Someone was killed riding a bike in Port Hueneme Wednesday morning.
Which is nearly all we know at the moment.
According to the Ventura County Star, the victim was riding somewhere in the vicinity of Ventura Road and Teakwood Street in Port Hueneme around 5:30 am, when he or she was run down by someone driving something.
However, the local TV network says the crash on occurred Ventura at Teakwood.
The victim, who was not publicly identified or described in any way, apparently died at the scene. Meanwhile, the driver fled the scene; no word on whether the police have any information to go on.
There’s also no word on how the collision occurred.
In other words, pretty much all we know is that it happened, and someone died.
Which is pretty damn shameful.
The TV story reports investigators are looking for witnesses, but once again, they don’t tell anyone how they can come forward if they know anything.
This is at least the 44th bicycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the third that I’m aware of in Ventura County.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for the victim and his or her loved ones.
Our prayers go up for the family and friends of the victim.