Archive for Morning Links

Morning Links: Pro cycling tours kickoff, the Bieb take a pedacab and six-year old cyclists come to blows

Lots of pro cycling news today.

Once again, cycling fans’ attention will be divided as this weekend’s kickoff to the Amgen Tour of California goes head-to-head against the Irish start of the legendary Giro d’Italia; always disappointing that these two great tours have to run at the same time.

The inaugural Women’s Tour of Britain starts today; meanwhile, one of Canada’s biggest bike events offers equal prize money for men and women. Nice to finally see women cyclists finally get the attention and support they deserve.

And Colorado’s USA Pro Challenge announces the routes for this summer’s race, including its first-ever mountaintop finish.


Nice video for today’s Culver City’s Bike to School Day.



A writer for KCET calls for transportation equity and just growth.

Just Ride LA hosts a free Street Cycling Skills Workshop next Wednesday.

After showing off his pantsless posterior, the Bieb takes a pedacab on Venice Beach as his bodyguard is forced to run along behind.

Metro teams with CICLE and the Eastside Bike Club to host the Old Roots, New Routes ride to visit the new Rosemead Blvd cycle tracks.

Pasadena’s Colorado Blvd goes car-free for two hours on Saturday the 17th in advance of the finish of Stage 7 of the Amgen Tour of California at Pasadena City Hall.



A Laguna Beach mountain bike rider is airlifted out of El Moro Canyon with a broken leg; a reminder to ride with a companion and always carry a cell phone and water when you go off road.

A minor miracle in Rancho Cordova, as a bike rider survives a collision with a train.

Freakonomics says what so many cyclists have said before — if you want to get away with killing someone, use a car.



Esquire offers advice on how men can ride to work in style. Or you could try this $730 bike commuter suit.

Bazaar captures 10 women celebrities who bike in style. And yes, they do.

Evidently America’s bike paradise still has some work to do. Is bike-friendly Portland resting on its laurels?

Connecticut passes a bill calling for a $1,000 fine for motorists who fail to operate their vehicles and cause injury or death. It may help hold dangerous drivers accountable after the fact, but will the threat of a fine really make people drive more safely?

A North Carolina bike lawyer says bicycle crashes aren’t accidents.



British Olympic and Paralympic stars call on the country to make the roads safer for cyclists.

Less than bike-friendly Madrid is about to get an e-bike share program. Electric bikes make a lot of sense for a bike share system due to users widely varied skills and fitness levels.

Buy an apartment in Melbourne, get a $1,000 bike and a place to fix it. Not that the price of the free bike hasn’t already been added in to the cost of the apartment, of course.



Caught on camera — road raging Brit six-year olds come to blows after colliding on their bikes. And when you’re carrying an ounce of dope, it’s probably a good idea to listen to the cops when they tell you to stop popping wheelies.


Morning Links: Petition urges tougher hit-and-run penalties; an LA cyclist says you’re not above the law, either

A new petition urges tougher penalties for hit-and-run drivers who injure or kill bicyclists, runners or pedestrians, in the wake of the gentle wrist-caress plea deal given the drunken killer of cyclist Andy Garcia.

If you’ve been coming here for awhile, you know I’ve offered my own suggestions on how to put an end to hit-and-runs once and for all.

Meanwhile, another petition calls for an end to the common practice of driving — legally — without plates, which makes it virtually impossible to identify drivers who flee after injuring or killing someone. Although some people want to remove the requirement for a front plate entirely because it reduces aerodynamics and might get dinged during a car wash.


But if some driver takes off after running over my ass, I want the cops to be able to read the imprint of the jerk’s license plate embedded on my butt cheeks.

One way or another, though, something has to be done now to stop dangerous drivers from running away like the cowards they are after colliding with another person or vehicle.

And force them to take responsibility for their actions.

Willingly or not.


An LA bike blogger offers a word of advice to his fellow bike riders:


It’s a good read. And he’s got a point.

Though I might argue with the suggestion that the distain some drivers have for cyclists is justified by our own bad behavior.

But I’ve had the same experience he has of obeying the law only to watch another rider blow through the red light or stop sign I’ve stopped for. Or pausing to observe a motorist’s right-of-way only to have a cyclist swerve dangerously around me and cut the car off — then flip off the driver for the chaos he created.

