Just the links — a bad block in Hollywood, assaulting cyclists in Toronto, gearing up for Le Tour

I’m working on something for tomorrow — with lots of pictures for all you who think there are just too many darn words on here. In the meantime, here’s a whole lot of links to keep you entertained and informed.


Just another day in Hollywood, as a driver is shot and killed, two police officers injured in a collision and a cyclist hit by a car — all on the same block less than half an hour apart.


Evidently, not every police department has learned the lessons of Critical Mass, as Toronto police — including bike cops — are accused of illegally beating and detaining CM riders protesting the current G20 conference.


News from the upcoming Tour de France, which begins on Saturday with a prologue in Rotterdam.

Even as the teams finalize their rosters, the Schleck brothers are already plotting their next move. Lance says this will be his last Tour, while Snoop Dogg wants to borrow his bike for a few tricks down the street. Contador is more relaxed this time around.

And what TdF news is complete without a doping report these days? Riccardo Riccò, the rider Robbie McEwen branded a “f*ucking hypocrite,” gets a two-month suspended sentence and 3,000 Euro fine; Swiss rider Thomas Frei is banned for two years after testing positive for EPO. After all the recent charges of mechanical doping, maybe race judges need to look for these.


In a battle of biking infrastructure, LADOT stripes new bike lanes on Winnetka; Santa Monica counters with bike lanes on Arizona and raises by throwing down sharrows on 14th St.


Ron Durgin will be teaching free Confident City Cycling courses in West Hollywood on July 10th and 17th. LADOT Bike Blog samples Council Member Tom Labonge’s Positively Fourth Street ride. Joe Linton visits the artistic new Ballona Gates. My friend at Altadenablog — who is leading the resistance to AOL’s latest attempt to rule the world make a profit — notes the final scheduled meeting on the proposed L.A. County Bicycle Master Plan is scheduled for Altadena on July 12th. How bikes helped emancipate women over a century ago. Advice from Consumer Reports on how to buy a better bike. If you ride a 2009 Felt, maybe you shouldn’t until you check the recall list. Traffic-meister Tom Vanderbilt looks at the rapidly spreading idea of bicycle highways. A red light dispute leads to a driver deliberately hitting a rider’s bike, then backing up to hit him again. NYC bike lanes, love ‘em or lose ‘em. Is the League of American Bicyclists still relevant? Cincinnati’s bike safety ordinance will be one of the strictest in the Midwest. In a classic example of police bias, a Denton, TX cyclist is berated and ticketed after stopping at a stop sign, then getting hit by a car coming around a blind corner. Now that Denver has bike share, people need a place to ride them. Bicycle Colorado is challenging the Black Hawk bike ban in court. Now that’s a pretty bike lane. The Washington Post takes a close-up look at DOT Secretary Ray LaHood; who would have thought he’d turn out to be the star of the Obama administration? The Illinois AG says blame the judge for the light sentences to two drivers convicted of intentionally running down cyclists. Just how many eyes do Oregon drivers have? A new iPhone App walks you through 20 common repairs. Waking up to ciclovia in Mexico City. An Irish mother calls for a mandatory helmet law for anyone under 18 after her son is killed, even though a helmet would not have helped in his case. The Guardian asks if bait bikes are fair or foul, while Cyclelicious notes San Francisco is planning its own sting and offers tips to protect your bike. Does Lycra make you break the law?

Finally, the perfect cufflinks to wear with your spandex tux at the next bike club awards dinner.

One comment

  1. altadenablog says:

    I don’t mind AOL making a profit — I mind it when they try to steal MY profits!

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