Sad news from Ontario, where are man was killed while riding his bike Friday night.
As usual for the Inland Empire, not much information is available.
According to the Daily Bulletin, a man was hit by the driver of a vehicle while crossing 4th street on his bike just east of the 15 Freeway around 9 pm Friday.
The victim, who has not been identified pending notification of next of kin, was pronounced dead at a regional medical center around 9:40 pm.
The driver, who had been traveling east on the roadway, stayed at the scene and called 911.
A press release from the coroner’s office (second item) adds a few more details, placing the site of the crash just east of the southbound onramp to the 15, and identifying the victim as a white male.
No other information is available at this time.
A street view shows a wide roadway on 4th with six lanes in each direction, a right turn lane, and double left turn lanes leading onto the freeway.
Despite the traffic signal, there’s no crosswalk visible in the photo.
If the victim was traveling from north to south, it could have been difficult to cross the roadway in time, with or without the light.
This is the 36th bicycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the eighth in San Bernardino County.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for the victim and his loved ones.