Try to read this one without laughing.
I dare you.
A lawyer and regular contributor to City Watch insists that Mayor Garcetti could face criminal liability for a Mobility Plan that places bike lanes on city streets. Where riders are forced to suck in the air pollution from passing cars in what he describes as a violation of California’s CEQA laws.
He even says city officials may be held criminally liable for battery and homicide, comparing the situation to the tainted water in Flint, Michigan.
Which almost sounds sort-of semi-reasonable, until you consider just how far off base it really is.
Starting with the fact that it was the City Council, not Garcetti, which was responsible for the city’s Mobility Plan and the bike lanes proposed therein.
And that several studies have shown that the air inside motor vehicles is dirtier than the air bike riders breathe. Or that the health benefits of bicycling far outweigh the risk posed by bad air.
Not to mention that bike lanes are found on busy city streets in virtually every major city around the world, with no apparent mass die-off of bike riders gasping their last due to auto exhaust.
And never mind that Los Angeles already conducted an environmental review of the city’s bike plan following the debacle in San Francisco, where a single disgruntled man held up implantation of the city’s bike plan for years using a CEQA challenge, until a judge finally threw the case out.
Or that bike lanes were exempted from CEQA review four years ago when Governor Brown signed AB 417 as a result of that case.
Although you’d think a decent lawyer might have looked that up.
But if you ever need someone to file a writ ordering kids to get off your lawn, he may be your guy.
If you’re not completely burned out after tonight’s argument over friendly discussion of the Venice Great Streets project at the Mar Vista Community Council meeting, you can do it all over again tomorrow when the Palms Neighborhood Council takes up the subject.
And a public safety meeting will be held tomorrow to discuss a planned road diet on Temple Street in Echo Park and Historic Filipinotown; the Vision Zero project would reduce the street to one lane in each direction, with bike lanes and a center turn lane.
The 2018 Giro d’Italia will start just slightly outside the county — in Jerusalem.
Only a handful of riders can still challenge Chris Froome in the Tour de France. And he denies barging into one of them.
Polish rider Rafal Majka abandoned the Tour de France after falling in Sunday’s ninth stage.
Italian cyclist Adriano Malori announced his retirement from racing on Monday, nearly two years after being placed in a medically coma following a crash in Argentina’s Tour de San Luis.
Cycling industry insiders set up a fake motor doping website to see who’d be interested; cycling team managers, industry publications and individual cyclists who wanted to cheat their fellow racers took the bait.
Scottish track cyclist Katie Ford set new records for the greatest distance covered in both six and eight hours, despite suffering from epilepsy.
LA County has agreed to settle the case of an unarmed man killed by sheriff’s deputies for $2.9 million; 23-year old Noel Aguilar was shot when he fled after deputies tried to stop him for riding his bike on the sidewalk.
LA Downtown News looks at the first anniversary of the Metro Bike bikeshare program, noting it costs more than similar programs in other cities and doesn’t have a discount program for low-income users.
Architects present plans to revitalize the LA River.
Solano Beach will raise funds for bike lanes and pedestrian paths by adding a $15,714 fee to the cost of every new single-family home and $11,206 for each new apartment. Which means improving alternative transportation at the expense of desperately needed new affordable housing.
San Bernardino sheriff’s deputies are on the lookout for a BMX-riding booze shoplifter who punched a Rite Aid employee in the face to make his getaway.
Bakersfield police somehow mistake a 5’2”, 115 pound, 19-year old bike-riding black woman for a bald, 5’10”, 170 pound machete-wielding man. So they pulled a gun on her, punched her in the mouth and set a police dog on her.
Santa Cruz installs its first bike box to improve visibility and safety for bicyclists.
The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition opposes a proposed ordinance that would ban bike chop shops in an effort to reduce bicycle theft, saying it doesn’t get to the root of the problem. The roots of the problem are addiction and homelessness, which are much more difficult to solve. And neither of which are helped by looking the other way while addicts deal in stolen bicycles.
