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Don’t miss yesterday’s guest post by Delia Park and Kristie Fox about the die-in planned for today in Palos Verdes Estates, calling for Bikes May Use Full Lane signs to be installed in the exclusive, and extremely insular, city.
Meanwhile, Cycling in the South Bay points out there’s another vital item on the PVE council agenda to improve safety for kids walking to school. And offers a graphic example of what bikers really want.
‘Tis the season.
San Gabriel Valley Rotary Clubs buy 200 bicycles to distribute to children ranging from toddlers to ten year olds.
Ninety Tustin 3rd grade kids are surprised with new bicycles courtesy of a San Diego bike non-profit; if watching video of the event doesn’t put a smile on your face, something is seriously wrong. Thanks to Melissa Pamer for the heads-up.
Members of a Del Mar high school water polo team refurbished 21 bicycles for needy kids with the help of a local cycling club.
A Palm Springs charity gives over 400 bicycles to deserving 4th graders nominated by their teachers.
One hundred volunteers with the Simi Valley Rotary assemble 250 bicycles to give to low-income families.
Trusties at a Louisiana sheriff’s department spend all year refurbishing bicycles for the department’s Christmas giveaway; in 23 years, they’ve donated over 3,800 bikes to area children.
Kindhearted Tampa Bay cops help an eight-year old boy finish a seven-mile fundraising ride just three months after learning to ride a bike; the ride raised money to purchase of bicycles for at-risk and foster kids, to go along with 750 bikes donated by the local NHL team.
Bicycling’s Bill Strickland comes up empty handed in life-long search for the legendary Eddy Merckx Alphabet, only to learn it doesn’t exist. So he sits down with Merckx and Peter Flax to write one.
A new movie follows an Alaskan woman as she competes against her own father and other cyclists on the Anchorage winter bike racing circuit.
A report says a new indoor velodrome could make Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley the epicenter of cycling in the United States.
The California state cyclocross championship will be held in Bakersfield this coming weekend.
CiclaValley proves you can hit the dirt riding ‘cross and still make the podium.
The driver wanted for causing the crash that killed a five-year old boy as he was sleeping in his own apartment has turned himself into police; investigators found the boy’s letter to Santa asking for a new bicycle in the debris after the crash.
Construction has officially started on the long-delayed MyFigueroa Complete Streets project.
Adopting a Vision Zero plan to end traffic deaths in Pasadena by 2027 would require a significant shift in funding priorities.
The LACBC talks with Walk Bike Glendale’s Steven Nancarrow about riding in Glendale and this Sunday’s Holiday Bike Ride.
A 30-year old Vista bike rider suffered severe head injuries in a collision with a motorist Monday morning; police report the victim was not wearing a helmet. However, there’s no word on how fast the driver was going or whether it might have made a difference.
More bad news from Central California, as a 34-year old man was killed when his bike was rear-ended by a suspected drunk and admittedly distracted driver who fled the scene; she was stopped nearby, and faces multiple felony counts including hit-and-run and vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated.
Once again, the failure to maintain surface streets proves costly in more ways than one, as Morgan Hill settles with a bike rider who was seriously injured after hitting a pothole.
Bay Area bike riders gather for a holiday lights tour in Alameda.
The Department of DIY strikes again, as Portland bicyclists use bales of hay to conduct their own road diet to show it would not significantly impact traffic.
A Portland man with special needs will get his stolen bike back after a six-year old spots it and leads police to the suspect.
A study from DePaul University shows that bicycles are usually the fastest way to travel between two points, and recommends adopting the Idaho Stop Law, including allowing cyclists to proceed through red lights after stopping when there’s no cross traffic.
A new 240-foot bike bridge connects two disparate parts of an Ohio town.
After getting a slap on the wrist for killing a Michigan bike rider, a convicted drunk driver is back in court asking for his license back so he get a job. Evidently, it’s not possible to walk or ride a bicycle to work in the Great Lake State, so everyone should just trust that he won’t do it again. Right?
New Jersey proposes adding questions about bike and pedestrian safety to the state’s driver’s license exam.
One of the runners-up for CNN’s hero of the year was Craig Dodson, a former professional cyclist who founded the Richmond Cycling Corps in Richmond VA, which uses bikes as a platform to help at-risk children.
An Orlando FL TV station highlights the risks of buying a bicycle in a box from Walmart or Target.
Cycling Weekly discusses 14 things that bicyclists can never seem to agree on.
In light of the rapidly oncoming holidays, Bike Biz offers a reminder of their remarkably in-depth, 20-part report on counterfeit bikes and parts, to help avoid finding some under your tree or menorah.
Toronto bike advocates are fighting a proposal to allow drivers with accessibility permits to temporarily stop in protected bike lanes if they’re loading or unloading someone with mobility issues.
A former member of Great Britain’s cycling team says bicycling appeals to obsessive-compulsive high achievers. Of course, it also appeals to people who just enjoy riding a bike, as well.
The Dutch Transport Minister proposes prohibiting bicyclists from using their smartphones while riding.
The Netherlands improves safety for cyclists by devoting road space to bicycles, while shifting motor vehicles to highways.
One in three bike riders in one Australian state admit to distracted riding and bicycling under the influence.
An Aussie writer gets it, saying if the sight of a bike rider makes you mad enough to affect your driving, you don’t belong on the road.
Another day, another drunk driving on a bike path, this time in Australia’s New South Wales.
A Malaysian bicyclist gets more than he bargained for when he stopped to take a selfie and discovered a body.
Nothing like taking a flipping flip into the dip. Your next full-suspension mountain bike could have three front forks. Yes, three.
And if you’re going to break into a home to steal a gun and a bicycle, don’t leave tracks in the snow leading directly to you when you ride off.
Hello Ted, it has been a little while since I have seen you out on the eastern edge of the county, and I wanted to update you, and the readers of BikinginLA, with some recent news. Though it has been pretty quiet lately in my own hometown (Claremont), next door LaVerne has been busy with the approval process for their Active Transportation Plan (http://centerlinerule.blogspot.com/2016/11/the-la-verne-active-transportation-plan.html); a couple weeks ago it moved through committee, and next week will go before the City Council. This past weekend local club, SC Velo donated a bike repair station, which was installed and dedicated at Oak Mesa Park before a great turn out of cyclists (http://centerlinerule.blogspot.com/2016/12/cycling-la-verne-repair-stand-jealousy.html). Both these events are helping the city shed their reputation of being less-than-friendly to bikes, and have riders in the greater Pomona Valley area pretty excited. Cheers, appreciate all you do to keep us informed.
Thanks, Michael. I included your comment in yesterday’s post. And thanks for the kind words; good to see you’re still keeping the Eastside up to date.
Another local bike giveaway by Velo Allegro of Long Beach. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154768312632398&set=a.225256177397.135477.558287397&type=3&theater.
I’d send you to their FB page, but they have it on lockdown – you would need to request access.