Then there were eight.
Eight people killed riding their bicycles in Southern California in just ten days.
Eight families who won’t have a happy holiday, now and most likely for years to come.
According to the Victorville Daily News, the latest came in Hesperia Tuesday evening.
A man was riding his bike at Seventh Avenue and Cactus Street when he was struck by a driver around 6:28 pm, and pronounced dead at the scene.
Unfortunately, that’s all we know at this time. There’s no information yet about the victim, or how the crash might have occurred.
A street view shows a wide open two lane road with sand-covered shoulders on Seventh, intersected by a narrow paved street to the west and a dirt road to the right.
No speed limit sign as visible, but multiple signs call on drivers to give bicyclists a three-foot passing distance.
This is at least the 75th bicycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the seventh that I’m aware of in San Bernardino County.
Update: The Victor Valley News has identified the victim as 50-year old Hesperia resident Armando Salinas.
The paper reports he was killed in a hit-and-run by the driver of a pickup traveling south on Seventh. Paramedics found his body lying in the southbound lane just below Cactus Street.
Anyone with information is urged to call Deputy D. Whitson or Deputy D. Caudle at the Hesperia Sheriff’s station at 760/947-1500.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for the Armando Salinas and all his loved ones.
And let’s all pray this tragic streak stops now.