For the third time in less than two years, someone on a bike has been killed on deadly Manchester Blvd.
This time in Inglewood.
According to KFI Radio, the victim was somehow struck by the driver of a stakebed truck turning right onto eastbound Manchester Blvd from northbound Hindry Ave near LAX around 7:30 yesterday morning.
He was pronounced dead at the scene.
It’s unclear which street the victim, described only as a Hispanic male, was riding on.
Based on the limited description, this could have been a right hook collision if the victim was riding on Hindry, or he may have been hit as he was riding in front of the truck on Manchester or just after the driver’s turn.
It’s also possible the driver ignored the No Right On Red sign on Hindry.
The driver remained at the scene. Police have not yet determined if he or she was under the influence.
Anyone with information is urged to call Inglewood Traffic Investigator Ryan Green at 310/412-5134.
This is at least the 66th bicycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the 29th that I’m aware of in Los Angeles County.
His death follows the deaths of an unidentified man on Manchester at South Gramercy Place in February, and Frederick “Woon” Frazier at Manchester and Normandie in April of last year.
Which suggests a serious problem on the entire corridor, whether in Inglewood or Los Angeles, where Manchester is on the city’s High Injury Network.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for the victim and his loved ones.
We offer up our prayers for the family and friends of the victim.