Sadly, I’ve received an unconfirmed report that a woman was killed in a collision while riding her bike in the Valley Glen neighborhood of LA’s San Fernando Valley.
Unfortunately, while this comes from a reliable source, there was nothing in the news to confirm it before this was posted.
I’ll have more later if I’m able to get more information.
Update: The report has been confirmed.
You can ask the LAPD’s Valley Traffic Division about the above crash, as well as other San Fernando Valley bike safety issues, in a Zoom meeting on Wednesday.
Please join us for a discussion on traffic safety in the San Fernando Valley
Topic: LAPD Valley Traffic Division (VTD) Traffic Safety Meeting
Oct 14, 2020 06:30 PMJoin Zoom Meetinghttps://t.co/F3vdmeFsz3
Meeting ID: 791 3083 3847
Passcode: NjFnD3— Andy Neiman (@LAPDNeiman) October 11, 2020
A Twitter meme looks at how our world got this way.
For better or worse.
Rue de Rivoli, Paris.
How it started : How it's going : pic.twitter.com/svdy5LgHH5
— Emmanuel (@EmmanuelSPV) October 11, 2020
How it started: How it’s going. pic.twitter.com/NSZ3NMidtD
— Tom Flood (@tomflood1) October 11, 2020
Thanks to Hap Dougherty for forwarding these two.
This is how Raleigh marketed itself in the last days of the British Empire.
Again, for better or worse.
Raleigh was the all steel bike that defined a generation of cyclists: for many it was their first introduction to the joys – and perils – of cycling! pic.twitter.com/A885Un4rK3
— Pulp Librarian (@PulpLibrarian) October 7, 2020
Thanks to Megan Lynch for the link.
Great video from the son of British bike scribe and historian Carlton Reid about his solo bike tour home after visiting the Giant bike factory Shanghai.
Speaking of the senior Reid, he writes that a new paper from transportation experts at the World Economic Forum predicts bicycles and buses will be the dominant forms of transportation in the not-too-distant future.
How to build a ‘cross bike for a price that won’t make you that way.
The war on cars may be a myth, but the war on bikes just keeps on going.
A 70-year old woman lost a tooth and suffered a bloodied nose when a man pepper sprayed her as she was riding on a Sacramento bike path, in an apparently random attack.
But sometimes, it’s the people on two wheels behaving badly.
A Minnesota woman faces charges for allegedly using her bike to damage a car belonging to the lawyer representing one of the cops accused of killing George Floyd.
A Florida bike rider could be facing a murder charge after fatally stabbing a driver who allegedly chased him with his car in a dispute over a drug deal.
USA Today ranks the greater Los Angeles metro area as the nation’s 20th best city for active lifestyles, two spots above San Diego. Although apparently by people who’ve never experienced SoCal drivers from outside the car.
No news is good news, right?
Streetsblog considers what lessons London’s congestion pricing program has for Vision Zero in American cities.
New technology could turn e-scooters off when users are breaking the rules by riding on sidewalks.
A writer for Cycling Savvy offers a primer on bike lights.
A Texas letter writer tells drivers to pretend they’re in California, where roads signs tell them to allow three feet of clearance when they pass a bicyclist. As long as they don’t act like too many California drivers and ignore the signs, that is.
A 16-year old Wisconsin boy was shot in the leg by three assailants in a dispute over whether the bike he was riding was stolen.
Great idea. Detroit is offering a self-guided interactive bike through the city’s historic sites in the battle for civil rights.
Get that healthy glow by riding a new mountain bike trail near Tennessee historic Oak Ridge National Laboratory nuclear research lab.
Trevor Noah is one of us, taking a ride with a friend through the streets of New York. Just don’t tell him September was the deadliest month for New York bike riders since Mayor Bill de Blasio took office six years ago.
Calgary advocates are pushing the city to reverse an earlier decision and keep popup bike lanes open through the winter.
Montreal is moving to permanently approve an ebike delivery program started during the pandemic lockdown.
A Canadian man finally got back the bike he rode across the country in the ’80s after spotting it for sale on Facebook, nearly 30 years after he loaned it to a friend.
Five English men are embarking on an 800 mile bike ride to visit the home stadiums of all 20 Premier League teams to raise funds for a pair of charities.
Life is cheap in Wales, where one driver was acquitted of hitting a bike rider, and a second walked with a suspended sentence for running over him as he lay in the roadway after claiming she was “dazzled” by the sun.
Two Scottish cricket players rode 672 miles to raise funds for charity in honor of a former teammate who died of a brain tumor 18 months ago.
A British newspaper talks with a local woman about what it’s like to be a bike builder.
Nineteen-year old UK track cyclist Emily Bridges writes about growing up as a bike racer, and coming out as a trans woman.
Bengaluru bike riders can now enjoy India’s first plastic post-protected popup bike lane.
An Indian website says bicycling has become the country’s greatest Covid lockdown love affair, whether to ward off loneliness and claustrophobia, or to take advantage of the cleaner air. Enjoy it while they can; as we’ve seen in Los Angeles, the clean air won’t last once people get back in their cars.
Completing today’s Indian trifecta, the city of Ahmedabad reverses course and removes plans for a cycle track from a redesigned roadway — and decides not to include them in any other roads, either.
African bike advocates are working to make the continent more bike friendly.
Parents are up in arms after Sydney, Australia officials demand the removal of a homemade pump track because it could damage fragile ecological and aboriginal sites.
Competitive Cycling
The Jerusalem Post celebrates the first Giro stage win for the Israel Start-Up Nation cycling team.
It was Portugal’s Day in Sunday’s stage nine of the Giro.
Last year’s Tour de France winner Egan Bernal pulls the plug on this year’s racing season, saying you learn more from bad moments than you do from good ones.
The iconic Paris-Roubaix cycling classic was the latest victim of the coronavirus, due to a rising case count in Northern France.
Your great-great-grandmother couldn’t get bike riding insurance, either. That feeling when a stray cat joins your round-the-world bike ride, and changes your life.
And when a local wayfinding sign directs you to a bikeway 400 miles away.
Be safe, and stay healthy. And wear a mask, already.