Bad news from Ojai, where a woman was killed riding her bike Friday night.
According to the Ojai Valley News, the victim, who has not been publicly identified, was riding alone in the 1000 block of Cuyama Road, near Del Norte Road, when she was somehow struck by the driver of a vehicle.
She was pronounced dead at the scene, despite the efforts of firefighters to resuscitate her.
The paper places the time of the crash at around 6:57 pm. The driver reportedly remained at the scene and cooperated with investigators.
Unfortunately, no other information is available at this time.
A street view shows a narrow, two lane country road with no shoulders.
This is at least the 38th bicycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the second that I’m aware of in Ventura County.
It’s also the tenth SoCal bicycling death in just the past 30 days.
Update: The victim has been identified as 78-year old Ojai resident Marion Weil, who deserved better. The driver is identified only as a 40-year old Ojai man.
Anyone with information is urged to call Ventura County Sheriff’s Department Sr. Traffic Investigator Shawn Holzberger at 805/388-5146.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for Marion Weil and all her loved ones.
Our prayers go up for the family and friends of the victim.
Can’t wait to hear the usual litany of feeble excuses for killing someone with a car. I guess the plus side is that the idiot driver stopped at the scene of the crime for a change.