Why does East LA get all the good art?
Aurelio Jose Barrera caught this soda pop delivery truck adorned with a Jariritos-selling cargo bike.
If they didn’t have so much sugar, that would be enough to get my dollars.
PeopleforBikes wants to know how Covid-19 has affect your bike riding.
The war on cars may be a myth, but the war on bikes just keeps on going.
Newly found video shows a Portland driver intentionally run over a man’s bike as he tried to cork traffic during an August protest; naturally, police just let the driver go.
A North Dakota woman pled guilty to using her car as a weapon to intentionally run over a man on a bike after they argued about money; the victim was lucky to escape with road rash and bleeding.
No bias here. A London paper gleefully reports that a popup bike lane will be removed after causing traffic congestion, leading to calls to remove others, as well. Although no one seems to consider that it’s all those cars that cause traffic congestion, not bike lanes or the people using them.
A London driver didn’t take kindly to being told to drive more carefully, telling BBC presenter Jeremy Vine to fuck off.
Overtaking me at speed, presumably out of frustration, led this driver nearly to miss the fact that someone was already on the zebra crossing in front of her. And then the cycle box. pic.twitter.com/vD8GdcElcq
— Jeremy Vine (@theJeremyVine) October 8, 2020
But sometimes, it’s the people on two wheels behaving badly.
Police in Milwaukee are looking for a bike-riding, saw-toting man wanted for damaging several trees.
Bike-riding Downey city council candidate Alexandria Contreras will be on Bike Talk this evening. However, the link in the tweet is dead, but you can find the show here.
Alexandria’ll be on at 6pm https://t.co/y62PpOCg1A. https://t.co/FGSvkOJb1G
— Bike Talk (@biketalkpfk) October 9, 2020
Weight weenies rejoice! Morgan Hill’s Specialized has introduced the lightest disk brake bike yet, checking in at a svelte 13 pounds, even though they insist it’s really about the ride quality. As long as you’ve got a cool twelve and a half grand in spare cash lying around, that is.
San Francisco is moving forward with plans for a complete Slow Streets network after ruling against several CEQA appeals that were holding things up.
Next City examines how Oakland was inspired by Covid-19 to get real about equitable urban planning.
Historic Angels Camp will get new bike lanes and sidewalks to serve the town’s 3,800 residents and assorted tourists.
A new study shows it only takes 15 minutes of high-intensity bicycling to boost your memory. You can read it on Yahoo if Bicycling blocks you out.
Bicycle Times takes a trip in the wayback machine to review the 1972 Schwinn Paramount.
A new bike helmet takes a more subtle approach to lighting, and will call for help if you crash.
A pair of young Armenian and Turkish bike riders formed an unlikely friendship on a ride across the US despite centuries of hostility between the two countries, including the mass genocide of Armenians at the hands of Turks a century ago.
Shaq is one of us, even if he has to have his bikes custom built to fit his 7’1″ frame. And yes, you can read it on Yahoo, too.
One app to rule them all, one app to find them. Lime takes a step towards world domination, or at least the world of micromobility, by offering Wheels scooters through their app, along with the usual Lime e-scooters and ebikes.
The bad news is, Boston has removed its popup bike lanes. The good news is, they’re making them all permanent, instead.
When Rhode Island cops were unable to recover a boy’s stolen bike, the kindhearted officers pitched in to buy him a new one.
A new candidate to replace termed out Bill de Blasio as mayor of New York says bike lanes should be part of the city’s transportation network. But fails to mention that city law requires 50 miles of new protected bike lanes and 30 miles of bus lanes every year. Unlike Los Angeles, where city officials are legally required to build absolutely nothing. And too often don’t.
A Pennsylvania man will face charges for running down a bike rider after running not one, but two stop signs while driving without a license.
Another unlicensed Pennsylvania driver pled guilty to charges of slamming his SUV into a bike trailer pulling an 11-month old infant; fortunately, the critically injured baby pulled through.
Maryland drivers will now be allowed to briefly cross a double yellow line to pass bike riders on narrow roads. California drivers would have the same privilege, except Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed an early version of the three-foot passing law because it contained the same provision.
She gets it. A Delaware letter writer says developers should be required to build a mile of bike lanes and sidewalks when they get project approvals.
A writer for Tech Digest shares what he’s learned by riding a bike during the coronavirus lockdown, including that cars are scary, pedestrians are not your friend, and no, you don’t look good in Lycra.
Cycling Industry News asks a panel of experts about the role of bikeshare in attracting new bike riders.
Revel Bikes is raffling off a custom painted Rascal mountain bike to benefit LoveYourBrain; tickets are just $5.
You can add Colombia to your bike bucket list, as bicycles create a sustainable path to tourism in the country.
Forget speeding drivers, Toronto cops are turning their speed guns on bicycle riders exceeding a bike path’s 12 mph speed limit.
A pair of Welsh bike thieves are pretending to have mechanical problems while riding on a bike path, then riding off with the victim’s bike when they stop to help.
An Irish mother is calling for more and safer bike lanes after a near miss with a driver as she was biking to school with her seven-year old daughter.
A trio of Rwandan firms will pitch in to provide bike helmets for bicycle taxi riders in Kigali.
Motor loving Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor is one of us, riding his chunky $635 e-foldie through Mumbai with his mom.
Bollywood actor, professional model and former first runner-up to Mr. India Rahul Rajasekharan is one of us, too.
Competitive Cycling
Former Tour de France champ Geraint Thomas is out of the race with a broken pelvis. And out for the remainder of the season; VeloNews says that leaves the race wide open.
Your next ebike could look pretty cool, even without a front hub. Nothing like doing a century in less than two and a half hours — while drafting, of course.
And seriously, don’t ride your bike directly at cars, no matter what you call it.
Be safe, and stay healthy. And wear a mask, already.