It’s Day 19 of the 4th Annual BikinginLA Holiday Fund Drive.
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Call it the good, and the really, really ugly.
The Rampart Village Neighborhood Council will consider a proposal at tonight’s meeting to embrace a revival of the moribund Cyclists Bill of Rights, now dubbed the Mobility Bill of Rights. Which was sort-of adopted by the LA city council ten years ago at the behest of the late Bill Rosendahl, then promptly forgotten.
“10. Discussion and possible Action on – the recommendation from the President to take a position on the Bike Writer’s Coalition (BWC) motion that, Rampart Village Neighborhood Council claims & asserts the aspirational document known as “The Mobility Bill of Rights”; RVNC embraces the public space of our community & the City at-large by proclaiming that “Streets are for People!” “
That’s the good.
The ugly is the following motion to remove all Vision Zero traffic calming measures — the few that have actually been installed, anyway — and return Los Angeles to its deadly, exclusively auto-centric recent past.
“11. Discussion and/or Possible Action on – the recommendation from the Executive Committee to take a position on the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition (LANCC) motion that, Rampart Village Neighborhood Council demands that the city enforce the laws & within 30 days of our demand to start the process to remove all Vision Zero traffic calming measures, including but, not limited to the controversial road diets.”
Let’s hope enough people show up to halt this misleading and dangerous motion put forward by the traffic safety deniers behind groups like Keep LA Moving.
Thanks to Stephen Box for the heads-up.
David Drexler forwards a photo of a menorah bike, captured at Santa Monica’s 3rd Street Promenade on the next to last might of Chanukah.

Midnight Ridazz host their annual All City Toy Ride this Friday.
An LA Times op-ed says yes, you can have free public transit and traffic-free roads, thanks to the miracle of congestion pricing.
Another Times op-ed takes LA Mayor Eric Garcetti to task for talking the talk on climate change, but failing to walk the walk by failing to acknowledge, let alone address, climbing driving rates. Yet oddly, the authors fail to even mention bicycling.
Environmental groups complain about Metro’s exclusively auto-focused plans to mitigate traffic caused by the cancellation of the 710 Freeway extension, with bike and transit improvements left for discussion some unspecified time in the future. Or not.
A feeder ride will roll out from the Spoke Bicycle Café on Saturday in support of the March for Public Education at LA City Hall.
A date has been set for the next 626 Golden Streets open streets event in the San Gabriel Valley; the new route will pass through South Pasadena, Alhambra and San Gabriel on May 19th.
Caught on video: A San Francisco bicyclist was nearly run down by a police officer using the bike lane he was in as a passing lane to zoom by slower traffic, sans lights and siren.
This is who we share the roads with. Palo Alto police are looking for a driver who exposed himself to a woman as she rode her bike, masturbating behind the wheel as he stared at her. Let’s hope they find the jerk and lock him away for a long time. Thanks to Robert Leone for the link.
Davis considers making changes to its “Claw” curbside trash pickup, which can result in bike lanes blocked with trash when homeowners put it out incorrectly.
A writer for Men’s Health attempts to jump starts his brain to see if it will make him a better cyclist.
Pink Bike writes an obituary for the loved and hated Interbike trade show.
NBC News suggests better clothes for active commuters.
A Portland paper takes a deep dive into Oregon bike crashes, and ranks the 20 most dangerous cities for bicyclists; bike-friendly Portland is number two.
A four-lane Chicago-area highway could go on a diet to make room for bicycles.
Chicago’s dwindling bike messengers want the same access to commercial buildings that food delivery riders enjoy.
Here’s one problem LA bike riders don’t have. Boston will remove flex posts separating a bike lane from car traffic to make it easier to salt and plow snow and ice on the bridge they’re on.
A New York startup is placing expandable pods on a Manhattan street to provide bike riders with a safe and convenient place to park on a subscription basis.
The New York Times discusses the lack of bikeshare options for people with disabilities; ebikes can help some would-be riders, but even those are in short supply. And adaptive bikes are virtually nonexistent.
A writer for Cycling Tips discovers firsthand what it takes to ride a solo double century.
A new report details the problem of police profiling in Toronto, including a black man who was arbitrarily stopped while riding in a bike lane.
UK bike writer Laura Laker questions whether cracking down on bicyclists will really improve safety, concluding that as long as the government listens to the most hysterical voices, rather than the evidence, nothing will change.
Bighearted British bike riders deliver hundreds of teddy bears to the ICU unit of a local hospital.
A Spanish carmaker most of us have never heard of promises their new radar system will detect the “telltale signature of bicycles travelling in the same direction” so their cars won’t run you over.
An education news site looks at the growth of bicycling in Berlin. Although the story appears to be so badly translated that it might be easier to read in the original German.
Here’s a list of roads to avoid if your travels happen to take you to Dubai on Friday. Unless, of course, you plan to participate in what organizers call the biggest cycle challenge in the Middle East.
No bias here. The political editor of a New Zealand newspaper complains about spending tax money to build bikeways he says no one wants and few will ever ride. And that the need for safety for people on bikes pales in comparison to improving safety for the people in cars. No, really.
It’s time for more women to start riding, because Australia’s MAMILs are lonely.
The King of Thailand led several thousand people in a nationwide Bike for Love and Warmth to celebrate the opening of a month-long fair.
Competitive Cycling
The Guardian offers an obituary of the late bicycling broadcaster Paul Sherwen; a childhood in Kenya made him the only cyclist in the 70s pro peloton who could speak Swahili.
Riding the famous Chisholm Trail; no, the one in the UK. Maybe you can’t drive safely while on your phone after all.
And you have a serious problem when your alibi for DUI is claiming you were merely texting, instead.
Thanks to Lisa G for her generous donation to the BikinginLA Holiday Fund Drive!

SEAT was bought by VW during the 2006-9 recession.