I could just cry.
Yesterday, I posted a photo by Ian Dutton depicting the aftermath of a bicycling collision in Marina del Rey on Friday, (although I somehow mistakenly called it Santa Monica).
I added that I hoped the victim was okay, and linked to a TikTok video from the scene, in which the person who posted it prayed the victim would survive.
Sadly, our prayers weren’t answered.
In a comment to that post, Libby Starling, who identified herself as the victim’s sister-in-law, revealed that he didn’t make it.
The cyclist in the photo from Friday’s crash in Marina del Rey was my brother-in-law, Leland Dutcher, from Manhattan Beach. As you might anticipate from the damage to the windshield, he did not survive the impact. As you add him to your list of bicycle fatalities in Southern California, know that the world lost a great soul with his death.
I’m told by Streetsblog’s Joe Linton that the cash occurred where the beachfront Marvin Braude Bike Trail crosses Admiralty Way.
Right now, there’s no word on what time of day it happened, or why.
All we know from the photo — which I am not reposting here, since his loved ones are likely to see this — is that Dutcher’s white ebike came to rest in the right lane of what appears to be eastbound Admiralty Way, several yards in front of a stopped car with a smashed windshield, while firefighters tended to Dutcher in the middle of the roadway.
Hopefully, we’ll learn more soon.
This is at least the 68th bicycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the 33rd that I’m aware of in Los Angeles County.
And as Starling notes, we’ve lost a great soul, which is a tragedy for us all.
Update: An Australian news site offers more information about Leland Dutcher, describing him as a beloved teacher at an Adelaide college. He was here on leave from the school, and working as a content partner manager in Manhattan Beach.
Sadly, his father says he had just posted photos showing him riding along the beach the same day he was killed.
Update 2: I’m told the photo was taken around 2:15 pm Friday, which puts the crash sometime around 2 pm to 2:15 pm.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for Leland Dutcher and all his loved ones.
Thanks to Joe Linton, Libby Starling and David Drexler for the heads-up.
Real sorry to hear about this tragedy.
My heartfelt sympathy goes out to his family and friends.
That particular crossing is one that I am very familiar with and have cycled across over 200 times for 18 years, including a few days ago at night. It’s heavily traveled by cyclists all day and evening all year long especially on weekends. Sometimes dozens of cyclists back up at the light on the path side or the library side waiting for the light to change–which takes a long time if you miss the green.
I was walking this block when the collision occurred though I did not witness the impact. It was about 2pm on Friday, December 8th. EMTs responded quickly and made great effort to save him, but I feared this was the news I would see. I’m very sorry this gentleman lost his life and my heart goes out to his family.
According to the police report the biker had a green light, a distracted driver ran the red light and struck him.