And yes, it’s inevitably a he.

Granted, traffic laws were not written with cyclists in mind. And sometimes safety dictates observing the spirit, rather than the letter of the law.

But we can’t expect others on the roads to obey the laws we choose to flaunt.

There’s absolutely nothing that says traffic regulations don’t apply to you. Or me, for that matter.

And let’s not forget that if anything bad does happen, you’ll likely lose any chance of an insurance or legal settlement if it can be shown you were even partly in the wrong. Regardless of what the other party may or may not have done.

It may not be fair.

But that’s the world we live in these days.



Flying Pigeon shows how it’s done when they successfully bike the vote at the recent NELA Neighborhood Council elections.

Bodacious Bike Babes visited Union Station in advance of its 75th — not 25th — anniversary.

UCLA celebrates Bike Week next week.

The annual Palms Bike Rodeo takes place this Saturday.



The OC Register reports on Sunday’s Dana Point Grand Prix that left five women riders injured.

Bike riders take over San Diego’s Barrio Logan for a full day of all-ages bike racing.

In a nice gesture, a San Jose writer suggests naming a bike boulevard after a local priest who was killed while riding his bike.



Sadly, Silicon Valley actor and “fanatical” cyclist Chris Welch succumbs to the cancer he’d battled since 2010.

Streetsblog remembers bike-friendly former Minnesota Congressman Jim Oberstar.

A Las Vegas driver faces DUI charges when he hits a 12-year old bike rider before and after slamming into multiple parked cars, then fleeing the scene.

A Portland bike rider files suit against the city after she’s injured on streetcar tracks trying to avoid people standing in the bike lane.

New York cyclists celebrate the Blessing of the Bicycles; LA riders will celebrate ours next Tuesday as Good Samaritan Hospital honors Ghost Bikes LA. Thanks to Erik Griswold for the heads-up.

As helmets become more common for kid’s activities, including bike riding, they still do nothing to prevent concussions. As I’ve learned the hard way.



A UK rider points out the indignities women have to put up with when she’s slapped on the ass from a passing motorcycle. Unfortunately, that’s a story I’ve heard too often from other women, as well.

Now that’s more like it. British drivers who kill while driving with a suspended license will now face 10 years in prison. Then again, I’d vote for prison time for anyone who continues to drive after their license has been revoked.

Nice promo for the inaugural Women’s Tour of Great Britain this month.



Top women’s pro cyclist Evelyn Stevens is just the latest to offer a video on how to change a flat tire — after the proper nourishment, of course. And a new video shows how not to lock your bike like an idiot.


Morning Links: A brief visit to the Santa Monica Bike Expo, and bicycling loses a good friend over the weekend

SaMo Bike Expo 1For a first time event, it seemed to go pretty well.

I stopped by the Santa Monica Bike Expo on Sunday, wife and Corgi in tow, since neither seems inclined to let me out of their sight for too long for fear I’ll drop dead from my newly diagnosed disorder, and/or the multiple meds I’m on to treat it.

Not that I don’t appreciate their concern.

There was a good selection of bike shops and manufacturers represented, including Xtracycle, Tern and Linus, who had the classiest booth by far. And there was a heavy emphasis ebikes; evidently beachside biking no longer requires actually turning the pedals yourself.

While the turnout wasn’t huge, there were quite a few people strolling the booths in the pier parking lot where the Cirque de Soleil tents stood until recently. I’m told Sunday was busier than Saturday; then again, it’s hard to compete with the day-long Long Beach Bike Fest a relatively short ride to the south.

SaMo Bike Expo 2And the beachfront location seemed to work in their favor, as a number of riders stopped in as they were riding by on the bike path; one rider even purchasde new grips to cover the bare handlebars on his long-neglected cruiser.

All in all, it seemed to be a good start.

Hopefully organizers will bring the free event back again next year, and encourage greater participation from shops and groups beyond the Santa Monica borders. And maybe pick a date that doesn’t conflict with other major bike events next time.

This is something LA has needed for a very long time. Let’s hope it proves successful for everyone involved.


Sad news, as the best friend bicycling ever had in the halls of Congress passed away on Saturday. Former Minnesota Representative Jim Oberstar died in his sleep at age 79, after serving 18 terms in the US House.

We owe him a round of thanks for all he did to promote bicycling and alternative transportation over the years. He will be sorely missed.

