Yes, they really are killing us out there.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that California bicycling fatalities are the highest they’ve been in 25 years.
The NHTSA analyzed the data for the state, and found more bicyclists died in traffic collisions in the years from 2016 through 2018 than any other three-year period since Bill Clinton took office.
And that’s a long damn time ago.
Needless to say, LA County once again led the way for the entire state, with an average of 35 deaths per year in that same three year period, compared to a little less than 25 per year from 2006 to 2008.
Also needless to say, the best way to stop people from dying on the streets is to lower the damn speed limits.
Which would require repeal of the deadly 85th Percentile Law, and legalization of speed cams to enforce it.
And that can’t happen soon enough.
Thanks to John McBrearty for the heads-up.
A bike-riding LAPD cop describes going to visit a reckless driver who nearly ran down a pair of bicyclists at Ohio and Veteran in Westwood.*
And for a change, it has a happy ending. Well worth a short six minutes of your day.
Thanks to Zachary Rynew for the heads-up.
*Exactly where I used to ride both coming and going at least three or four times a week before we moved to Hollywood.
Apparently, Mr. Rynew has been a very busy boy, filming the first bike video connected to the helicopter crash that killed nine people, including Kobe Bryant and his daughter.
Then stumbling on the Coaster Bike Challenge.
Happy accident coming across the Coaster Brake Challenge. @TopangaOutpost @bikinginla https://t.co/AsqrVIQLJ1
— Zachary Rynew (@Ciclavalley) January 27, 2020
Streetsblog is hosting a Transportation Town hall in CD12 next month; both regressive incumbent John Lee and progressive challenger Loraine Lundquist have been invited, but only Lundquist has confirmed so far.
Once again, the Marines have decided to some military stuff on Camp Pendleton — like helicopter operations, according to the base — which will mean shutting down the bike path for the week of February 10th.
However, people on bikes are allowed to ride I-5 through the base, while cursing the Marines for forcing them out there.
The Las Pulgas Road Bike Path (aka Old Pacific Highway Trail) in the area of Camp Pendleton will be closed February 10-14 from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm for military operations. Freeway shoulder access will be open during these times. @bikinginla https://t.co/lZhLfgUW7J
— Orange County Bicycle Coalition (@OCbike) January 27, 2020
Thanks to Robert Leone for the tip.
Every bike event should be held in a craft brewery. And every bike path should lead to one.
Just saying.
Here's a fun event from our friends at Bicycle Culture Institute.
"Join us at Filmed By Bike in DTLA on Sunday, Feb 9 from 3-8pm for movies and a bike party!
Online tickets get a FREE raffle ticket!" https://t.co/mqN7bdxfag #bikeLA pic.twitter.com/F7HFD2AoQY— BikeLA (@heybikela) January 28, 2020
Robert Leone also forwards opportunities for San Diego bike riders to get more involved, courtesy of the San Diego Bicycle Coalition.
This Tuesday, January 28th from 5:30pm to 6:30pm at our office downtown (300 15th St. San Diego, CA 92101) we will have a presentation from Susan Baldwin on Measure A. She will highlight the importance of smart growth and how crucial this is for the San Diego region. Learn more here. We invite you to join us and learn more so that you may make informed decisions when you vote.
This Wednesday, January 29th at 6pm the Draft Active Transportation Plan (ATP) for the City of Chula Vista will be presented at a specially scheduled Safety Commission Meeting in the Council Chambers. Click here for the agenda. Click here for the Draft ATP. The address is 276 Fourth Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91910.
Next Monday, February 3rd, 2020 at 2pm the City Council members from the City of San Diego will vote on the Budget Priority Memos they each submitted Friday, January 10, 2020 to the Mayor’s office. Click here to see what they submitted. If you would like to attend and speak, please join us. There will be a lot of people who plan to attend with their requests. The more we can speak up for cyclists the better!
It may not have been easy, but Bicycling once again proves there’s no such thing as a theft-proof bike lock.
Then again, as one cop put it, all you really have to do it make easier for a potential thief to steal someone else’s bike instead.
The Altor SAF lock claims to be the ultimate in bike security. This huge u-lock is certainly tough against many common tools used by bike thieves. Test Editor Dan Roe took the lock outside to see just how long it would take to cut through the lock. pic.twitter.com/TWqhTB1fwq
— Bicycling Magazine (@BicyclingMag) January 28, 2020
The Hollywood Reporter reviews the latest Lance Armstrong documentary, which premiered at Sundance in advance of its airing on ESPN.
But this pretty well sums up what you need to know.
Every word he says in the documentary feels either lawyered to death or endlessly rehearsed over countless solitary bike rides…because he’s still halfway between victimhood and martyrdom in his own mind.
To paraphrase an old country song, how can we miss him if he won’t go away?
The war on cars may be a myth, but the war on bikes just keeps going on.
