So this happened yesterday.
Uber has apparently made the long migration east from their new Santa Monica base to the wilds of Hollywood.
Or maybe someone just took a long ride and left one here on the sidewalk near my home.
The tag on the e-scooter, which you can read by clicking the photo below, promises up to five free one-half hour rides per day through October 28th using the Uber app.
Hopefully, if the Uber scooters really have finally made their long-promised entry into the LA scooter wars, that means Uber’s popular JUMP ebike bikeshare will soon follow.
Last Friday, we mentioned the frozen antique bicycle which had unexpectedly emerged from the snowy slopes of the Italian Alps. Not far from where Ötzi, the 5,000-year old frozen caveman, had emerged from his own glacial grave in 1991.
Leading to the obvious and inescapable conclusion that it might be his bike.
If obvious and inescapable can be read to mean ludicrous and anachronistic.
Yet Marvin Davis has forwarded proof, of a sort, that it may be possible after all.
Which leads us to today’s discovery of what happens when you abbreviate the year in a multi-day Google Search.
Only to discover the odd fact that not one story about bicycles was published online on Tuesday or Wednesday’s date in 18 AD.
Go figure.
Long Beach Mobility & Healthy Living Programs Officer Michelle Mowery sends word of yet another one-day closure of the San Gabriel River Bike Path next month.
The path will be closed from 8 am to 5 pm on Wednesday, November 14th between 2nd Street and 7th Street (California State Highway 22) for additional work by the LA Department of Public Works.
So mark your calendar, and plan on another route that day.
No bias here.
An indignorant writer for a Kiwi website complains about the “massive amounts of taxpayer and ratepayer money” to give supposedly freeloading bike riders “an advantage over motorists who have to pay their own way in life.”
Don’t get me wrong, recreational cycling on purpose-built cycleways, especially out in the country, is an admirable pursuit, but cycling is not a practical means of transport, and the amount of other people’s money thrown at cycling infrastructure is totally disproportionate to the number of cyclists using it.
If the cost of cycleways and special cycle lanes was reflected in a tax on new bicycles each one would cost its purchaser at least $50,000.
Never mind that the total cost of a painted bike lane runs around $50,000 a mile in the US. So evidently, he’s assuming that every bike lane will be used by just one person per mile.
He goes on to complain about a planned walkway over the Aukland harbor, insisting it will become a death trap for people on foot as spandex-clad bike riders hit speeds of 55 mph on the downhill slope.
Because that’s just what we all do.
Santa Monica Mountains Cyclery shares a photo of a bike thief who made off with a bike from a Norwalk shop.
San Francisco bike riders will be wearing wigs and sensible heels this weekend to protest Prop 6. And those are just the men, including State Sen. Scott Wiener.
Modesto is planning a new road diet to calm traffic on one of the city’s most dangerous streets; previous road diets have actually improved traffic flow for drivers. Which is probably why Modesto NIMBYs and traffic safety deniers aren’t rising up in revolt, unlike the privileged drivers in a certain SoCal city we could name.
Bicycling offers tips on how to dress for cold winter weather, including LA’s frigid 60° temps. And explains how riding a bike can give you a healthier gut.
Meanwhile, the great bike helmet debate goes on, as a writer for Bicycling says it’s okay to not wear a helmet, adding they can help protect against some injuries, but safer streets and drivers help more.
Good idea. A Colorado Springs CO advocacy group is offering classes for people who want to learn how to drive safely around bike riders.
An Estes Park writer suggests bicycling as a practical solution to the Colorado tourist town’s chronic traffic and parking problems.
Anyone can ride across the country. A Texas man is riding in a heart shape through 13 states to show his love for the US, and see for himself how divided the country is.
A Louisville KY woman explains how mansplainers nearly made her quit bicycling, until she gave up on the trails and started riding in the local cemetery. Seriously, when it comes to advice, be a well, not a fountain; if people want advice, they’ll usually ask for it. Although someone should tell her that calling out “on your left” is a courtesy to help avoid confusion and crashes, even if some riders treat it like more of a command.
