Archive for General

Update: No Morning Links today, again

Update: After spending Friday working with Apple Support, I drew the line when they told me to wipe my hard drive.

As a result, my laptop is now in the shop. Hopefully I’ll know more later today and be back soon.


Blame Apple tech support.

I contacted them Wednesday morning to correct a relatively minor problem that kept me from accessing my email, which they promptly fixed.

But in the process, they somehow introduced a handful of other problems that have snowballed to where I can barely use my laptop at all tonight.

The work I did Thursday has been lost, and I’m unable to access my backups to replace it. Let alone most of my other files.

If I sound pissed off, it’s only because I am.

Hopefully we can figure out what the hell is going on, and get it fixed in time to be back next week.

Otherwise, I’d cover your ears, unless you want to hear me teach them some new words.

No Morning Links due to last night’s breaking news

Unfortunately, after writing about yesterday’s bicycling fatalities in Highland and San Diego, there’s not enough time to write today’s Morning Links. So come back tomorrow, and we’ll catch up on anything you missed.

Sorry, no post today

My apologies once again.

After all the health issues, and computer problems, and my wife’s health issues, now I have jury duty.

I have not yet concluded that there’s a great cosmic conspiracy to keep me from posting, but I’m getting close.

Hopefully we’ll be back tomorrow.

My apologies. There’s a problem with my webhost that’s keeping me from being able to make any updates or changes for now. Hopefully we’ll have a fresh post later on Tuesday.

My apologies once again

Maybe the 13th day of the BikinginLA Holiday Fund Drive really is bad luck.

It’s been a struggle to keep up with this site while my wife was in the hospital for the last month, then caring for her once she came home this past weekend.

Tonight it all caught up with me, passing out from sheer exhaustion almost as soon as I opened my laptop. I woke up just a few minutes ago, well after midnight, and too late to do anything but apologize once again.

I am truly sorry for today’s failure. I feel a genuine obligation to keep you informed about what’s going on in the world of bicycling, and regret that I haven’t been able to keep up with that lately, regardless of what’s going on in my life.

I’m going to get some more sleep, and be back with a fresh post tomorrow to catch up on what we’ve missed.

No new post today

My apologies once again.

I’ve struggled to keep up with this site while my wife remains in the hospital long after we expected her be home, due to complications from her surgery. Today’s test results will determine whether she needs another operation, which would mean at least another week in the hospital.

Tonight it caught up with me, falling asleep mid-sentence almost as soon as I sat down to write.

I’ll do my best to be back tomorrow, and catch up on anything we missed today.

Meanwhile, thanks to J Patrick L, Michael Y, Jeffrey F, Mark J, and Joel S for their generous donations to the BikinginLA Holiday Fund Drive. And a belated thanks to Robs M for being the first to donate using Zelle, which I somehow missed until today.

I can’t begin to tell you what that support means to me right now.


Sorry, no post today

My apologies.

As you may know, my wife had major surgery recently. While the operation went well, her recovery has been considerably longer and more complicated than expected.

As a result, I am just too exhausted, and in no frame of mind, to write anything tonight.


Move along, nothing to see here. Again.


I promised last week to catch up on the news we missed when I was too exhausted to write anything following my wife’s surgery.

Only to see my laptop fail yet again yet again over the weekend.

So instead of spending the day at the hospital with my wife, I’ll be at the computer repair shop for what seems like the millionth time this year, hoping that they can once again get it up and running. And keep it that way for a change.

With a little luck — or maybe a lot of luck, the way this has been going — we’ll be back tomorrow to catch up on some of what we’ve missed.

Update: Or maybe not.

No luck yet; keep your fingers crossed that we’ll be back on Wednesday.

No Morning Links today

The good news is, my wife had her surgery yesterday; everything went well, and she’s resting more or less comfortably.

Hopefully, this will resolve the serious health problems she’s faced for the last several years.

However, the long day has left me physically and emotionally exhausted. Especially after coming home to find this.

So please forgive me for not updating this site today. We should be back on Monday, and I’ll do my best to catch you up on any important news we may have missed.

And thanks for all the kind words and wishes; I may not have a lot of use for Facebook, but it brings a lot of comfort on days like this.

Meanwhile, if you live or work in the Inland Empire, keep your eyes open for this heartless coward who left a bike rider lying critically injured in the street.

Update: Move along, nothing to see here. Again.

Update: The good news is, I was right about the problem; a new hard drive cable has me up and working again. 

The bad news is, it’s too late to put up a new post today; we’ll catch up on everything with an epic post tomorrow.

Looks like I’m back in laptop hell.

My computer crashed just as I was finishing today’s post. And once again, I find myself staring at a blinking question mark in the middle of the screen.

We’ll hope it’s just the hard drive cable, since I already spent far more than I could afford on a new solid state drive.

If so, I may still be able to salvage today’s post and get it online later today.

Let’s our fingers crossed.