A road raging New Mexico driver faces a well-deserved four and a half years behind bars after he was convicted of shifting his vehicle into reverse and backing into a group of senior bike riders he’d just passed, after exchanging words with them. Thanks to Brian Kreimendahl of Bike Santa Fe for the link.
But sometimes it’s the people on two wheels behaving badly.
A Wisconsin father hopes a $10,000 reward will lead to the two people riding bicycles who stabbed his son to death in an apparently random attack last September, then disappeared without a trace.
A Florida bike rider faces charges for pulling out a hammer and attacking a driver who almost hit him, after the driver told him he’d been watching out for cars, not people on bicycles. I’ve practiced nonviolence since I was a teenager, but I’d still be tempted to take a swing at him myself for that.
Bike West LA, Bike Culver City and the Central NBA/Sunset4All will host the second annual Mobility Mixer tomorrow night at the Bike Shop California on Motor Ave in West LA.
ULCA’s Daily Bruin reports Wheels sit-down scooters will soon come with an attached helmet. Somehow I doubt those hygienic liners they promise to provide will keep people from sharing their scalp critters, though.
Ride Around Pomona and Pomona Valley Bike Coalition will hop in the wayback machine for a 1950’s themed casual ride through, yes, Pomona.
Give it up, scofflaw scooterists. Lime will soon know if you’re riding on the sidewalk illegally. Now if they can just figure out how to tell when they’re parked blocking the sidewalk.
Speaking of scooters, San Diego just voted to ban them from the city’s boardwalks.
This is who we share the bike paths with. A 70-year old Santa Cruz woman was busted for her third DUI after driving the wrong way on a local bike path. Just one more example of government officials keeping dangerous drivers on the roads. Or bike paths.
Streetsblog says the Bay Area suburb of Fremont will soon have the area’s best curb-protected bike lanes. And definitely puts to shame anything we have down here.
Bike Snob breaks down and admits that some bike do have souls.
CityLab offers its predictions for the scooter industry.
Bicycling talks bike baskets, and lists the ones they recommend. But which is the best one for toting a corgi?
Forbes says much of the initial information about the killing of bike rider Elaine Herzberg by a self-driving Uber car in Tempe AZ was wrong, including the myth that she “came out of nowhere.”
A Texas TV station corrects a letter writer, saying runners and walkers are required to face oncoming traffic, but bike riders are forbidden from riding salmon.
Seriously, what good is a bike box if the cops won’t keep drivers out of it? The Chicago Tribune wants to know.
Congratulations to New York, which came out on top with the least impact in a ranking of the climate impact of 100 metropolitan regions, followed by the Bay Area. Los Angeles ranked a surprisingly good 34, scoring high for bike use — no, really — and transit, but losing significant points for vehicle miles traveled.
Mourners released balloons on Tuesday in honor of Deondrick Rudd, the Louisiana bike rider who was killed by street racing brothers last weekend; Rudd was preparing to propose to his girlfriend on Valentines Day. Don’t do that. Mylar balloons can short power lines, causing fires and blackouts, while latex balloons pose a risk to birds and wildlife once they come back down. And they always come back down.
Unlike some bicycling magazines and sites we could mention, Road.cc apparently recognizes that not every bike rider has wads of money falling out of their Rapha, recommending five roadies under the equivalent of $390, as well as ten of the best affordable bike shorts.
A Montreal website says the city’s Vision Zero program is revolutionizing the way people think about Montreal’s streets. That compares favorably with Los Angeles, which is revolutionizing the way a Vision Zero plan can gather dust on the shelf.
An English writer stumbles on his stolen bike, and swears his way into getting it back.
Life is cheap in the UK, where a truck driver gets off with a measly eight months behind bars for killing a woman riding a bike while talking to his wife using a handsfree cellphone, despite blinding glare from the wet road.
An Irish paper breaks down where the country’s political parties stand on bicycling issues. All of which show more support for bikes than both of America’s two major political parties.
Paris offers yet another incentive to get people out of their cars, reimbursing residents up to the equivalent of $660 for buying an ebike or cargo bike.
Damn. A Bali mob beat a man to death over an accusation that he’d stolen a bike helmet; police have been unable to confirm the theft, let alone who did it.
Competitive Cycling
VeloNews tells the tale of how Primož Roglič, aka he whose name must be copied and pasted, made the unusual leap from ski jumping to the top of the cycling world.
A writer for Cycling Tips struggles to find hope in the hopeless at the Tour Down Under — or as he calls it, the brushfire tour.
Cycling’s governing body has pulled the plug on China’s Tour of Hainan next month due to fears over the new coronavirus.
If you’re going to make your bank robbery getaway by bicycle, maybe try something a tad more nimble than a cruiser bike. If you want to go unnoticed after shoving 30 purloined cellphones into your pants, maybe spandex bike shorts aren’t the best choice. Thanks to J. Patrick Lynch for that one.
And if you think a dangerous pass is a good idea, this British cop has some advice for you.