The Press-Telegram is reporting that a bike rider was killed in North Long Beach this morning.
According to the paper, the victim was struck by a car Downey Ave at La Jara Street around 9:45 am.
The rider, who has not been publicly identified, reportedly turned onto the street diagonally, putting him directly into the path of the oncoming car.
A police spokesperson says the victim saw the car at the last moment, but was struck as both he and the driver tried to avoid the crash.
He died at the scene.
A street view shows two lanes in each direction on Downey with a center left turn lane, and a parallel access road on either side.
It’s unclear where the rider would have entered the road at a diagonal angle. It’s possible he may have come off a side street intending to turn at La Jara, or vice versa, but that is just speculation.
It’s also questionable why he wouldn’t have seen the driver, since Downey offers an unobstructed view in both directions. As well as who told police he tried to avoid the crash after seeing the driver at the last minute.
It’s impossible to know what he may have seen and when, since he’s unable to give his side of the story. Or just what his actions were as a result unless they were observed by independent witnesses.
This is the 37th bicycling fatality in Southern California, and the 17th in Los Angeles County this year. And it’s at least the 13th bicycling death in Long Beach since 2010.
Update: The Press-Telegram has identified the victim as 54-year old Long Beach resident John Anthony Holland.
According to the paper, Holland was struck while riding northwest across northbound Downey Ave between Hedda and La Jara streets.
The driver reportedly moved into the right lane to avoid Holland at the same time Holland made a U-turn to his right, putting him directly into the path of the car.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for John Anthony Holland and his loved ones.