Still more from Bicycling, as they explain how a sub-seven-mile Memphis bike lane helped transform the city, which preceded Los Angeles as a two-time loser as America’s worst city for bicycling. So maybe there’s hope for us yet.
A Pittsburgh website profiles a paraplegic rockstar, author and record-setting handcyclist.
At a time when it seems like no one is behind the wheel in Washington, it could soon be literally true.
DC will try slow zones and banning right turns at some red lights to improve safety, as the mayor attempts to reset the city’s Vision Zero; traffic deaths have already exceeded the total for all of last year.
An automotive website considers when carmakers make bikes. I’ll take the Pashley Morgan, thank you.
Seriously, don’t be that guy. A bike raging London bicyclist caused nearly $2,000 in damage by slamming his bike onto the hood of a chauffeured limo. No matter what a driver might have done, violence is never the answer, tempting though it may be.
No bias here, either. A British radio host takes London’s DOT-equivalent to task for not implementing a harebrained plan to let drivers use one of the city’s cycle superhighways at non-peak hours. It should come as no surprise that his last name is Ferrari.
An English town saw a 200% increase in bicycling after they banned cars from the city center.
The war on cars may be a myth, but but the war on bikes goes on. An Irish farmer was convicted of pushing two men off their bikes, complaining they were passing too close to where he was walking.
NPR considers how a disastrous change in service providers nearly killed the famed Paris Vélib’ bikeshare.
A new Danish study shows bicycling in your 50s and 60s can cut your risk of early death by 23%. Then again, any death before you’re ready is early.
Switch to biking, walking or taking transit in Bologna, Italy and the city will buy you a beer. Which is why this site may soon be called BikinginBologna.
An advocacy group in Malta is urging employers to fight traffic by buying bicycles for their workers — then taking it out of their salaries.
I want to be like him when I grow up. A 71-year old Indian man is on his seventh ride around the world.
An Israeli professional soccer player has been indicted for the drunken hit-and-run that killed an ebike rider.
An Aussie woman is furious that she got stuck behind a group of bicyclists for awhile, complaining that they didn’t move over to let her pass. Never mind that the lane was clearly to narrow to safely share.
A Kiwi writer describes a rainy bike commute to work, which she started doing when her car’s radiator blew up six years ago. And says if someone offered her a new car today, she wouldn’t take it.
He gets it. A New Zealand writer says don’t panic, they’re only scooters.
Brisbane, Australia bike advocates call for a connected bikeway grid in the central business district after bike riders identify a mere 2,850 traffic safety problem areas.
Heartbreaking story from Thailand, where a Philippine randonneur was killed by a hit-and-run driver who ran a red light, just 31 miles from the end of a 1,250-mile race.
A short German-made film examines how Beijing is turning back to bicycles in an attempt to ease traffic and smog in the city of 21 million.
Competitive Cycling
Former US Postal team director Johan Bruyneel, who helped Lance win — and lose — a record-setting seven Tour de France titles, has received a well-deserved lifetime ban from cycling.
America’s other ex-Tour de France winner and current CBD peddler says cycling’s post-doping era ain’t so clean, either.
Cycling Tips says the pro cycling calendar is bloated and anti-climactic.
Good news, as 21-year old Californian former pro cyclist Adrien Costa is back on his bike, just three months after losing a leg in a Mono County climbing accident.
How to not mispronounce common bike brands. Just what every bicyclist needs — $200 cherry red vinyl bike shorts with a bejeweled buckle.
And proof not all distracted drivers are drivers. Even if it was probably staged.
The Jump Bikes have alao been free most of October thru Oct 28th and I have taken over 15 rides thus far. Ton of fun!
Can I get wine instead of the discount on beer in Bologna?
Also all these bike shorts seem to have special supper thin chamois.