Morning Links: New study shows benefits of protected bike lanes; OC cyclist threatened and harassed on PCH

Any debate over the benefits of protected bike lanes should end today.

In what’s being called a groundbreaking study of nine bike lanes (pdf) in five cities across the US, researchers funded by People for Bikes found big benefits for protected lanes.

According to Bike Portland,

The facilities included in the sample — hand-picked bikeways from Austin, Washington D.C., San Francisco, Chicago and Portland — showed a massive increase in bike traffic, received high marks for improving safety of all road users, and have won over the hearts and minds of people whether they use them or not.

The story goes on to say a quarter of riders say they ride more because of the protected lanes, while protected lanes increase bike traffic an average of 72% in the first year alone. In addition, 96% of people using the lanes felt safer, and 76% of people living nearby support building additional protected lanes, whether they use them or not.

Meanwhile, 10% of the riders switched from other modes of transportation.

And most significant of all, in an analysis of 144 hours of video footage, nearly 12,900 cyclists passed through the intersections under study without a single collision.

Or even a near collision, for that matter.

Game, set, match.


Caught on video: Despite riding in a separated bike lane on PCH, an Orange County cyclist is threatened and harassed by jerks in a pickup, who throw water bottles at him and try to run him off the road; KCAL-9 offers a detailed report.

Hopefully authorities will be able to make out the license and press charges for assault. And hopefully they’ll take it as seriously as they say they will.

Thanks to John McBrearty for the heads-up.



Mayor Garcetti will announce the city’s first 15 Great Streets on Tuesday, one for each council district. Including North Figueroa, where Councilmember Gil Cedillo has been actively blocking the bike lanes and road diet that would help make it great.

Bicycling interviews LA Bike Train’s Nona Varnado, even though the LA Weekly says LA is still a car town, and it’s damn well going to stay that way. So there.

The LA edition of the World Naked Bike Ride rolls on Saturday, June 14th. I’d go but I don’t have a thing to wear.

Registration opens Thursday for Wolfpack Hustle’s Civic Center Crit 2 on July 12th.

A new white paper examines how Santa Monica’s school district can embrace bicycling; thanks to Dr. Michael Cahn for the link.

Evidently, Burbank Congressman Adam Shiff really is one of us; he’s on this year’s edition of the AIDS/LifeCycle ride as we speak.

A group of cyclists will depart from Malibu on Wednesday on a cross-country tour to raise money and awareness for Hope for Warriors.



Calbike releases their summer report.

Speaking of the AIDS/LifeCycle ride, four participants were right hooked by a driver Monday morning; fortunately, none appear to be seriously injured.

A high school exchange student learns the hard way that Shasta Lake is no Holland when it comes to bikes.



It’s been a bad week for Wyoming cyclists, as two riders are killed by suspected drunk drivers in three days, and a third rider — the wife of one of the victims — was seriously injured. The state is in freefall when it comes to bike-friendliness, dropping 25 spots in just four years.

San Antonio votes to throw $1.74 million down the toilet by removing new bike lanes, even though they don’t slow traffic flow.

Despite gloom and doom predictions, not one person has died using New York’s Citi Bike bike share program in over 8.75 million journeys.

Bike Snob astutely asks when the hell a bike lane ever stopped a cab driver from parking, and who do you think will police blame when a driverless car hits a cyclist, since they already blame the rider anyway?

A DC father invents an add-on kid seat for bike share bikes, and gets a cease-and-desist order for his trouble.



A new Canadian study says bike helmets do what they’re supposed to do, while an Aussie study says cyclists really do make better drivers, at least around other riders.

A road raging driver repeatedly punches a teenage Brit cyclist, who declines to press charges.

France experiments with paying commuters to bike to work; thanks to new LACBC board member Patrick Pascal for the tip.

Even in car-choked Rome, the new mayor promotes bicycling as a viable option.

Bike racing’s governing body enters bicycle advocacy. After all, they’ve done so well running the dope-free world of racing, right?



When a father tries to teach his daughter to ride a bike, a neighbor comes out to offer his advice. Then threatens him with a shotgun when he doesn’t take it. And evidently, drivers aren’t the only ones who hate bikes, as a deer follows an employee into a bike shop before knocking him down and trashing the place.


Don’t forget to go out and Bike the Vote today. It’s only when bike riders stay home — or don’t vote their interests — that we get the sort of elected leaders who actively stand in the way of safer streets.


  1. billdsd says:

    Of course, the real comparison is actually cycle tracks vs. edge riders, sidewalk riders and wrong way riders.

    • billdsd says:

      It should also be noted that 144 hours of video is nothing.

      Even in places with no facilities and where everyone is edge riding, you will tend to go a lot longer than that without a collision. Collisions are not actually all that common. The sample size is far too small to be useful.

      Of course, it’s fits the PFB agenda, so it is declared authoritative.

      • bikinginla says:

        I’d say 144 hours and nearly 13,000 cyclists without even a near miss is a lot more than nothing.

        • billdsd says:

          That’s because you have no concept of the scale involved in how often collisions actually happened. That’s a tiny window. Even the most collision prone intersections have them far less often than that.

          • bikinginla says:

            Thank you for reading my mind and telling me what I am not aware of, especially since it runs counter to what I thought I knew. I truly appreciate you correcting my mistaken impression that I might actually know what the hell I’m talking about.

