Once again, someone on a bicycle has been left to die in the street by a heartless coward.
This time in Corona.
According to a press release from the Corona Police Department, 21-year old Corona resident Benjamin Montalvo was riding south on the 1600 block of Rimpau Avenue with two friends when he was run down from behind by an unidentified driver just before midnight Thursday.
Montalvo died at the scene, while his killer fled without stopping; the suspect vehicle was described only as a dark-colored sedan.
Authorities place the time of the crash around 11:54 pm.
Unfortunately, there’s no other information available at this time.
A street view shows a four lane road with a center turn lane in a business district, transitioning to a residential area a few blocks later. It would likely have been quiet and dark at that hour.
Anyone with information is urged to call Corona Police Officer David Dopson at 951/817-5845, or email David.Dopson@CoronaCA.gov.
This is at least the 25th bicycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the third that I’m aware of in Riverside County.
Update: A 22-year old Riverside woman has been arrested on suspicion of hit-and-run after turning herself in Friday night; other charges may be considered.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for Benjamin Montalvo and all his family and friends.