This is the cost of traffic violence.
A comment from J reports the victim of November hit-and-run may be moved to hospice care, following two months in a coma after a heartless coward left him bleeding in the street in LA’s Westlake neighborhood.
Luis Varela was just crossing street at Wilshire Boulevard and Park View Street around 7 pm on Nov. 11th when he was run down by the driver of a dark-colored SUV.
As usual, there is a $25,000 reward for any hit-and-run resulting in serious injury. That will rise to $50,000 if he dies of his injuries.
Meanwhile, a crowdfunding campaign started by Varela’s brother has raised just $1,325 of the $100,000 goal to help pay his medical expenses, and bring his mother in from out of the country to care for him.
The driver who left him there to die should be responsible for that.
And should get locked up for a lot longer than California’s lenient hit-and-run laws will allow.
But won’t be.
There are now seven people officially qualified to run in the special election to replace former City Council President Nury Martinez, who resigned following the public leak of the racist and otherwise offensive recording she was heard on, along with two other councilmembers.
Which serves as a reminder that the lone remaining councilmember heard on the recording, CD14’s Kevin de León, still won’t do the right thing and resign.
Norwalk is hosting its first community bike ride next Saturday.
Well, it wouldn’t be the first crappy bike path I’ve been on.
Sewer I like: Southwest Interceptor.
it’s literally a sewer in the air. above a bike path. in the Metroparks. with its name on it. pic.twitter.com/hlMGbUvXwN
— NE Ohio Regional Sewer District (@neorsd) January 13, 2023
Thanks to Megan Lynch for the heads-up.
Look Ma, no hands!
An Indian woman takes Bollywood dancing to the next level by doing it while she rides handsfree.
Then she does it again.
The war on cars may be a myth, but the war on bikes just keeps on going.
Seriously? Residents of Alexandria, Louisiana bring out the torches and pitchforks over a proposal for a bike path along the Red River levee, which would only occupy an otherwise useless strip of land that probably wouldn’t inconvenience anyone.
This is the cost of traffic violence, too. After a Georgia bike rider was struck by a driver, a group of bystanders gathered around him to pray. Then just when he started to breathe again, another driver plowed into the group, sending six people to the hospital, with one in critical condition. And we can probably guess who that one is.
But sometimes, it’s the people on two wheels behaving badly.
A 75-year old London letter writer complains about “rogue” bicyclists who refuse to use bike lanes when there is a more convenient, but less legal, option available, writing “If people keep on demanding cycle lanes, then why do they not use the damn things?” Because it’s human nature to use a short cut when you find one.
Streets For All has created a voter guide to help yo select pro-transit candidates for the ADEM party delegate election, for all you Democrats out there.
More from the report prepared by the nonprofit Streets Are For Everyone, aka SAFE, we mentioned Wednesday, which addresses the rising rate of traffic violence in Los Angeles. Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the die-in protest scheduled on Saturday, January 21st on the steps of the Los Angeles City Hall. Because the City of Angels keeps insisting on making more of them.
The LA Times agrees with California Governor Gavin Newsom’s plan to reduce spending to close a projected $22.5 billion budget deficit, but argues the state will need to make up for the $6 billion cut in climate change funding, including investments in public transit, bike and pedestrian projects.
A nice biking photo claimed runner-up in Laguna Beach’s recent photo contest for people who live, work or exhibit their art in the city.
Public TV station KBPS has more on San Diego County’s plan to revitalize unincorporated Casa de Oro with wider sidewalks, on-street parking, roundabouts, protected bicycle lanes, and mixed-use housing.
Sad news from Fresno, where a man was killed in a collision while riding his bike late Wednesday night.
A Bay Area bike advocate and behavioral counselor is using Legos to teach kids bike safety.
Now you, too, can be the proud owner of a gently used, $4,000 Rock the Bike Fender Blender Pro Recharge Station that the former World’s Richest Man apparently doesn’t want, for the low, low opening bid of just 25 bucks. Then again, Elon may need the money.
Shades of Nipper. Your next throttle-controlled, dirt bike-style ebike could be distracted by listening to its master’s voice, as RCA makes a leap into electric bikes. Let’s hope its better than their electronics have been in recent decades.
PinkBike reminisces about the things they miss about older bikes, like external cabling and not having to charge anything. Except the bike itself, when you paid for it.
A new study of Google searches concludes that residents of Hawaii are the most curious about ebikes, with California second and Utah third; Mississippi residents were the least interested.
Salt Lake City announced plans to join the national Vision Zero Network in the face of rising traffic deaths and injuries. Let’s hope they actually fund and implement the program, unlike a certain SoCal megalopolis we could name.