Sacramento is preparing to boot bikes off some sidewalks in the downtown area. But not all of them, since they don’t have money to build bike lanes. Which means, unless they post it on every block, people will have no idea whether or not they can legally ride on any given sidewalk.
The Lake Tahoe basin is transforming itself with 50 miles of existing shared-use trails and another 6.5 miles currently under construction, with plans for nearly 26 miles more over the next five years.
Ford patents a retractable bike rack that would actually be built into your vehicle. Or you could just forget the car and ride your bike.
A woman is riding from California to Maine to collect stories from inspiring women.
A group of cops and other first responders will ride 500 miles from Dallas to Baton Rouge to honor the eight officers killed in the two cities last year.
Caught on video: This is why you don’t lock your bike to a street sign; a thief simply removes the bolts holding a sign in place and lifts it up to steal an expensive ebike.
A candidate for governor of Massachusetts is one of us, suffering minor injuries when he was thrown from his bike after hitting a pothole.
She gets it. A writer from Massachusetts says the car is not king, and instead of stenciling sidewalks to ban riding bikes, the city should improve bike lanes so people don’t feel compelled to use them.
New York bicyclists are banned from a popular bike path so electric cars can race, instead.
Virginia officials decide to squeeze a bike trail between an expanded freeway and a sound wall, since neighbors won’t allow the bikeway on their side of the wall.
A poignant story, as a bike-riding former Ottawa, Canada heroin addict who saved the lives of 130 drug overdose victims has been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer; a crowdfunding campaign has raised nearly $12,000 to send him home to see his parents one last time.
Caught on video too: A pair of British riders are taken down by “yobs” who rolled an old bike into their path. Warning: You may have to sit through an interminable movie trailer to get to it.
A UK police inspector sticks up for officers who intentionally doored a bike-riding theft suspect to make an arrest, even though the helmetless rider could have been seriously injured.
Either a Virginia newspaper is in desperate need of punctuation, or a bicyclist crashed into a disregarded stop sign. If you’re going to ride drunk, try not to pee on the cop who busts you for it.
And seriously, don’t try this at home, especially not at 62 mph.
In flip-flops.
I do believe that city or transportation planners or anyone else responsible for the design or approval of door zone bike lanes or any other infrastructure with potentially deadly manufactured conflicts should be held at least partially responsible anytime a dooring or other crash happens. Besides the negligence of the motorist (even though they’re not always being negligent, it’s not ALWAYS the motorist’s fault), installing infrastructure that leads inexperienced cyclists along a potential death trap like a door zone bike lane should be criminally illegal.
Thanks for posting the info about Lake Tahoe. For those who have never been, it’s some of the best cycling in the world. If you have a road bike try to make it around the lake clockwise, 72 miles. 5000 feet climb, it’s the best. Many paths also for hybrids away from cars. Now through Sept is the time to go. Don’t put it off. I go at least once a summer.
Hello Jim (or Ted),
I have become a regular reader of your most excellent bicycle newsletter … and I like the format …. easy to quickly scan through.
Mike Levine, Stage 4 pancreatic cancer survivor (about 1 year since starting treatments and counting) is going to race at Ironman Kona World Championships in October 2017 if all goes well.
Mike is coached by 1982 IM World Champion Kathleen McCartney.
Update: He told me a couple of weeks ago he has been accepted for the Kona race.
Go Mike!!
Mike Levine’s cancer treatment procedures might be of interest to Douglas Nickerson in your story above.
+1 mph Faster
I can imagine team coaches wanting to get information about motor doping. So they could perhaps find ways to spot a cheater. Not sure I can justify cycle publications or others wanting to advertise them.
“Ford patents a retractable bike rack that would actually be built into your vehicle. Or you could just forget the car and ride your bike.”
Or, you might be interested in this because you use a bike rack to take bikes on a road trip. Or you want to take a MTB to a trail somewhere outside riding distance. Or you need to carry bike(s) to a race (road, tri, MTB, cross, etc).
I myself prefer riding from home and not driving somewhere to ride. But some people have to, and I do it myself on occasion. I hate my current POS bike rack. Something built into the car might be cool.