Donate now via PayPal, or with Zelle to ted @ bikinginla.com.
Welcome to the 6th Annual BikinginLA Holiday Fund Drive.
Think of it as sort of like a pledge drive for your favorite public radio station. Except we don’t take away the reason you came here while we ask for your money.
Or maybe plead is a better word this year.
Like a lot of people, we’re hurting this year, emotionally and financially, after my wife’s job disappeared along with the company she worked for during the first Covid-19 lockdown. And we’re facing an even bigger cliff when her health insurance disappears along with her job at the end of the year.
Good times.
But those are my problems. You’ve undoubtedly got your own right now.
Which is why I’m not asking for your help if you’re struggling, too. If you can’t afford it, don’t sweat it. Just coming here to read this site means more than I can ever begin to tell you.
But if you’ve to a few extra bucks lying around, keep reading.
Because running this site is a more than full-time job, for a lot less than minimum wage. And while I truly appreciate each of our sponsors, their support, as valuable as it is, doesn’t begin to cover what’s needed to keep this site going.
I count on whatever comes in during the annual fund drive to tide me over until those sponsors renew in the spring.
If they do in the middle of this pandemic, which could be in doubt, just like everything else right now.
But that’s where you come in.
Your support helps fill in that gaping gap, and allows me to devote my working hours to bringing you all the latest bike news, from around the corner and around the world.
And devote whatever time I have left in this world to helping make it a safer place for people on bicycles, and a more livable world for all of us.
Because we can’t fix the problems we all face if we don’t know what they are. And our elected leaders can’t hide the truths we shine a light on.
So please, give what you can, or what you want.
But give something if you can.
You can contribute with just a few clicks by using PayPal. Or by using the using the Zelle feature that came with the banking app already on your phone; just send your contribution to ted @ bikinginla.com (after removing the spaces, of course).
As always, any donation, in any amount, is truly and deeply appreciated. And will help keep all the best bike news coming your way every day.
Thanks to Arthur B and Eric L for their generous contributions before this fund drive even began.
And a special thanks to Todd Rowell, who came up with the idea for this fund drive in the first place.
Finally, say hi to the new corgi puppy, as she takes a break from training to be a diabetic service dog to make her debut as official spokesdog for the Holiday Fund Drive!
Hi Ted,
I love your blog. It’s informative (great stories), uplifting (people giving bikes to victims) and sobering (fatalities) all at the same time.
Keep up the great work and best wishes for a Happy & Healthy Holiday!
Here’s a little something to express my gratitude for your hard work all year long!
Thank you. I can’t begin to tell you how much that means to me. And all the best of the holiday season to you, Diana.