a cop who swore he could smell weed on him.
Four women take a video boat and mountain tour of Norway and Sweden.
Modern Family star Ariel Winter is one of us, posing with a bicycle in front of an Amsterdam canal. There’s just something about a bicycle that makes anyone look good. Although it helps if you already look good without one, too.
Uber is preparing to make the big jump to Rome with their dockless Jump ebikes, hoping that Romans won’t trash them like they have every other bikeshare system that dared besmirch the city’s streets.
A Romanian bicycle factory promises to be the biggest in Europe, producing 1.5 million bikes a year.
A pair of Indian parliament members arrive by bike for the current session.
Competitive Cycling
UCI is making plans for an annual, cross-discipline world championships that would award titles in virtually every form of cycling over a two-week period.
If you’re trying to escape the cops on a stolen bike, try to keep it upright. Seriously, it’s not that hard — even a dog can do it.
And how many times do we have to say it? If you’re already on probation and riding your bike carrying a concealed weapon after dark, put a damn light on it.
The bike, not the gun.
On a personal note, we’re once more hearing the pitter patter of corgi feet around our apartment. We’re fostering a ten-year old corgi for the next few months while his owner is in rehab.
This is Bowser — that’s really his name — sleeping off the trauma of what his owner claims was his first ever bath.
And yes, he smelled like it.
Thank you for taking care of Bowser! I’m sure he’ll take care of you, too, until it’s time for him to reunite with his owner.
Thanks, we’re enjoying his company, and seeing that famous corgi smile slowly return.