Archive for General

Move along, nothing to see here — TBI edition (plus Malibu road closures)

Seriously, if it’s not one damn thing after another.

I’m dealing with a mild concussion resulting from an obstinate corgi who refuses to go outside in the rain.

We had to wander aimlessly through the garage looking in vain for a spot she would deem worthy of relieving herself. When she reversed herself suddenly to examine a stray a stray leaf, I turned to follow and knocked myself silly using my head as a battering ram against a low-hanging concrete support beam I swear wasn’t there when we walked over.

After which she decided maybe the rain wasn’t so bad and she wanted to go out after all, while I wobbled like a Weeble counting the Smurfs swirling through my head.

Ten hours, later my head still feels like the Liberty Bell. Never mind that it’s taken me almost an hour just to write this much.

So I’m going to pack in for today, and see you tomorrow to catch up on anything we missed.

Meanwhile, before you risk riding today, take a quick look at the notices below about road closures in and around the ‘Bu due to rain in the Palisades burn scars.

Move along, nothing to see here — panicked evacuation edition

Shit, meet fan.

Like most Angelenos, I’ve been watching news of the fires with increasing horror all week. And like too many of us, too many of my friends have lost everything in a literal puff of smoke.

But when concerned friends and relatives would ask, I would confidently tell them we were in a safe area far from the danger; the only thing we had to worry about was someone starting a fire in the Hollywood Hills above us.

Guess what happened next.

In a matter of minutes, we went from praying for others to grabbing everything we could before joining a long line of fellow evacuees on the gridlocked streets of Hollywood as ash fell around us from the growing glow just blocks away.

It took us two-and-a-half hours to get to an overpriced hotel three miles away. Something I could done it in 20 minutes on a bike.

And would have if I didn’t have a wife and dog to worry about.

But we were safe, and watched on the news as firefighters made a heroic stand that literally saved our entire neighborhood.

By yesterday morning we were back in our home, nervously watching the winds as we unpacked everything we took in haste the night before.

Then came the false alarm evacuation alert ordering us to leave once again, only to be cancelled 20 minutes later with an “oopsie” alert explaining we got it in error for a fire far away.

Which oddly did not seem to lower my blood pressure or pulse rate one iota.

Now I’m completely exhausted, physically and emotionally, and worried sick about the friends we’ve yet to hear from.

And just this side of tears if my wife looks at me the wrong way. Or the dog, for that matter.

So I hope you’ll forgive me if I miss yet another post today. I just don’t have it in me to write about bikes right now.

I’ll be back on Monday, as usual, to catch up on anything we’ve missed, barring any further disasters, natural or otherwise.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head.

And hope this is all over when I finally wake up, whenever that may be.

If you’re thinking about riding in these winds, don’t. Seriously.

My internet service has been going in and out all night, which is what happens when the cable company insists on stringing overhead wires in wind prone areas.

And the power’s not looking much better at the moment, so let’s make this quick.

If you’re in the LA area, and thinking about riding your bike in these winds, don’t.

The National Weather Service has described these winds as life-threatening, and they’re not kidding.

We’re seeing hurricane force winds throughout the LA area, particularly near mountains and canyons, which can easily blow large objects through the air, and knock down branches and power lines.

I’ve also had sudden gusts of winds knock me off my bike, and blow me across multiple lanes of traffic.

And trust me, that ain’t fun.

Then there’s the multiple fires spreading across the area, which can erupt suddenly and spread a lot faster than you can ride away.

In addition, the smoke from these fires is highly toxic, and poses a significantly greater risk if you’re exercising and breathing deeply. So if you can smell smoke, don’t ride.


There’s also the problem of multiple road closures, including PCH and the hills in Pacific Palisades, as well as around Eaton Canyon and Sun Valley. Which means that even if you do decide to chance it, you may find your usual route shut down.

Not to mention your escape route, if you need one.

