Gary offers a great in-depth analysis of the failure of most signal lights to detect bicycles, along with techniques that may help— while suggesting the ultimate solution may lay in legal action.
Streetsblog asks why cyclists are included in the state’s new distracted driving law; a writer for the SF Gate wonders why biking advocates had such a knee-jerk reaction. Will Campbell gives a well-deserved gesture to an impatient driver; no, not the one you think. Metro is looking for volunteers for the Orange Line bike study, now rescheduled for March 24 and 27. Damien Newton says this will be a busy Saturday for cyclists. A cyclist says the new Long Beach Bikeway Route 1 is well marked, but could be a rough ride.
The Arizona DOT shows class when they damage a ghost bike while trying to move it, then take it back to their shop for repairs before reinstalling it. Orlando cyclists demonstrate how to ride as a group in heavy traffic, including how to take and hold the lane at rush hour. A driver gets her license back less than two years after killing a cyclist, saying she’ll never get over it. A $5 million lawsuit has been filed in the case of Baltimore rider police blamed by police for his own right-hook death. A lawsuit has also been filed in the death of a Kansas rider who died after hitting a pothole left by faulty road work; meanwhile, police say it’s just an accident when a teenage cyclist is hit by a driver who says the sun was in his eyes. Even standard bike lanes may be too narrow to shepherd your kids. Former framebuilder Dave Moulton discusses the history of cycling; amazingly, he’s been involved in one way or another for nearly half of the bike’s history. Last November, Minneapolis restriped a street, adding bike lanes in a road diet; now the stripes have somehow gone missing. An Olympic gold medalist describes harassment on the road of Idaho. Test riding Trek’s new electric-assist bike. Instead of flipping off rude drivers, hand them a letter saying how they made you feel. An urban designer offers suggestions to decrease congestion by making driving more expensive and difficult, while normalizing walking and biking.
Advice on how to create your own bike routes from the author of a book on 25 London cycling routes, courtesy of the always great Cyclelicious. The UK’s bike-riding celebs cross Great Britain from end to end — or in this case, Lands End — in 82 hours. Shades of the Backbone Bikeway Network, as London cyclists design their own bikeway system. East London robbers break a cyclist’s jaw to steal his bike and cell phone. York cyclists get a new bike hub in an unused power substation. A South African driver who killed one cyclist and critically injured another, then removed one of the bikes from underneath his vehicle before driving off, is sentenced to two years. The Australian police officers accused of an Israeli hit-and-run deny striking anyone. A Windsor, Ontario cyclist faces rude drivers while riding through the snow; while an Ottawa, Ontario driver is sentenced to a whole 21 days — weekends only — after striking a cyclist while driving with a suspended license. The Director of the Icelandic Cycling Foundation insists cycling is no more dangerous than driving.
Finally, when an Oregon cyclist is found unconscious on the side of the road with injuries consistent with a collision, police assume hit-and-run and call in the LifeFlight helicopter. Turns out, he was just drunk.