Gap closure on LA River path through Griffith Park inches closer, and why LA drivers get fatter in slow traffic

Day 63 of LA’s Vision Zero failure to end traffic deaths by 2025. 


Please forgive me for a belated Ramadan Mubarak!

And happy Mardi Gras to all who celebrate. 

Today’s graphic is a rendering from the LA City environmental report for the propose LA River path gap closure. 


We could be getting a little closer to closing another gap in the LA River bike path.

Urbanize reports Los Angeles has published an environmental report for a new segment of the bike path, closing a 4,600-foot gap through Griffith Park between Riverside Drive and the Mariposa Bridge.

The plans call for a 12-foot wide paved path, with one lane in each direction and shoulders on either side, next to a 10-foot wide equestrian trail.

But don’t plan on riding it anytime soon.

Los Angeles has punted on previous promises to complete the full LA River path in time for the 2028 Olympics, which is why this one little segment isn’t scheduled for completion until over a year later.

And God only knows when the long missing segment through DTLA and points south will finally get built, with anticipated federal funding now up in the air.


A study looks at the relationship between slow traffic and fast food.

The study published in the Journal of Urban Economics shows that Los Angeles drivers who are stuck in traffic are more likely to stop for unhealthy fast food than drivers with less congested commutes.

A new study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, published in the Journal of Urban Economics, examined weekday traffic data from Los Angeles County highways between 2017 and 2019 and compared it with cellphone GPS data tracking customer visits to fast food restaurants in the same county during the same years. They found that when traffic was worse due to unexpected slowdowns, visits to fast food restaurants went up. This effect was especially strong if the traffic delays occurred around evening mealtimes, when drivers were leaving work and probably starting to feel some predinner hunger pangs.

In fact, for every additional 30 seconds delayed in traffic per mile traveled, there was a 1% increase in visits to fast food restaurants.

Just more proof that driving is bad for your health. And your diet.

On the other hand, bike riders are more likely to stop for tacos, based on a nonscientific study of yours truly.

Or maybe donuts.


Streetsblog calls out a couple of bike-related public meetings this week.

First up is a virtual update on new bus lanes on Vermont Ave at 6 pm this Thursday; work is starting now, even though the project doesn’t include any accommodation for bicycles, as required under Measure HLA.

Metro will hold the final two community meetings of the current round to discuss the Segment B of the Rail-to-Rail/River Active Transportation Corridor Project, focusing on active transportation improvements on Randolph Street through Bell, Bell Gardens, Huntington Park and Maywood; a virtual meeting will be held Thursday at noon, and a real world meeting in Bell at 10 am Saturday.


The war on cars may be a myth, but the war on bikes just keeps on going.

A new British bill intended to crack down on “anti-social cycling” would allow on-the-spot fines equivalent to more than $600 for riding a bike in a pedestrian zone. Although I always thought anti-social cycling was wanting to ride your bike alone. 

But sometimes, it’s the people on two wheels behaving badly.

After a 65-year old salmon cyclist got right hooked by a driver, the victim got a trip to the hospital and a traffic ticket — but oddly, for failing to obey a traffic control device, rather than riding against traffic.



The Palisades resident famous for attempting to escape the January firestorm on his bicycle while carrying two large original paintings, before leaving them with a news reporter, explains why he “unconsciously” grabbed the artwork on his rush out the door.

This time, the rich only got a little richer, as bike-friendly Santa Monica installed a little less than four miles of new and upgraded bike lanes last year, along with 39 new curb extensions, two new crosswalks and 222 repainted ones and new stop signs at key intersections.



The Kern County coroner identified the 68-year old man killed when a pickup driver slammed into his bicycle Friday evening.

A writer for the Cal Poly student newspaper says San Luis Obispo is doing bike safety right — if students stay there long enough to benefit from it.

More proof that bike lanes aren’t divisive after all, despite the loud angry voices screaming on talk radio and at public meetings, as a Berkeley poll shows that 73% of city residents support expanding bike infrastructure — including 57% who don’t bike and don’t want to.

A San Francisco website says why wait for speed cams, when they can just install more speed bumps?

Bike-riding volunteers are helping to keep people safe on the city’s bike paths, while they enjoy the scenery themselves.



I want to be like them when I grow up. Bicycling talks with people over 80 about how riding a bicycle helps them think and feel years younger. Although you’ll need a subscription if the magazine blocks you this time.

Nevada could become the next state to adopt a Stop As Yield Law, aka the Idaho Stop Law, to improve safety for people on bicycles. Meanwhile, the California legislature has passed it twice, only to see the bills die on Governor Newsom’s desk. 

Arizona bicyclists held a memorial ride to remember the two people killed and 16 injured in the 2023 Goodyear, Arizona, massacre, led by one of the survivors; driver Pedro Quintana Lujan faces just 12 misdemeanor charges, despite falsely claiming his steering locked up.

The owner of an Albuquerque, New Mexico bike shop received a $50,000 settlement from the city after she sued for wrongful arrest; she got a summons for battery when she attempted to block a combative customer from entering the store after he’d already been thrown out twice.

Sad news from Wisconsin, where a bike-riding couple in their late 50s were killed when they were run down by a 20-year old SUV driver on a rural road not far from their home.

Momentum chats with New York’s Cargo Bike Momma, whose kid-toting SUV has just two wheels.



A six-year old Scottish boy has successfully made the leap from a balance bike to shredding mountain bike trails better than most adults.

British environmentalists are going to the High Court — equivalent to a US Superior Court — to fight plans for a Coventry bike lane that would require chopping down 26 trees.

An Aussie advocacy group is fighting bad bollards on bike paths.


Competitive Cycling

The Pasadena Triathlon returns to the Rose Bowl this Saturday, with a format designed to encourage first-timers.



Now you, too, can enjoy riding in the rain, just in time for the return of what passes for winter here in LA. Enjoy mountain biking above the Arctic Circle.

And jumping from the saddle to Slovak dancing stardom.


Be safe, and stay healthy. And get vaccinated, already.

Oh, and fuck Putin. 

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