The hit-and-run driver who left Roadblock lying injured in the street pleads no contest and receives a slap on the wrist — and gets to keep his license. After years of reports that the LAPD didn’t take bike thefts seriously, things have clearly changed. Bikeside puts out a call for cyclists to attend Tuesday’s meeting of the Venice Neighborhood Council. Cosmo — the Cycle Chic, not the magazine — wants to know if any Moms out there would be interested in a daytime Mama ride with kids; maybe they should read these safety tips for cycling kids and teens first. A Riverside writer has a pleasant experience cycling in San Francisco; boarding the train was another matter. Streetfilms takes a look at Long Beach. If you want to stop smartphone users from texting while driving, there’s an app for that; can we install it on every phone? Please?
Turns out a center divider on a narrow street actually encourages drivers to go faster. Tucson’s first cyclovia rolls this Sunday; ours is scheduled for this September. A Missouri lawyer publishes a book about how not to screw up your accident claim. Seventy wounded Iraq and Afghanistan vets will take part in a 110 mile ride to Gettysburg this month. Brooklyn cyclists call for a new bike lane after an 18-year old cyclist is killed on Flatbush Avenue. An Oregon parish creates the Episcopal Church’s first two-wheeled liturgy. Following a fatality, an Austin store owner says Please Be Kind to Cyclists.
Yet another cycling fatality in London, as a female rider is killed by a bus on Oxford Street, where other riders had predicted that would happen. A UK writer learns about police bike training from the inside, and why some apparent violations get enforced while others don’t. Town Mouse takes a friend for her first ride on a borrowed bicycle, and laments all those forgotten bikes yearning to breathe free. An open letter to Toronto candidates urging Complete Streets for all road users. A new website helps you find the perfect international bike tour.
Finally, a Danish cyclist teaches a busload of Dutch tourists and their driver not to park in the bike lane. Which reminds me of a story…
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