Once again, a driver has used his vehicle as a weapon.
And once again, someone on a bicycle paid the price.
This time, it’s murder.
Multiple sources are reporting that 46-year old Benedicto Solanga was riding his bike on on Market Street near the 60 Freeway around 12:40 pm on July 29, when he had a “brief interaction” with a driver later identified as 31-year old Sergio Reynaldo Gutierrez of Riverside.
Which sound like a bad euphemism for a road rage dispute.
Gutierrez drove off, then made a sudden U-turn and allegedly aimed his massive pickup at Solanga’s bicycle before slamming into him.
Solanga was rushed to the hospital in grave condition, where he died a few days later.
Police found Gutierrez’s Ford F-250 later that night on the 3200 block of Iowa Ave in Riverside, leading to his arrest on Tuesday, nearly three weeks after the crash. He remains jailed on $1 million bail.
Let’s hope he gets used to it.
This is at least the 44th bicycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the seventh that I’m aware of in Riverside County.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for Benedicto Solanga and all his loved ones.