Tomorrow is World Bicycle Day.
Or as it’s known in Los Angeles, Wednesday.
So how do you plan to celebrate?
You could start with the First Ever Virtual Bicycle Video, released by an Indian bicycle organization.
Or just get out and go for a ride.
Photo by Josh Kur from Pexels.
A writer for Canadian Cycling Magazine says as white cyclists, we have to do better.
This may not be your conversation topic of choice but it’s something that we must address. As white cyclists, we have a social responsibility to take direct action toward tangible change within the cycling community and the community at large. It’s not enough to simply not be racist. As Ibram X. Kendi, founding director of the Antiracist Research & Policy Center at the American University, said during a recent edition of CBC’s The Current, “To say you are not racist is to deny your racism. We’re either being racist or anti-racist at all times.”
With the turmoil roiling the country in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, this is a good time to remember that bicycling is often a different experience for black and brown riders than for white riders.
We don’t have to worry about what could happen if we get stopped by the police. Or feel worried eyes upon us riding through a predominantly white neighborhood.
Or worse.
When the simple act of going for a run can get you killed. And the threat may not come from the drivers the rest of us worry about. At least not in the same way.
And if you’re white, you don’t automatically become a suspect simply by riding through the wrong community, or at the wrong time.
I’ve long wanted to believe that biking while black or brown wasn’t a problem. Not here, not now.
But based on what people have told me, that’s simply not true.
It’s up to all of us to ensure a level playing field for everyone on the streets.
And in life.
Phil Gaimon sticks his tongue firmly in cheek, and says thanks, but he already knows he lost his Everesting record before he could even finish drinking the champagne to celebrate it.
And he wants your help to find a better hill to take it back.
Seriously, this will probably be the funniest thing you see all day.
The war on cars is a myth, but the war on bikes goes on.
A Detroit man faces charges for deliberately trying to run down a pair of bike cops, then leading police on a chase as he fled the scene.
A 63-year old English man was injured when he was knocked off the ebike he uses as a mobility aide after someone threw something at him from a passing car.
But sometimes, it’s the people on two wheels behaving badly.
British police are looking for a bike-riding man who squirted a baby in the face with water. Don’t do that. No, really.
DTLA Bikes lucked out on Saturday’s night of looting in Downtown Los Angeles, when thieves cut the gate, but left after realizing all the bikes inside were locked; owner Yehuda Masjedi chased away a trio of thieves armed with bolt cutters as he was waiting for police to arrive Sunday morning.
No news is good news, right?
Tech Radar looks into ebikes that could genuinely replace your car. Unless you don’t own a car, in which case maybe they could replace your TAP card.
Surprisingly, AOL suggests four bikes you can still get from Amazon. No, it isn’t surprising that you can get bikes from Amazon. It’s surprising that AOL is still out there.
Today recommends the best kids bikes to get them riding this summer.
Road Bike Action details the “travails and treasure” of building your dream bike, one component at a time. Yes, they really phrased it that way.
An engineering website recommends 17 accessories every bicyclist should buy. Much of which you probably shouldn’t.
A Utah bicyclist will probably frame the ticket and display it prominently on his wall after police clocked him doing 55 mph in a 40 mph zone on a descent.
The Denver Post blames thriving ridership and an Asian supply chain disrupted by Covid-19 for the nationwide bicycle shortage.
Yale considers whether the current coronavirus-light traffic will last post-pandemic. Short answer, no. Longer answer, not without major structural changes to our streets, and policy changes at city hall.
Pro cyclists deal with the same roads as the rest of us. And they report things are getting worse around the world as countries reawaken from the coronavirus lockdown.
Cycling Tips says yes, you can be sued for causing a crash and injuring another rider on a group ride.
Costa Rica is on its way to becoming the world’s first zero-carbon country, if they can just do something about all those cars.
This is what a would-be bike thief looks like, as a Vancouver BC man films a stranger attempting to cut a U-lock from a bike in front of his building; despite the dubious ownership claims of the thief, police are looking for the bike’s real owner.
Bighearted workers at a Calgary, Alberta bike shop are raising funds to benefit the wife of a coworker and bring his family up from California for his funeral, after the elite rider was killed in a collision last week; they hope to raise $10,000 by donating all profits from Wednesday’s rentals and sales.
London’s Evening Standard picks the year’s best bike locks. Although “best” is a relative term when they include a cable lock, which is just an open invitation to steal your bike.
A new British study shows bike commuting or taking the train can cut your risk of cancer, as well as death from heart disease and mortality from all causes. In fact, bicycling is so good for you, we’d all probably live forever if it wasn’t for cars.
BBC host James May calls on Prime Minister Boris Johnson to bomb the country with bicycles, noting that he could give every adult in Britain a carbon frame bike for the price of a high speed rail line.
Another BBC presenter says she’s now terrified of riding a bicycle after her bike-riding husband was hit by a driver.
Riding a bike drunk in the UK could cost you the equivalent of over $3,100. Thanks to Robert Leone for the link.
A Turkish man rode his bicycle over 430 miles in two days to see his 14-year old daughter, who lives with her mother.
Competitive Cycling
Yes, Lance still hates fellow ex-Tour de France champ Floyd Landis.
Speaking of dopers, say hi to banned former German pro Jan Ullrich.
This is why you don’t ride under railroad crossing arms. Why pedal when you can just walk and ride at the same time?
And finally, a how-to video tailor-made for me.
Be safe, and stay healthy. And wear a mask, already.