For a moment, it looked like dockless bikeshare had arrived in LA.
Even if it’s not entirely legal yet.
Marc, aka @mcas_LA, tweeted a pair of photos showing a fleet of LimeBikes in the Jewelry District in DTLA, even though the proposed ordinance to legalize dockless bikeshare hadn’t made it through the city council yet.
Alas, it was not to be.
Not yet, anyway.
LimeBike was quick to respond that the bikes were being test-ridden by their employees at a private event, and that they would never launch Uber-style without waiting for the proper permits.
So you’ll just have to wait awhile longer.
New York is responding to Tuesday’s terrorist attack by installing K-rail barriers at 57 intersections, including the one that Sayfullo Saipov used to drive onto the bike path.
A bill in the US Senate would provide $50 million a year to install bollards, planters and other barriers along bikeways to protect cyclists. Get back to me when they get serious; $50 million works out to a token gesture of just $1 million per state.
A student injured when Saipov’s rented truck crashed into a school attended class on Wednesday to keep his record for perfect attendance.
A writer for Opposing Views considers what the attack says about bike safety.
In an Op-Ed in the Washington Post, Eben Weiss, aka Bike Snob, writes that a terrorist attack isn’t going to scare bicyclists off their bikes because we already have to deal with motorists.
And it hasn’t stopped them, as New Yorkers flocked to the pathway when it reopened yesterday.
You can kiss LAist goodbye. The billionaire publisher of the “ist” and DNAinfo sites pulled the plug on the entire network yesterday, taking down all the archives at the same time.
The site had regularly written about bike issues, and been a supporter of safer streets in Los Angeles, and other cities around the world.
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that the closure came after employees had voted to unionize.
Streeetsblog’s Joe Linton and Damien Newton correct the pernicious lie that Mike Bonin somehow stole money from the Measure M transportation tax to fund Vision Zero.
The LACBC’s Operation Firefly kicks off in Van Nuys next week, providing lights to bike riders who don’t have them.
The Pasadena Star-News asks if new trains, busways and bike lanes can end SoCal gridlock. Short answer, no. With more people bringing more cars here every year, our street will continue to be clogged. The only solution is to provide alternatives to driving, so the people who choose to leave their cars at home won’t be stuck in that mess.
Authorities are looking for funding to build a roundabout at the intersection of Highway 39 and the Old San Gabriel Canyon Road above Azusa to slow traffic and provide a safe extension to the San Gabriel River Trail, which currently dead ends at the roadway.
Helen’s Cycles is holding a trio of rides this weekend, while Santa Monica’s Breeze bikeshare celebrates its second anniversary on Saturday. And CicLAvia hosts their 2nd Annual pLAy Day in LA fundraiser on Sunday.
Nice piece in the LA Daily News about the recently completed, 450-mile Challenge Ride from San Francisco for wounded vets, including a former four-star Army Chief of Staff helping an injured ex-private up a hill.
The owner of a Coronado bike rental company opposes a proposal to allow LimeBike to operate on the island.
Bakersfield has received $200,000 in funding from Kern County for a number of bike-related projects, including bike parking in the downtown area, and the Build-A-Bike program that allows kids to earn a bicycle while learning about bike maintenance and repair.
San Luis Obispo is moving forward with plans for 50 new bicycling facilities, including buffered bike lanes and a bike boulevard, to fundamentally change the way people in the community get around.
Kindhearted Visalia residents pitched in to buy a new ebike for a legally blind teenager after the one he got for his 16th birthday was stolen.
A San Jose columnist says a planned bike and pedestrian bridge is a key link to improve safety, even if a letter writer considers it a waste of money.
A San Francisco man was critically injured when a bike rider opened fire on the victim following an argument; the suspect was arrested nearby.
San Francisco protesters create a people-protected bike lane on the Embarcadero to call attention to the need for greater safety.
People for Bikes offers four reasons why businesses should embrace ebikes.
A Seattle magazine says it’s good that dockless bikeshare bikes are being abandoned in trees, because it removes the moral superiority of bicycling, and makes it seem like it an everyday activity. Which it already is.
Over 8,000 people are expected to attend Denver’s one-day VeloSwap bike swap meet and expo this weekend.
A Dallas columnist says relax, and give dockless bikeshare time to work itself out.
Former cyclist Sinead Miller is now working with Nashville’s Vanderbilt University to put an end to sepsis, after ending her pro career when she suffered a traumatic brain injury in a collision.
A driver tried to run over a group of Miami police officers on a weekly community ride, and apparently got away.
An Op-Ed in Canadian Cyclist Magazine calls out the special status of drivers, and says laws that make a cyclist’s life cheap have to be changed.
Glasgow’s Philippa York says she would have gladly given up the fame that came with her cycling career as the former Robert Millar in order to transition to a woman when she was younger.
Oprah is one of us, even if one of her favorite things looks suspiciously like a ghost bike. And evidently, the painkiller Tramadol will make you faster.
Even if it has the opposite effect on me.
The sepsis athlete to scientist inventor is inspiring.
Provacatively even disturbingly so.
Got brain lesion? Get PHD! Can’t bike? best help cure cancer with gadget or ‘at least’ Sepsis…
Such ambition is wickedly strong medicine. The lesson best taken perhaps is with support we can overcome, seek support, doing so is heroic ultimately. She is likely creating jobs of a sort so rarely funded by profit motive, basic research, selling sciences promise so well via Vanderbuilt credential, mentor, three year doctorate gig. Her thoughts guide her design, her insight applied is creating a potential product of powerball win value.
Thanks for regularly putting all this information together …. (except when your computer fails)
I like the format too ….. easy to scan through and hot links to pursue for more detail when interest takes you there.