Move along, nothing to see here — ER edition

Well, that was fun.

Just hours after posting on here that I didn’t know how I was going to make it through the coming months, I found out when I found myself in the back of an ambulance hauling ass down Sunset Blvd.

As best as we’ve managed to put things together, I apparently suffered a sudden, extreme drop in blood pressure when I get up to use the bathroom, which dropped me down with it.

When my wife couldn’t rouse me, she called 911, and I spent the better part of yesterday morning in the emergency room.

They sent me home late in the day when a series of X-rays and CAT scans came up negative, concluding that nothing was broken, and my brain had managed to survive a sudden conversation with the floor.

Although I do have excruciating pain in my right ribs, and may have done further damage to my already torn rotator cuff.

Good times.

As for the sudden drop in blood pressure, the ER doc said it’s just one of those things.

Because of that pain, and the difficulty I’ve had just writing this, I won’t be posting a Morning Links update today. And I’m not even going to bother editing this, so if there’s some major screwup here, so be it.

As for next week, it depends on how I bounce back over the weekend, so stay tuned.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go to bed and whimper myself to sleep.


  1. I can relate, I had a similar experience last November, except what brought me down was bradycardia when my heart rate dropped into the very low 40s and at times below 40 (in the hospital). I finally got a MRI so they found the brain damage from my 2001 wreck and suspected TBI. Parkland didn’t have a MRI when I got hit or even a CAT scanner. Now they have both, but about 22 years too late for me.

    Glad that you’re still among the living.

  2. Andy Stow says:

    Get well soon!

  3. David says:

    Feel better!

  4. Herb Stern says:

    Hope you are OK. As an 80+ geezer, I can relate.
    On another note, our pup is half Corgi. Her little
    tail really gets a workout.

  5. Greg Greene says:

    Oof! Rest up, hope you mend fully and swiftly.

  6. Nina Moskol says:

    Hang in there, Ted!
    Wishing you all the best!

  7. dangerd says:

    Sorry to hear that. Try to take it easy. Get well soon! Maybe instead of writing you can read instead! I wrote a short CicLAvia piece here:

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