            You see, I was under the evidently mistaken impression that fatal collisions were quite rare — 1 in 6.3 million trips — while the odds of an injury collision are 1 in 77,000. Where did that information come from? Oh, yeah, I wrote it.

            On the other hand, non-injury collisions and near collisions are pretty damn common. The fact that neither occurred would seem to say a lot.

            • billdsd says:

              Assuming an average trip time of 30 minutes and the odds of an injury collision being 1 in 77000, then you would be looking at an average of 38500 hours between injury collisions or about 267 times as large as 144 hours.

              You could shorten the average trip time to 15 minutes and be looking at half that, but it’s still dramatically larger than 144 hours.

            • bikinginla says:

              But only if you ignore the absence of non-injury and near collisions, which you have once again done.

            • billdsd says:

              Also, yes, you have a lot of bicyclist but you also have a tiny subset of the intersections that they cross.

              It also doesn’t consider driveways, which I’m guessing are not entirely blocked on these cycle tracks. I’ve generally had more problems at driveways than full intersections.

            • billdsd says:

              Not really. Non-injury collisions are probably unusual. A collision with a car usually involves injury. Minor injury collisions are probably more common and both will likely have a lot not reported.

              Near collisions aren’t reported at all, though are probably fairly common. Their definition is somewhat subjective, however.

              In science, there is something called a control. There’s no control here. To do an actual scientific study you would have to do a study of the area before the cycletrack is installed as well as after. You would have to consider all times of day and all days of the week and preferably all seasons. Basically, cover a year solid.

              This so called study did video for 2 days averaging around 10 hours of video analyzed per intersection. The study is rigged to give the result that PFB and you want.

            • bikinginla says:

              Don’t go putting words in my mouth, Bill.

              My only agenda is bike safety. If I found a study that showed protected bike lanes were more dangerous than streets without bike lanes, I’d be the first to report it.

              But I haven’t seen anything like that; every single study I’ve seen shows that bike lanes improve safety for cyclists, and protected bike lanes improve safety most of all.

  2. Mark Loftus says:

    re: OC pickup truck
    If the authorities need help getting the license plate, just ask. There’s a Reddit thread on this issue where people have grabbed stills from the video that clearly show the license is a Virginia plate (I don’t remember the numbers off-hand). Of course, if the idiot has run back home & out of CA, it may make prosecution difficult.

  3. James says:

    I suffer harassment from people in similar trucks on a regular basis, an even worst it seems that about 1/3 of the cars on the road in my area are similar and similarly loud. I can’t go very far without some shithead blow past me in a jacked up modified truck without muffler. I’m routinely woken up at night when one of my neighbors blows down my street with his mini big rig/monstertruckette/penis extension. I’ve been smoked a few times as well. Apparently these trucks have modified or partially removed emissions equipment that produce smoke when revved or have something installed that produced smoke on demand. I’ve also had water bottles thrown at me when riding and on foot. As well as coins, fast food trash and chicken nuggets. I’ve also been called fag and kike. Not long ago I made the mistake of walking near downtown huntington beach and a group of douchebros in a similar truck stop, yell various obscenities at me, thrown a water bottle and them take off in a cloud of soot. I’ve come to not expect anything but the worst from people in Orange County.

  4. James says: I experienced something like this the other day and got my recommended lifetime exposure to diesel soot. Some of these shitheads who like to “roll coal” re-route the exhaust out of a smoke stack (like a big rig or power plant) but I suspect that most do not because the ability to cover someone with soot seems to be a part of the appeal. A bit of internet research found numerous references to smoking cyclists, motorcyclists and drivers of cars they dislike (Priuses seemed to be a favorite target). To top it all off they claim that this is “just carbon” and thus is a good for the environment and a fertilizer.

    Over the weekend I had another unpleasant experience with a jacked up truck. This time it wasn’t coal it was a horn unlike anything I had ever heard before. At least as loud as a freight locomotive’s horn. Just as the truck passed me in Huntington Beach (no surprise there, that whitetrash shithole is a endless well of automotive thuggery) it blew a horn so loud I nearly fell off my bike. There were no other cars around so I assume it was done merely to fuck with me. Before I had the misfortune of returning to OC I lived in an industrial area in Portland and spent a lot of time waiting on my bike for trains to pass and experienced train horns at close range. Nothing in BNSF’s arsenal was that loud.

  5. […] Our daily Ted is pretty interesting today. Morning Links: New study shows benefits of protected bike lanes; OC cyclist threatened and harassed … […]

  6. ValleyBall1 says:

    The truck video really disturbs me. I train in Muay Thai and teach my son not to resort to violence. I’m scared to think what I would have done to the trash if I got them out of that truck. You endanger my life and it becomes about survival. People are so tough behind the wheel; get them out of the car and they cower. And that is an affluent area of OC. Bet mommy and daddy are still paying for the Dodge and will have no problem bailing them out of jail.

  7. billdsd says:

    Saying that a few hours of watching a few intersections is “scientific proof” is like saying “it’s cold where I am therefore climate change is a hoax”.

    It’s easy to show counter examples:

  8. billdsd says:

    Denmark gave up two way cycle tracks decades ago, for a reason.

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