For the second time in two days, a man has been killed riding a bike in Santa Ana.
According to the Orange County Register, 87-year old Lien Huu Ha was struck by a pickup as he was riding across the intersection at West 1st Street and South Center Street around 12:50 pm.
According to witnesses, Lien was riding west with traffic on 1st when he turned left at Center, and was struck by a driver headed in the opposite direction on 1st.
He was taken to UCI Medical Center, where he passed away.
The driver remained at the scene; police don’t suspect he was under the influence.
A street view shows Center connecting with 1st in a T-intersection controlled by a red light, with three lanes in each direction on 1st and a center left turn lane.
Given his age, it’s possible that Lien may have started across the street with the light, and was unable to finish crossing before the light changed. However, that is just speculation at this point.
Anyone with information is urged to call the Santa Ana Police Department at 714/245-8200.
This is the 54th bicycling fatality in Southern California, and the 10th in Orange County.
It comes after David Lee Macmillian was killed riding across Main Street on Thursday, less than six miles away.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for Lien Huu Ha and all his loved ones.
Thanks to Erik Griswold for the heads-up.
It is frustratimg to me that the dead mans health is ignored. He might if had a heart attack, intoxication seems a random theory.
I hope his family and friends flesh out his success remaining on wheels and we learn it was not a mistake for him to bike even though most of us shoukd avoid left turns as much as possible at intersections especially they have an illusioj if safety buf are inherently dangerous comoared to crosswalk use.
Cars get hit makimg lefts consistently.
Be informed of the risk if you gotta do this daily. For me now I will when air is bad but would aspire to carry own air and take more time someday beimg safe. There is just too much speed and complexity routinely in interdections for us to hover and fly so exposed among gauntlet danger from multiple directions….
Our prayers go up for the family and friends of Mr. Ha.