Your environmentally friendly, low-carbon footprint Earth Day links

Despite last night’s LACBC board meeting, about 10,000 emails that demanded my attention, and what feels like an oncoming cold, those bike links keep piling up. So make yourself a hot drink and settle down for a few minutes of clicking on a cold and semi-damp L.A. day.


First up, for those who may have missed it, a driver can run down a cyclist and leave the scene with no charges until we raise a ruckus. But if a celebrity drives off after crashing into a no parking sign, she gets arrested.

Thanks to Todd Mumford for the heads-up.


The LACBC, Midnight Ridazz and graphic designer Geoff McFetridge begin a competition to develop a new bike safety campaign in cooperation with the City of Los Angeles and the LAPD; deadline for entries is May 5th.


The University of Arizona puts cyclists at risk in the name of bicycle safety during a construction project, while DC detours bikes and pedestrians. On the other hand, Portland takes away a traffic lane to help keep cyclists safe under similar circumstances.


The LACBC reviews Tuesday’s council committee hearing on the 10% Measure R set-aside for bicycle and pedestrian projects; Damien takes Council Member Smith to task for vastly underestimating the funding cyclists deserve based on usage alone.  The Venice Neighborhood Council unanimously approves the Cyclists’ Bill of Rights. Will Campbell plans a group ride for every Saturday in May. Danceralamode credits a bike thief for changing her life. L.A.’s first bike corral could be on its way, while bike-friendly Long Beach approves more cycle-friendly projects. California District Attorneys help kill increased penalties for dangerous drivers. A separated bike path in rural Utah. Orlando police receive training on bike law. Husband of Arizona cycling victim: Anyone paying even a little attention would have known she was there. Cyclists and drivers need to keep a sharp eye on each other; joggers and pedestrians, too. Toronto may have bike sharing a year from now. Biking in Berlin is a dream, due in part to Allied bombing. Here’s your chance to ride a Formula 1 track if you can get to England by the end of the month. Bad patch jobs can be as much of a problem as the potholes they fix. Mexico City bets on bicycles.

Finally, it may have been a volcano that grounded the jets, but it was also one that lead to the invention of the bicycle; meanwhile, DuPont says your current derailleur may be your last.

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