Yesterday someone sent me a photo showing the aftermath of a crash involving a bicyclist on LA’s Griffith Park Blvd.
Sadly, friends of the victim are reporting today that he was killed in the collision, though there is no official confirmation at this time.
The reports indicate the victim, identified by friends as Jeff Jones, was killed when the driver of a white van made a U-turn in front of him.
No time was given for the crash. However, he was supposed to meet a friend at 1 pm, but never arrived. The email I received came shortly after that.
A friend of the victim confirms it was Jones’ bike in the photo.
There’s another vehicle visible at the scene with damage to the right rear quarter panel, which may or may not have been involved in some way.
(Note: I’m not posting the photo here. Family members inevitably read these stories, and can find images of a crash scene very disturbing. If you want to see the photo, which doesn’t show much more that the bike and van, you can click through to it here.)
I’m told Jones was in his mid-50s, and a father. Whose children will now spend the rest of their lives without him.
More information and official confirmation when it becomes available.
This is at least the 43rd bicycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the 17th that I’m aware of in Los Angeles County; it’s also the ninth in the City of Los Angeles.
Update: The Eastsider has confirmed the details of the crash with a detective with the LAPD’s Central Traffic Division. The driver stayed at the scene and was cooperating with investigators. T
The story places the crash site on Griffith Park Blvd above Holboro Drive.
Update 2: A ghost bike for Jeff Jones will be installed on Wednesday evening.
Update 3: A memorial will be held for Jones at Zuma Beach on Sunday, September 8th.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for Jeff Jones and his loved ones.
Thanks to Todd Munson and Patrick Pascal for the heads-up.
We offer up our prayers for the family and friends of Mr. Jones.
This is so heartbreaking…i knew Jeff very well when we both lived in Venice early 90’s we lived a block away from one another..such a sweet guy.
So So Sad my prayers go out to his family….
Sorry about the loss of your friend, Karl. I really hated writing this, because I knew it would hit a lot of people hard. My best to you, and all who knew him.
Thank You for posting about Jeff he was an amazing guy…and it breaks my heart to talk about him in a past tense way…
I feel terrible for his family.
Thank You….Peaceful journeys
Can you keep me posted on any memorials or a funeral?
I ride a bike everyday in this neighborhood. This city and this entire country actually is extremely bicycle unfriendly, not just the setup but the people think they have the right of way because they’re in a car when it’s actually the other way around.
What kind of idiotic set up is it where the bike lane is between full-blown traffic and people in parked cars opening the driver side door?
And then of course there is the constant lack of consideration and courtesy from Uber and Lyft drivers blocking the bike lanes while loading and unloading passengers, and the self-centered assholes who use the bike lane to line up their trash cans on garbage day. Yes if you ride a bicycle basically the whole city of Los Angeles gives you the middle finger, and it literally seems like they’re trying to kill you.
Griffith Park Boulevard man, that’s my route to Trader Joe’s, that whole street is nothing but cracks and potholes.
He’s not the first cyclist to die on that street.