Thanks to Patrick Pascal for the heads-up.


Okay, so it has nothing to do with bicycling. But this is probably the most breathtakingly beautiful video of Los Angeles you’ll see today. And make sure to click on the full-screen option for full effect.



A 53-year old North Hollywood bike rider is seriously injured in a Mission Hills hit-and-run on Sunday morning.

Orange 20 Bikes urges you to fight to save the North Figueroa bike lanes, and questions why bike riders who have a stake in the area are considered “outside interests.” Very good question.

The LAPD’s Rampart Division celebrates Star Wars Day, aka May the 4th, with a badly Photoshopped photo of cops wielding light sabers — lifted from a 2009 Bikeside post criticizing the department for not giving a damn about cyclists in the relatively recent bad old days.

A gossip website says celebrities are avoiding rising gas prices by riding their bikes. Yeah, that’s the reason they ride, because they can’t afford to fill the tanks on their Bentleys. Then again, we can all be glad Lindsey Lohan is choosing not to get behind the wheel these days, for whatever reason.



The CHP encourages everyone to be a Roll Model — get it? — on the streets. And thankfully, directs the message to motorists as well as bicyclists for a change.

Five women’s riders were injured in a crash just 100 feet from the finish line at Sunday’s Dana Point Grand Prix of Cycling; three riders were transported to a local hospital.

Santa Cruz County held an open streets event — aka ciclovia — in Capitola Sunday.

Eureka is named a bronze-level bicycle-friendly community by the League of American Bicyclists.



The Centers for Disease Control calls on Americans to walk or bike instead of driving, in part due to the risk of car collisions.

Bicycling lists 50 rides of a lifetime around the world; PCH checks in at number four, while Mt. Baldy ranks 42nd.

That’s one way to stop a dangerous driver. After a Las Vegas motorist struck a 12-year old bike rider, a nearby man opens fire, claiming he shot to protect the boy and other neighborhood kids. Fortunately, no one was hit.

In 1897, one out of every five Chicago residents rode a bike. No wonder they call it the good old days.

The Washington Post conveys a bike-friendly safety message from AAA. Yet somehow overstates the number of bike riders killed each year by a factor of seven.



Injury rates are up for Montreal bike riders. So are traffic tickets. Then again, there’s no point in fixing dangerous streets when you can just tell cyclists to ride on the sidewalk.

A new video offers advice on how to be a gentleman cyclist. Evidently either women don’t ride, or they already follow the rules.

A record-setting Brit cyclist celebrates her 100th birthday; in 1938, she set out to ride every day of the year, eventually covering nearly 30,000 miles.

An Oxford, England cyclist is shocked! shocked! that the U-lock he swung at an angry driver actually hit him. Is it just me, or is the best way to ensure you don’t hit anyone is not to swing your effing lock at them in the first place?

An Aussie website says a government minister’s call to license cyclists is an “exceptionally silly idea,” noting a recent study found drivers at fault in 79% of cases.



Must be one hell of an app. When a New York bike rider is arrested for — legally — filming a cop with his cell phone, the cop claims iPhones are being used as guns.

And a blogger says please stop blaming me for what other bike riders do.


Weekend Links: More on MyFig, Dana Point Crit Sunday, and how to change a bike tire in three minutes — in a dress



Streetsblog reports on the consensus agreement for the MyFigueroa project; work may start next January and take about a year. And says there’s a rising tide for biking and walking in California.

KPPC finishes the ride with Damien Kevitt.

Santa Monica Spoke calls your attention Bike Month this month.



Dana Point hosts one of the largest single-day crits in the US this Sunday.

An OC mountain bike rider is airlifted out of a Laguna Beach trail after breaking his leg.

A San Diego writer says the recent Belgium Waffle Ride was one hell of a ride.

How to get your stolen bike back in San Francisco.



Cool looking new sensor-laden smart bike is built with safety in mind; the Kickstarter project is just $3,000 short of their $100,000 goal with four weeks to go.

Somehow, I can’t imagine the LAPD painting a bike safety message directly on their patrol cars like this one from Boise, Idaho.

A new study shows more helmet use hasn’t resulted in a decrease in injuries.



A new short video looks at bicycle culture in Cuba.

