Greetings from Los Angeles, America’s second-place city™.
The Super Bowl is over, but the rain isn’t.
So be careful out there. Light yourself up even during day rides, and ride defensively, because drivers assume no one in their right mind would ride a bike in weather like this.
And they may be right.
But when has that ever stopped us?
And let’s hope none of those drivers were inspired watching yesterday’s game, and decide to drive like the people in car ads.
My apologies to anyone who sent me links over the weekend. While I truly appreciate it, I’m afraid I lost track of some of the people who sent them. So please accept my apologies, as well as my thanks.
In case you wondered, this is why they close the bike path on the LA River, and other water-adjacent bike paths, when it rains.
Even a separated bike path isn’t safe when it rains, as this driver ended up upside down on the San Gabriel River bike path.
Thanks to Bike SGV for the heads-up.
The New York Times gives the legendary Major Taylor the obituary he deserved, but never got, when he died penniless in the 1930s.
Known as the Black Cyclone, he was the first African American cycling world champ, and just the second in any sport.
And like those who integrated other sports, he had to overcome hatred and prejudice, as well his opponents on the track.
He also made a brief splash in yesterday’s Super Bowl.
Unlike a certain LA team we could name.
The war on cars may be a myth, but the war on bikes goes on.
After a New York bike rider raps on a man’s car to chastise him for parking in a bike lane, the driver gets out and threatens to shoot her in the head if she does it again.
Which is a nice, psychopathic response to a totally non-threatening gesture.
In a bizarre case, an 8-year old South Carolina boy claims a car full of men stopped next to him as he rode his bike, and the driver pulled a gun on him for no apparent reason.
A Florida man says a pickup driver forced his bicycle off the road, then attacked him with a metal pipe.
This is who we share the roads with.
Streetsblog reports on meetings being held to discuss options to close the 8-mile gap in the LA River bike path through DTLA; one last meeting will be held in Cypress Park on Thursday.
Urbanize Los Angeles offers a better look at the streetscape improvements coming to Broadway and Manchester in South LA.
A Nigerian journalist offers a tourist’s eye view of the City of Angeles, including a bike tour of Venice, after an Ethiopian airline begins direct flights from Togo. Although he seems to confused Los Angeles with San Diego, size-wise.
A Long Beach police detective is in deep trouble after a pair of allegedly drunken and/or stoned crashes, including fleeing the scene after rear-ending a bike rider in Marina del Rey, followed by crashing into another driver on the 405; she was released on $100,000 bond. Thanks to John McBrearty for the heads-up.
This is why people keep dying on our streets. Police in Gardena pulled over a suspected drunk driver who was weaving across the street, with a BAC over four times the legal limit — a level so high it’s usually fatal. He was already on probation for a previous DUI, and had an interlock device on his ignition, which he somehow managed to defeat.
Costa Mesa officials discuss plans for a buffered bike lane and multi-use path on Merrimac Way.
San Diego lifeguards rescued a half dozen dockless bikes that had been tossed off a cliff into the ocean, spotting and retrieving them while on a training mission.
San Diego’s Planning Commission voted to eliminate parking requirements within a half mile of major transit stops.
Bakersfield police are looking for a hit-and-run driver who left a bike-riding woman with major injuries.
A San Jose columnist credits bike lanes with a drop in bike and pedestrian deaths last year, equalling the number of homicides in the city, which is not necessarily a good thing. In the same piece, a former prosecutor and defense attorney tries to excuse DUIs, saying everyone does it and drunk drivers should get off with just a diversion class. I’m not saying he’s completely full of shit, but if someone gave him an enema, he probably disappear entirely.
The San Jose Mercury News says Complete Streets are spreading across the state. Except in Los Angeles, of course, where too many councilmembers lack the courage to stand up to NIMBYs and traffic safety deniers.
Bicycling and transit use have both dropped in San Francisco in recent years, as the overwhelming majority of people still prefer cars.
Is anyone really surprised that a pair of scooter providers have failed to live up to the promises they made to get permits to operate in San Francisco?
A man on a bike is accused of attacking and choking a Novato hiker after she tried to stop him from kicking her dog.
Horrible news from Napa, where a grandfather was beaten to death while riding on a local bike path. Meanwhile, in nearby Santa Rosa, a homeless man was beaten to death by two men who accused him of stealing a bicycle. Seriously, no bike is worth that.
Nice gesture from the Butte County Sheriff’s Office, which gave away 600 bicycles to children affected by the devastating Camp Fire.
No, a Peloton bike probably won’t get you the body of your dreams.
Lime is pulling their dockless bikes from St. Louis, replacing them with e-scooters.
