Once again, a heartless coward left a helpless bike rider lying injured in the street for someone else to kill.
And someone did.
And that one fled the scene, too.
Multiple sources are reporting that a person on a bicycle, publicly identified only as a man in his early 50s, was struck from behind by the driver of a gray Honda around 9:15 pm Thursday on Lindley Ave near Napa Street in LA’s Northridge neighborhood.
He was thrown into the street, landing back in the right lane, where he was hit again by the driver of a gray pickup.
He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Both drivers fled the scene without stopping to render aid or identify themselves, as required by law.
Witnesses reported that several vehicles had struck the victim, but video from the scene showed only two drivers actually hit him, according to the Los Angeles Daily News.
Anyone with information is urged to call the LAPD’s Valley Traffic Division at 818/644-8025 or 818/644-8117, or call 877/527-3247 after hours or on the weekend.
As always, there is a standing $50,000 reward for any fatal hit-and-run in the City of Los Angeles, which presumably would apply to information leading to the conviction of either of these drivers.
This is at least the 37th bicycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the 11th that I’m aware of in Los Angeles County; it’s also the sixth that we know about in the City of Los Angeles.
Fourteen of those SoCal deaths — over 38% — have now come at the hands of heartless cowards who didn’t have the basic human decency to stick around afterward.
According to the Los Angeles Times, nearly one third of all traffic deaths in Los Angeles last year were hit-and-runs; no word on how many of those drivers were eventually arrested and charged, let alone convicted.
Update: The following was posted to Nextdoor in Northridge Village on Friday.
Did anyone last night after 9 pm possibly see a man on a bike get killed by a hit and run driver near Lindley at Parthenia? That was my friend Dan. They didn’t stop. He was coming back from the Dollar store. He was a father and son and a good friend. He was on his bike. Please if anyone saw anything or knows anything. At least he deserves some justice. Just to hit him and leave him to die is too much.
Update 2: The victim has been identified as Danny Oerlemans.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for Danny Oerlemans and his loved ones.
Thanks to Glenn Bailey for the heads-up.
Hit and run is a long time custom in Latin American countries now imported into America thanks to our Vice President Harris.
As a recent cyclist victim of a felony hit and run, I find it somewhat offensive to turn this problem into a partisan political (and racist) statement.
Oh you know what, please get off here with that comment. Dan was my friend and you are just throwing some political crap out here. How disrespectful are you really.? She didn’t have anything to do with it. Go complain somewhere else. That was really lame. When people are mourning a death of someone you come on here like that. What is truly wrong with you? This is not the place, duh. What color is the sky in your world?
His Name is Danny Oerlemans. RIP my baby brother!
I’m so sorry for your loss, Annette. I hope you and your family can find peace after his loss.
Danny was a long time friend and it breaks my heart that this happened to him. Praying that they find who did this. I will miss our talks… red easy Dan… Love you
There is a gofundme acct that has been started by his sister Annette Oerlemans if anyone is interested. Please help
Dan was a friend of mine and I’m so sorry for your loss. I used to babysit his cat Chance for him sometimes. I was going to take Chance but I’m glad you did right? I truly hope they catch the two drivers. I’m glad they are offering a reward. An Attorneys office was stating that possibly you could sue the city etc if the lighting was known to be not bright enough etc. Dan had his best friend named Geno that lived where he did. If you did want to speak with Geno about anything at all I could tell Geno’s girlfriend and give him your nmbr or give you his etc. Dan had told me awhile back that he used to be best friends with my cousin named Larry that lived in Granada Hills. He lived on Hayvenhurst.We will all surely miss Dan.May the Lord keep him always. Amen
Oh you know what, please get off here with that comment. Dan was my friend and you are just throwing some political crap out here. How disrespectful are you really.? She didn’t have anything to do with it. Go complain somewhere else. That was really lame. When people are mourning a death of someone you come on here like that. What is truly wrong with you? This is not the place, duh. What color is the sky in your world?
You are really lame to come here with that political crap. That was my friend that was killed. Get a f**king life. Shame on you. She has nothing to do with that. What color is the sky in your world?
His Name is Danny Oerlemans. RIP my baby brother!
Thank you for this update very much.