A Brit cyclist says there’s no point in obeying the rules because riding in London is always Death Race 2000. On the other hand, Olympic champ Chris Hoy is really angry at scofflaw cyclists.

Almost caught on video: A UK bike rider narrowly avoids injury when a construction crew drops a lamppost on him.

NPR looks at the risks and obstacles facing women cyclists in Afghanistan. And the drive to overcome them.

Australia’s New South Wales traffic minister says bike riders should be licensed and banned from certain roads for their own good, while a Sydney writer says not so fast.

Meanwhile, a new study shows separated bike lanes in Sydney resulted in a doubling in ridership and a reduction in overall injuries — and carry as many people on bikes as the traffic lanes next to them do in cars.

Aussie pro cyclist Travis Meyer has been released from the hospital following an April 12th training collision in Andorra that left him with a fractured skull, broken jaw, broken arm and bruised lung; surprisingly, the driver stepped-up and admitted responsibility. Thanks to Bobby Close for the heads-up.



Sure, Lance and LeMond can change a tire in less than three minutes. But can they do it in a dress? A very cool new Italian bike has no spokes, hubless direct drive and folds down to the size of an umbrella. And apparently, the Queen is no fan of cyclists.


Thanks to Mark Goodley for the very generous donation to help support this site.

Morning Links: California leaps to top 10 bike friendly state; opposition withdrawn to MyFigueroa project

Screen Shot 2014-05-01 at 10.42.11 AM_0We’re number nine.

For the first time, traditionally bike-resistant California has made a remarkable jump into the top tier of bicycle friendly states, according to the League of American Bicyclists.

Interestingly, the Great Leap Forward wasn’t a result of the progress at the local level, where countless cities, from San Francisco passionately auto-centric San Diego, have committed to building the infrastructure necessary to improve safety and encourage new cyclists who may currently be reluctant to ride.

Rising from 38 to 54 points in 2014, California jumped 10 spots to #9 in the ranking, thanks to notable progress in legislation, funding and policy that will make it easier to build bike lanes and mandate drivers give cyclists three-feet of space when they pass.

“Better bikeways depend on two things: the right designs and enough funding to build them. California is getting better on both fronts,” said Dave Snyder, executive director of the California Bicycle Coalition. “Caltrans has been updating its design manuals — in fact it just endorsed the NACTO Urban Bikeways Design Guide — and spending on biking and walking increased by 30% over 2012 levels.”

“Our jump to one of the top ten states reflects Caltrans’ commitment toward more bike friendly communities,” said California Department of Transportation Director Malcolm Dougherty. “We plan to continue our success by working with our local partners to infuse about $360 million into biking and other active transportation projects over the next three years.”

Wait. Did the Director of notoriously auto-centric Caltrans really just say they’re committed to bike friendly communities — let alone spending the money to make it happen?

Evidently, that polar vortex reached a lot further south than any realized.

Hell has officially frozen over.


Big news on the local front, as well, as the complaint holding up the MyFigueroa project is officially withdrawn, which should allow the project to finally move forward.

The compromise promises to remake one of the city’s most vital boulevards — small b — into LA’s first complete street, including improved walkways, a dedicated bus lane and, yes, curb protected bike lanes.

As Eric Bruins, Planning and Policy Director for the LACBC suggests, this is a win for everyone. Including the businesses along the corridor who fought it, which will benefit from a re-envisioned street built on a more human scale that will actually attract customers instead of encouraging them to speed by.

And at the same time, improve safety for everyone traveling between Downtown and USC/Exposition Park, by whatever mode.

Now if we can just get the long-promised — and already funded — bike lanes on the other end of Figueroa.

You’d think CD1 Councilmember Gil Cedillo would look at MyFig and fight for something similar to improve safety and the quality of life in his district, rather than pushing a complicated network of sharrows that won’t benefit anyone.

Let alone bike riders or the businesses along North Figueroa.

But who knows what he’s really thinking, since neither he nor his staff have been willing to discuss the matter with anyone.


Speaking of elected officials, the LACBC’s Civic Engagement Committee prepared candidate questionnaires for people running for County Supervisor and Sheriff in the upcoming June election.

The first results are in and have been posted online.

Hopefully, more of the major candidates will respond before the election.

If you’re involved with any of the campaigns that haven’t responded, urge them to complete the questionnaires so bike riders can make a truly informed choice at the ballot box.