Stephen Katz forwards a rare story of forgiveness, as the family of a bike rider killed by a dangerous bus driver on the campus of the University of Texas decides to turn the other cheek.
Oh, hell no. A proposed update to Rhode Island’s transportation budget would gut bicycle funding by shifting over $31 million into highway projects.
A New York teacher is planning to bike across the US to raise money for cancer patients, just two years after she had open-heart surgery.
Mazatlan, Mexico now has a docked bikeshare system, which will eventually grow to 350 bikes and 50 stations.
A self-described avid cyclist in Windsor, Ontario says there’s got to be a better way to improve bicycling without removing parking or traffic lanes for bike lanes. If he knows one, maybe he could actually make a suggestion or two.
London considers establishing an app-based bikeshare system; no, not that London. Meanwhile, a writer in the other London is looking forward to getting e-scooters on the streets trod by Nelson, Churchill and Dickens. And Jack the Ripper.
Tour de France winner Geraint Thomas offers UK readers advice on buying a bike, from ebikes and single speeds to gravel bikes and roadies. No offense, but is a pro cyslist who probably hasn’t bought his own bike in years really the best person to offer advice to casual and transportation riders?
I love a story with a happy ending. Carlton Reid tells the tale of a Brit CEO who traded his Mercedes supercar for an e-cargo bike. And lived healthier and happier ever after.
In today’s edition of two countries divided by a common language, English authorities warn people not to ride croggy. And yes, I had to click the link to learn what the hell that meant. Just like you will.
After police caught up with a British hit-and-run driver, she claimed she didn’t stop because she didn’t do anything wrong, and that the bike rider she ran down was trying to get hit. No, really, Because we all enjoy pain, especially when it’s delivered at the end of a bumper.
Great Britain’s future heir and two spares enjoy daily bike rides and dog walks, as Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis — third, fourth and fifth in line for the British crown once their father and granddad kick the bucket — enjoy a relatively normal upbringing with their self-defense and evasive driving-trained nanny.
Horrifying story from Scotland, where a driver hit an Edinburgh bicyclist with his van, talked him into getting inside to take him somewhere to get help — then dumped him in the street a few blocks away, dragging him out by his leg.
NPR considers how women are breaking the taboo against bicycling in Karachi, Pakistan.
A woman in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia is leading the way to get more women on bikes in the conservative country, with 7,000 followers on her social media account dedicated to bicycling.
A Kenyan state governor shocks everyone by riding a bicycle to work sans security detail.
Social media users are calling a South African high school student a hero for swooping in on his bicycle to rescue a schoolmate who was being attacked, and losing his phone in the process.
A Kiwi columnist says don’t waste time arguing over e-scooters, when the real danger is quad bikes. Which aren’t really bikes at all, since they have four wheels.
One of Australia’s most wanted men is taking that feeling of being invisible on a bike seriously, hiding out from the authorities on a bicycle.
Competitive Cycling
Belgium’s Sanne Cant clearly can, winning her third consecutive cyclocross world title. Although it kind of sucks when your own father costs you the title, as second-place Lucinda Brand learned the hard way.
Speaking of which, the ‘cross worlds will come to Walmart’s neck of the woods in three years, as Fayetteville, Arkansas is awarded the 2022 meet.
When a pair of Pro Continental riders found themselves unemployed after their Aqua Blue Sport team folded, they got their cycling mojo back by bikepacking across the alps.
Fat bike racing in the recent Minnesota polar vortex.
When the cycling team from India’s Rajasthan state showed up for the country’s national championships, they were forced to sleep on the floor under the velodrome.
Repeat after me — when you’re carrying coke, weed and prescription drugs on your bike at 4:30 am, put a light on it. When you’re riding your bike with an outstanding warrant and weed in your pockets, put a damn light on it, already. Chances are you make a lousy travel companion.
And feel free to do this on the mayor’s desk if I ever get killed in a crash.
the war on bikes goes on…
I did the same when a driver stopped over the crosswalk just missing me as I was going to cross with my bike. And I tapped on the back end of his car. Oh wow I apparently released his inner don’t touch my car demons.
He managed to do a quick u-turn and hopped out of his car wanting to confront me I guess. To which I laughed and headed for the sidewalk, presuming he wouldn’t drive on the sidewalk. Yep you just never know what’s going to flip someones switch. I’ll surely not do that again.
After a New York bike rider raps on a man’s car to chastise him for parking in a bike lane, the driver gets out and threatens to shoot her in the head if she does it again.
Which is a nice, psychopathic response to a totally non-threatening gesture.
Very fitting to have a Major Taylor story on the anniversary of Jackie Robinson’s birth. Go Bruins