Somehow I lost this one on my desktop over the holidays.
Robert Leone forwards news of bighearted San Jose cops who pitched in to buy a new bicycle for their favorite shoe shine person, after his was damaged when he was hit by a car before Thanksgiving.
Thanks and apologies to Robert Leone for the delay in posting this one.
No, that’s not a professional mountain biker. It’s an Orange County firefighter.
And officially one of the nation’s fastest non-pro downhill racers.
Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have dogs.
Or ride scooters.
Bakersfield police are looking for a woman who was caught on video dragging a dog behind an e-scooter going an estimated 15 mph.
Let’s hope they find her, and take both of them away. Permanently.
And yes, the video is just as disturbing as it says.
After advocates managed to beat back an anti-road diet motion from traffic safety deniers Keep LA Moving, the L.A. Neighborhood Council Coalition approved a more neutral motion calling for community input on road diets. But as Streetsblog’s Joe Linton points out, no one demands community engagement for most driver-friendly changes.
Downtown News says the Los Angeles River Bike Path Gap Closure Project has the potential to be a key component in a regional bike network, but with a gasp-inducing $365 million price tag and an overly long timeline.
More mass insanity, as speed limits go up in Westwood and Century City, including the popular bike route Ohio Ave.
Metro is now offering Pedal Perks to bikeshare members; 50 rides will get you a Metro Bike Share T-shirt.
A new app allows you to plan your trip by comparing transit, bikeshare, ride-hailing and carpooling for 15 cities around the world, including Los Angeles.
The Santa Clarita Valley is peppered with a network of bike and walking paths to take users back to nature, thanks in part to the efforts of the Santa Clarita Valley Bicycle Coalition, the LACBC’s neighborhood chapter for the area.
A CHP officer says police are more likely to ticket bike riders under 18 for not wearing a helmet, now that it’s a fix-it ticket rather than a traffic fine.
All those new bike lanes in San Luis Obispo must be doing some good, with bicycle crashes down to their lowest level in the 20 years the city has been keeping track.
The rich get richer. An outgoing San Francisco city supervisor unveiled yet another protected bike lane in the City by the Bay on her last day in office.
A San Francisco bike rider got stuck with a $20,000 bill from the city’s largest hospital following a bike crash, learning the hard way that the hospital named after Mark Zuckerberg is out-of-network for everyone.
A Marin paper says a new study shows too many people on bikes and on foot are getting hit by motorists, and calls on everyone to pay attention and play by the rules.
Outside looks at the rise of e-mountain bikes, saying the quality keeps getting better, despite the vitriol they elicit. Especially if you’ve got ten grand or more to spend on one.
The Peloton community raised over $37,000 for a man suffering from cancer, after his wife posted on Facebook asking if anyone wanted to buy hers to help pay for her treatment.
Students at the University of Arkansas are about to get a new cycle track and sidewalks leading through campus.
This is who we share the roads with. A Michigan Uber driver has pled guilty to shooting eight people between fares, killing six.
A Pittsburgh letter writer says bike riders should be subsidized, not taxed, because they reduce overall car usage.
An Adirondack, New York newspaper thanks the state’s governor for finishing the 34-mile rail-to-trail Adirondack Rail Trail.
There’s a special place in hell for the hit-and-run driver who ran down a New Jersey man delivering food to the homeless on his bicycle, leaving hm to die alone in the street.
Road.cc looks at six of the best bike locks to help keep your bike from getting stolen.
Havana’s new docked bikeshare system is turning out to be more popular than expected, even with just 60 bicycles.
A Winnipeg city counselor says screw the bike lanes, clear snow off the roads and sidewalks first.
I want to be like him when I grow up, too. A bighearted Montreal man anonymously gave over 1,700 bicycles to disadvantaged kids over the last 34 years of his life, earning the nickname the Bike Man; it was only after his death that his true identity finally came out.
Prince Charles is one of us. Or at least he was during his college days.
British foldie bikemaker Brompton isn’t taking chances, stockpiling the equivalent of nearly $1.3 million in parts in case a “shit hits the fan” Brexit disaster strikes, which is looking more likely every day.
Now that’s more like it. Police in an English city have opened a web portal allowing people to submit bike and dashcam videos and still photos showing traffic violations. It would take a law change to allow police to use videos and photos in California. And it should be.
No, using a motor vehicle to intentionally knock someone off their bike isn’t a prank, it’s assault with a deadly weapon.
Even Azerbaijan is becoming bike friendly.
Thor is one of us. Or at least the actor who plays him, as Chris Hemsworth goes for a shirtless bike ride with his family in their Australian hometown.
Competitive Cycling
USA Cycling has a new CEO after hiring the former head of New Balance; he’s one of us, too.
New Paralympics individual pursuit champ Clara Brown won her title eleven years after she was paralyzed from the neck down, and just five months after taking up track cycling.
If you’re going to make your getaway by bicycle, make sure you’re faster than the bike cop chasing you. No, the correct usage of a kid’s bike is not smashing the windshield of the person you’re arguing with.
And now you can have your very own bike airbag, just like all the cool people in cars (scroll down).
Very interesting about excessive uninsured billing at Mark Zuckerberg Hospital in San Fran. She needs a lawyer bc health insurance companies are supposed to cover emergency only care anywhere after your deductible is met. It’s a matter of public policy.
SO a company developed an app to help you plan a route. I use google maps to find my way around every city. Bike, walking, car, and transit, and trains and planes where available. they even allow you to pick your time of day since they seem to have the schedules.
I do the same. As a matter of fact, I’m just about to do that myself.
Good day
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