Ride with the mayor of El Monte this Saturday.

Studio City hosts a belated Car Free SFV Earth Day celebration on Sunday.

Pasadena host a Women on Bikes Night for Wednesday of bike week.

Two San Dimas bike riders are injured when the lead rider flats after hitting a rock and takes out his companion. Thankfully, it sounds like their injuries weren’t too serious.

No press bias here, as a 16-year old Norwalk bike rider is seriously injured in a left cross collision, yet the paper somehow blames him for riding into the car.



Bike theft is rising an average of nearly 11% a year in California.

The opening of San Diego’s new bike share program is pushed back until June.

San Francisco’s contraflow bike lane opens today.



What makes a campground bike friendly?

A writer takes admitted doper and Lance domestique George Hincapie to task in an extended criticism; somehow, Hincapie has escaped the public criticism leveled at his former boss. Then again, not everyone agrees.

Bike lawyer Bob Mionske has his bike stolen, and ably captures the gut-wrenching feeling it evokes.

At least a dozen riders are injured in a mass crash in New Mexico’s Tour of Gila; two were airlifted to a nearby hospital in unknown condition.



That fatal Ontario, Canada collision that led a driver to sue the parents of the teenage cyclist she killed for the pain and suffering it caused her is now under review by an outside police agency after allegations of police favoritism.

Montreal planners won the battle over removing parking spaces for a bike path by county nearby parking spaces and showing it would result in the loss of just 300 of the 11,000 spaces. A good tactic to try in any city, including ours.

A new Brit Tesco commercial cheers on ordinary cyclists.

Learn about your favorite Cannondale Pro Cycling riders, including the irrepressible Peter Sagan.

Newly found video footage shows a bike-friendly 1932 Copenhagen. Or maybe you prefer a wild alleycat race through the streets of 1930s Paris.



A Glendale man faces charges after falling off the child’s bike he was trying to steal. And a tall bike comes in handy when you want to photo bomb a TV reporter on a flooded street.


On a personal note, the good news is, my doctor has cleared me to get back on my bike for the first time since I was diagnosed with diabetes earlier this month. The bad news is, I have to stay home and wait for the plumber today.

Maybe next week.

Morning Links: CD1 City Council Member tries to trade North Figueroa bike lanes for sharrows

While workshop participants imagine what North Figueroa could be, CD1 City Council Member Gil Cedillois backing off from the already approved, funded and shovel ready bike lanes planned for the street.

Instead, he suggests replacing them with a complicated — and virtually worthless — network of sharrows that would do absolutely nothing to tame traffic on the street. Or encourage traffic-averse bike riders and potential riders to take to a street that would be only marginally safer than before. Let alone more comfortable to ride.

If you can make next Thursday’s community meeting, show up and tell him no.

Make that hell no.

Maybe there’s a reason Cedillo didn’t complete the LACBC’s candidate survey in last year’s election.

Meanwhile, he has also come out against a plan to turn the old Riverside-Figueroa Bridge into an elevated bike and pedestrian park over the LA River.

Mayor Garcetti wants to turn Figueroa into one of the city’s first Great Streets. But that will be hard to do if our elected officials are standing in the way.


Lexington KY police cite a bike commuting woman for reckless driving — not once, but three times — because she insisted on riding in the traffic lane for her own safety, as she had every right to do.

Fortunately, wiser heads prevailed. Even though she wasn’t scheduled for trial until August, a judge ruled in her favor this week.

Thanks to Bob Young for the heads-up.


If you’re looking for a good cause, you can’t do much better than this.

After a bike advocate struggling with cancer is forced to sell her bike to pay medical bills, a group of cyclists are raising funds to buy her a new one.



Flying Pigeon asks which approach is a more efficient use of space — Downtown LA’s massive parking lots or Portland’s downtown bike parking?

Help clean up the LA River this Saturday, then bike over to Golden Road Brewing to celebrate over some of LA’s best beers. Or if you’re closer to the coast, help reimagine what Santa Monica could be.

Sweet Ride USA invites you to join in on their next ride,which will roll along the beachfront bike path this Sunday.

Wrap up Bike Week Pasadena with a bike-in movie on Friday, May 16th.

