Let’s start with good news, for a change.
Last night I received word that the bicycle stolen at gunpoint from Ulises Melgar, which we discussed yesterday, has been recovered after being spotted in Hollenbeck Park.
The only things missing were the lights and a Garmin.
As a result, the crowdfunding campaign to replace Melgar’s bicycle has been frozen, and anyone who gave will be contacted about their donation.
No word on whether any progress has been made in apprehending the violent jerks who stole it.
News service LoudLabs posted raw video of the recent Koreatown incident.
As you may recall, several people pulled an aggressive driver out of his car after he hit a bike rider while plowing through a group ride that was corking an intersection, and held him down until police arrived.
The additional footage includes the full interview with a witness, as well as showing extensive damage to the car.
Thanks to Erik Griswold for the heads-up.
Today’s common theme is bikeshare.
The Bay Area’s Ford GoBike bikeshare took a beating in its first month, with bikes stolen, tires slashed and a bike dumped in a lake.
Dueling dockless bikeshare companies are spreading throughout the Bay Area, Sacramento and Santa Cruz.
A Seattle writer watches as a homeless person tries, and fails, to steal one of the city’s dockless bikeshare bikes.
Baltimore’s bikeshare is contending with the problem of stolen bikes; the Baltimore Sun reported less than a third of the 200 bikes were available for use when they checked.
And a real estate writer says developers now consider proximity to a bikeshare dock an amenity.
A new short movie examines the effects of Australia’s mandatory bike helmet law, while stressing that being against forcing people to wear helmets isn’t the same as being opposed to them.
Welsh cyclist Luke Rowe will be out of action for awhile, since it’s hard to ride with a broken leg; he was injured while whitewater rafting during his brother’s bachelor party.
An Aussie new site asks if Alberto Contador is a cycling legend, flawed genius or forever tainted. Short answer, yes.
The Washington Post looks at the overwhelming success of the Expo Line, while noting that opposition to building the line centered on race and class, as well as cost. I recall someone from the Westside’s upscale Rancho Park, who said no one from that neighborhood would ever take the train, which would only be used by maids and gardeners. And that same opposition was successful in derailing plans for the Expo Line bike path through the neighborhood, resulting in the infamous Trousdale gap.
The latest edition of Bike Talk discusses Vision Zero, Road Diets, and the Backlash Against Safe Streets.
A free three-mile ride sponsored by CICLE and Metro will take you on a tour of LA’s best Filipino restaurants along Temple Street in Historic Filipinotown on the 24th; reservations are required.
Several Santa Clarita firefighters are competing bicycling events in this week’s World Police and Fire Games.
If you ride the San Juan Creek Trail in San Juan Capistrano, prepare for some extensive detours over the next few years.
The annual Bike the Bay is your chance to ride San Diego’s Coronado Bay Bridge at the end of the month, even without a $210 million bike tube.
A San Diego man is posting satirical YouTube videos exposing the mythical war on cars.
This is who we share the roads with. After a Jurupa Valley motorcycle rider is nearly sideswiped by a driver, he records the man plowing into two stopped cars, then fleeing the scene — and follows him to Moreno Valley at speeds up to 90 mph.
Now you, too, can make your very own scraper bike with a “badass” sound system.
A Hawaii man says it felt like he was hit by a truck when he was struck by a bicyclist, after spending three nights in the ICU with two broken ribs, a lacerated spleen and internal bleeding.
Alaska Air is now officially the cheapest airline to fly with your bike.
No overreaction here. Police in Evanston IL arrested two 12-year old kids for the crime of running a red light while riding on the handlebars and rear pegs of a BMX bike while someone else pedaled. Yes, they were arrested for a traffic infraction. Or maybe just riding while black.
In a field where women are seriously under represented, a Michigan woman has been repairing bicycles for 33 years; she started a mobile bike repair business after closing her bike shop in 2004.
Bighearted New Jersey cops buy a ten-year old boy a new bike after they were impressed with his positive attitude when he was injured in a collision.
Former Delaware Governor Jack Markell is one of us; Markell just finished a 3,600-mile ride across the US to raise money for kids in the state.
A Pittsburgh-area cyclist finally gets his day in court, after spending the last year in jail awaiting trial on charges of riding his bicycle in the middle of the lane, just like riders are taught to do. Apparently able to read minds, the ADA handling the case alleges David Smith’s intent was to disrupt traffic, rather than ride safely.
A Louisiana engineer makes a persuasive argument over why and how bikes should be included in the traffic plan for the state capital.
A Good Samaritan alerts Florida officials to a reckless, and likely stoned, driver, allowing deputies to arrive less than a minute after he struck a bike rider.
The UK’s version of HuffPo lists the best apps for bicycling. Not all apply for US riders, however.
Road rage is on the rise, even among those obsessively polite Canadian drivers.
A 17-year old British man was apparently sprayed with acid while riding his bike near London’s Kensington Palace. Authorities referred to it as “an unknown substance;” however, the attack follows a spate of acid attacks on the city’s streets in recent weeks.
Good idea. The father of a fallen British bicyclist says children should be taught the Dutch Reach in school.
Caught on video: An English van driver intentionally swerves into a bike rider to keep him from passing. Skip ahead to the 2:50 mark; evidently, they don’t have video editing software in the UK.
The Guardian imagines what the perfect bicycling city would look like if it could be built from the ground up for bikes.
A Portuguese company shows how a relatively flat bike network can be designed, even for a hilly city.
The 14th and final stage of the Red Bull Trans-Siberian Extreme race finishes in Vladivostok, Russia today; organizers are working on how to get more women to enter the 5,700-mile race across Russia, and how to keep them in the race longer.
Your next ebike could have the lines of a 1920s motorcycle. Ten irredeemably uncool bike things guaranteed to piss off just about everyone.
And these guys give bike cops a whole new meaning.
Watch & share this fun recap video of yesterday's Criterium Cycling event, which includes interviews with two gold medal winners #LA17WPFG pic.twitter.com/1C3PZZecRK
— LAPD HQ (@LAPDHQ) August 8, 2017
“Road rage is on the ride, even among those obsessively police Canadian drivers.”
Surely, “Road rage is on the rise, even among those obsessively polite Canadian drivers.”
Thanks! I could barely keep my eyes open when I was trying to proofread that last night. Surprised that was my only major ef-up.
San Francisco has turned into a cesspool of crime in addition to rampant bike theft. I don’t even want to go there anymore.
Glad his bike was found.
“Ten irredeemably uncool bike things guaranteed to piss off just about everyone.”
Hey! Why did the author include tandems?
My wife and I have been riding two-gether for about 20 years now, and we love it. The places we’ve seen, the things we’ve done and the people we’ve met are amazing. We call it our “magic carpet ride”.
Tandems are *not* for everyone. The stoker must have complete confidence in the captain, and the captain has to earn that confidence. In addition, the captain must be able to switch their riding attitude to one that matches the stoker’s. I’m a very enthusiastic rider, bordering on fanatic, and my stoker is fun-loving, bordering on enthusiastic. We are able to meet in the middle and enjoy the ride.
Instead of uncool, our bike is a modern design, with modern components, and we manage to make it move at a very respectable rate. If nothing else, solo riders *love* to draft us. They say it’s like drafting a semi-truck!
But hey, I like fingerless gloves, too, so what do I know?