On the other hand, if you have to evacuate, your bike makes a much better choice in an emergency than a motor vehicle, as hundreds of drivers trying to escape the Palisades fire learned the hard way yesterday.

Particularly after authorities had to use a bulldozer to clear a path for emergency vehicles through all the cars abandoned by drivers who couldn’t get out. (Thanks to Larry Kawalec for the link.)

The good news it, this is predicted to let up by Wednesday night, and be over by Thursday night.

So stay home, stay safe, and I’ll see you tomorrow to catch up on anything we missed.

Photo by Cole Keister from Pexels.

It’s time for the 10th Annual BikinginLA Holiday Fund Drive!

Hard to believe, I know.

It’s been ten long years since a friend suggested holding a fund drive to help pay for this site, allowing me to turn pro.

It started as a joke, but quickly turned into an important source of funding, as people like you surprised me by opening their hearts and wallets to us.

And by us, I mean me and my four-legged assistant down there at the bottom.

It’s been ten years of good news and bad, happy and, yes, sad. Because I always try tell you the truth about what’s happening on our streets, to the best of my ability, so you know what’s going on out there.

I admit, it’s been a challenge this year, as my wife and I have both struggled with a litany of issues. It’s meant I haven’t been able to keep this up every day, though I’ve done my best to bring you the most important news, and catch up on anything we’ve missed.

Now it’s your turn.

If you think we bring something of value to your life, maybe you can share just a small part of your hard-earned income, and a kick a few bucks this way. Or more than a few, if the spirit moves you.

I won’t turn it down.

You can donate with just a few clicks by using PayPal. Or by using the Zelle app that is probably already in the banking app on your smartphone; just send your contribution to

You can also use Venmo@BikinginLA now. Or at least I think you can. Let me know if it works.

As always, any amount, no matter how large or small, is truly and deeply appreciated. And needed more than ever in this challenging year.

But either way, I hope you’ll keep coming back here, and keep reading in the days to come.

Because none of this matters without you.


Happy Thanksgiving from BikinginLA!

I won’t lie, it’s been a tough year.

Despite everything, though, I have a lot to be thankful for.

I have a good wife, and a good dog. I also have a great extended family, and even get along with all the in-laws and outlaws.

My wife and I are finally healing from our respective shoulder injuries. And I know how to ride a bike.

But most of all, I’m thankful for you.

Because without you, I couldn’t do what I do. And even if I did, it wouldn’t mean very much without someone to read it.

So thank you.

I hope you and all your loved ones have a safe and happy Thanksgiving weekend, and I look forward to seeing you next week.

Check back on Friday, when we’ll launch the 10th Annual BikinginLA Holiday Fund Drive!

Move along, nothing to see here — killer migraine edition

My apologies once again.

I’ve been battling a sick migraine all week, which got exponentially worse Wednesday. After battling it all day, I’m giving up on working and will try to sleep it off.

Hopefully, we’ll be back on Friday to catch up on what we missed.

Move along, nothing to see here

My apologies. I’m not feeling well tonight, so no new post for Monday.

Hopefully, we’ll be back tomorrow.

Move along, nothing to see here.

My apologies.

I had intended to post tomorrow after taking today off for a medical test. However, it did not go as well as I hoped, and I came home in far more pain than I went in. I’m taking a pain pill, and calling it a night.

I’ll see you next week.

Move along, nothing to see here — banged up arm edition

My apologies, once again.

Wednesday was a slow news day in the world of bikes, with barely enough to fill out the most meagre of posts.

And since I’m still dealing with a balky and badly banged up arm, I’ll take this as a sign to take the night off and ice up, before I make things any worse.

I’ll see you back here bright and early on Friday.

Move along, nothing to see here — giving up on the week edition

I give up.

After waking up the morning after my fall with extra added pain and stiffness, and a barely functional right arm, I’m giving up and shutting things down for the rest of the week.

Hopefully things will improve and I’ll be back next week.