More on Saturday’s sixth annual Long Beach Bike Fest; the free event sounds like a lot of fun. Meanwhile, it may be the most bike-friendly city in SoCal — though Santa Monica is giving it a run for it’s money — but Long Beach still has some work to do.



A shirtless bike rider uses the center divider of I-80 through San Francisco as his own personal bike lane.

New OC bike safety campaign tells riders to “Bike Smart. Bike Safe.” And for parents to teach their children to do the same. Now how about telling drivers not to run us over.

Google donates a cool $1 million to Mountain View for bike projects. Now that they’ve got a major center in Venice, maybe they could spread a little of that bike love our way.



Big step forward as an experimental medical process enabled a group of men with disabling leg injuries to grow new muscles, improving enough to walk or ride a bike for the first time in years.

Treehugger looks at the disparity between bike and ped funding, mode share and funding. And it ain’t pretty. The site also points out that a warmer climate doesn’t result in higher ridership levels.

Intoxicated Oahu driver deliberately rams a group of bicyclists on a metric century ride to honor an advocate for safer cycling. Oddly, only three riders were hit, but five people were injured.

Evidently, there’s only one acceptable form of transportation in Oregon, as the Oregon Humane Society refuses to let a bike riding woman take her adopted cat home because she wasn’t driving a car.

Meet the Boulder CO woman behind CycloFemme, sponsors of the CycloFemme LA Mother’s Day Ride and hundreds of others around the world.

Colorado’s AAA will now offer roadside assistance for cyclists. But they won’t fix your flat.

Bad headline, good story as a Florida bicyclist looks at why the state is so dangerous for people on bikes.



Hats off to Ontario, Canada man who bought an apparently stolen bike off the street for $10, then set out to return it to its rightful owner.

A new reports says a diabetic Ontario driver suffering from low blood sugar should never have been behind the wheel when he killed three people in 2009, including an 81-year old bike rider — then was allowed to keep his license for another 18 months. It recommends a series of steps to keep dangerously diabetic drivers off the road.

Evidently, the bike boom is in decline in the UK.

Looks like a 12-year doping ban isn’t enough to keep former pro rider Riccardo Ricco from buying EPO. Lots of EPO.



For the second year in a row, Tour de Fat will bypass LA. And a Brit tandem cyclist rides with a bony stoker even skinnier than I am these days.


Morning Links: Turns out most bike riders don’t run red lights after all, and TdF winner LeMond fixes le flat

The next time someone tells you all bike riders run red lights, show them this.

According to a new study from Portland State University, an overwhelming 94% of bicyclists in four Oregon cities — not just bike-friendly Portland — stopped for red lights. And 89% were observed obeying the rules perfectly, while 4% jumped the light just before it changed.

Only a paltry 6% actually blew the lights.

The study was based on a review of over 2,000 videos from intersection crossing cameras. Which means there was no observational bias from researchers at the scene, or riders acting on their best behavior because they knew they were being watched.

As Bike Portland’s Michael Anderson notes, that compares to an estimated 36% to 77% of drivers who break the speed limit.

Which makes you wonder just who the real scofflaws are.

Interestingly, the study also notes that nearly four times as many helmetless riders ran their lights than helmet-clad riders.

Make of that what you will.


America’s only remaining Tour de France winner responds to that recent video of Lance Armstrong fixing a flat with one of his own. And proves he’s a real blowhard in the best possible sense.

And speaking of TdF winners, the first women’s winner in recent years will be crowned with one-day circuit race before the men arrive on the Champs-Elysees on the final day.



Looks like there will be 10 of those new LA bike repair stations in the initial rollout.

NELA’s anti-bike Boulevard Sentinel accuses bicyclists of successfully hijacking this past weekend’s Neighborhood Council elections; a better description might be democracy in action.

BikeSGV is looking for bike count volunteers starting this weekend.

Long Beach ranks third on a list of the country’s 20 most bicycle-friendly cities behind San Francisco and Austin; Portland ranks a surprisingly low 15th.

The Long Beach Post looks at Stylish by Bike, part of the city’s annual Bike Fest this Saturday.



Bicycling suggests a few classic rides to create your own tour of California.

A Newport Beach city council member says improve safety on the Back Bay, rather than restricting usage as some have called for.

Bike share is coming to La Jolla and the rest of the San Diego area this June. Meanwhile, LA’s bike share program is scheduled to open a week from who the hell knows.