A new bill signed by President Biden at the end of last year will allow the construction of a 280-mile wilderness bike trail stretching from the Idaho border to south of Salt Lake City.
Police in Durango, Colorado have charged a pair of football players from the local college as co-defendants in an alleged drunken hit-and-run that took the life of a firefighter; the two are accused of helping a third man flee the scene, leaving his car behind with the victim still lodged in the car’s windshield, and his bike stuck underneath.
You know a Chicago intersection sucks when a reckless driver kills a man riding a bikeshare bike, then a year later another jerk takes out his ghost bike.
This is how Vision Zero is supposed to work. Indianapolis is setting up a commission to review fatal traffic collisions, and offer public recommendations to fix them.
Bike Radar sings the praises of mountain bike winter onesies. Otherwise known as snow suits.
An Argentine man’s tour of the Western Hemisphere is on hold after someone stole his bike in Mexicali, just south of the US border, when he stopped briefly to get hot water to make mate tea; to make matters worse, they also took the dog he adopted along the way in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas.
No irony here. Ford has stepped up to save the popular RideLondon from the chopping block, with the American carmaker funding the ten-year old event that takes place on 100 miles of carfree streets.
The Guardian takes a guided ebike tour along ancient singletrack trails in Pembrokeshire, Wales, in a section of Britain so remote they still use the Julian calendar. Just don’t stick around if you see the locals building a giant wicker man.
Bicycle Dutch looks at the effect the pandemic had on bicycling in the Netherlands, where bicycling rates dropped 21% in 2021 compared to the pre-pandemic 2019.
The BBC recommends riding a bike to explore the hidden history of Louis XIV’s iconic bachelor pad, otherwise known as Versailles.
Who says bicycling is expensive? A new Spanish-made Ti bike with “additive 3D printing” retails for anywhere from the equivalent of ten grand to a shade under a whopping $19K.
An Aussie website previews the Women’s Santos Tour Down Under, which begins today.
Competitive Cycling
No surprise here, unfortunately, as a Dutch study has shown a high prevalence of low bone density in the pro cycling peloton. If bicycling is your primary form of exercise, you should think about adding weight training and/or high impact exercises.
It looks like we finally have a winner for all those Tour de France titles Lance unwillingly vacated.
Breaking News: George Santos has declared himself winner of the Tour de France from 1999-2005. The previous self-declared TdF winner of those editions is now threatening to run for Santos’ seat in 2024. Updates soon. pic.twitter.com/Qoyy9xd5HN
— Cycling Utah (@cyclingutah) January 13, 2023
That feeling when you’re so drunk, you think a backflip will get you out of a DUI. Seriously, who doesn’t love a stirring march played by a bike-riding Dutch marching band in wooden shoes?
And save all your old bike parts, and maybe you, too, can build your very own F-35.
Be safe, and stay healthy. And get vaccinated, already.
Oh, and fuck Putin, too.
When simulating high rises on fire complete with simulated lightning not just downpours of rain Against an intersection the impact upon traffic saftey should require
Liability to the film studio and the city when there is a catastrophic collision.
Although this driver is criminally liable for leaving the scene His not having to defend crashing into the man Is effectively protecting the film studio and the city from being properly blamed for so distracting him.
The question becomes is hospice Being imposed because the city and the studio are not currently on the hook for payment of his care?
He in contradiction to the KTLA report is out of the coma That means he’s not brain dead just unable to earn a income With the fact that safety net insurance is more likely to result in hospice than long term nursing home care.
But the facts in this case are very clouded. If you are among the dozens hired by the studio On that corner that night if you are one of the 2 retired motorcycle police officers on your police bikes that watched the accident occur but did not pursue the driver we need to hear from you.
The mother is arrival from out of the country coincides with the discovery that the man is not in a coma claimed claimed even though K TLA claims the mother claims he is still in the coma.
Our state’s medical Cost recovery department needs to investigate this before not after this man passes away so as to obtain the life Prolonging facts.
That driver was cognitively overloaded When he drove through the pedestrian. It was inherently dangerous to leave that One block long street open for such thru traffic. The pedestrian was likely also distracted by the Immensely bright simulated lightning flashes possibly even?
NBC Los Angeles has updated their story to reflect corrected facts which main include him already being in hospice but no longer in coma. Did they transfer him to the hospice believe that he would remain in the coma and his mother fail to stop that despite proving he wasn’t in a coma?
Is society at large doing what the driver did in “letting this man die” instead of taking care of him long term?