Riverside cyclists can look forward to a Cinco de Mayo ride next Monday.

The Times offers more details on that 17-year old Sacramento County driver who deliberately chased down a 10-year old boy after someone threw a water bottle at her SUV. The victim was riding bikes with his brother when the girl attacked him, dragging him 10 feet beneath her vehicle; according to a CHP spokesperson, she was non-remorseful and didn’t seem to care that she’d just committed assault with a deadly weapon.



Forget hockey — if you really want organized violence, try bike polo. But do we need yet another story saying cycling is the new golf?

Utah police can’t explain how a collision that took the life of two bike riders happened, but somehow conclude the driver wasn’t at fault.

Denver cyclist with early-onset Alzheimer’s plans to ride 100 miles to fight the disease.

Dallas considers repealing its rarely enforced helmet law to encourage bicycling and allow a successful bike share program.

America’s most famous college bike race — and the setting for Breaking Away — took place with another successful Little 500 last weekend.

The NYPD cracks down on Critical Mass while ignoring speeding drivers. So which one poses the greater threat to the public, I wonder?



Sadly, a British adventurer on a round-the-world bike tour is killed in a Bolivian collision.

People for Bikes offers three lessons from Calgary’s great bike leap forward.

Bike racing’s governing body establishes a commission to promote non-competitive events. Despite what the article suggests, there is no governing body for riding your bike down the street.

Caught on video: A Brit driver deliberately runs down a bike rider from behind, then backs up and flees the scene.

Evidently, Aussie women go out of their way not to commute by bike.



There’s a new poster child for drunk driving, as an intoxicated motorist drove onto an off-road trail — and plowed into a marathon raising funds to fight drug and alcohol abuse.

And I don’t even know what to say about this one, as a Santa Rosa woman assaults customers and staff in a Dollar Store, steals not one but two bikes, and is finally arrested with Vicodin, a meth pipe and some things she stole from the store.


Morning Links: A disgustingly auto-centric driver, and the rest of the story on that biking tech exec beating

They drive among us.

Commenting on the Facebook page Look! Save A Life / Arizona, a gigantic motorhead asshole driver makes it clear he could care less about the lives on any cyclists who happen to ride — legally — on the road.


Thankfully, jerks like this are a very small minority of drivers, most of whom do their best to drive safely and accommodate everyone.

As for the others, comments like this live forever on the internet. And can be used as evidence if he ever does hit someone.

Thanks to Cyclelicious and Brendan Lyons for the heads-up.


Speaking of Richard Masoner of Cyclelicious, trust him to get the whole story on that bike riding Silicon Valley tech exec arrested for beating the crap out of a driver.

Turns out the driver did hit the cyclist, as the exec had claimed. And both people in the truck — including the guy behind the wheel — were reportedly drunk, and got out to throw the first punches.

Which makes it a case of self defense against a drunken idiot, rather than the vicious assault the local press implied.


And it turns out there’s a lot more to that story of the sick, twisted Ontario, Canada driver who sued the parents of the teenage bike rider she killed for her pain and suffering in having to live with what she did — including the incredible pain of the boy’s parents and allegations of police misconduct.

There’s a special place in hell for people like that.

Thanks to Stanley E. Goldich for the links.


More on Sunday’s Finish the Ride from KNBC-4, as well as KCBC-2 and USC’s Annenberg TV. Maybe the word is finally getting out about hit-and-runs. As usual, though, it takes Streetsblog’s Sahra Sulaiman to offer real insight and put it all in perspective.

And an LA mom says f*** you to speeding drivers and actually rides her bike on the streets of LA.



CicLAvia co-founder Aaron Paley says we need to get rid of the us vs. them attitude on our streets.

New bike lanes appear next to LA’s Eco-Village, and vandal-resistant bike repair stations pop up on LA’s not-quite Eastside.

Naomi Watts rides a bike in Brentwood.

Repeat after me. If you’re carrying a stolen Glock and a high-capacity magazine on your bike in Pasadena after dark, put a damn light on it. The bike, not the gun.

I love this one. Three bike-riding Palos Verdes financial advisors dig into their own pockets to donate 100 bikes to underprivileged kids. Seriously, hats off to these guys.



Huh? HuPo offers seven spots in California you can only reach by bike. Like auto, transit and pedestrian-accessible Downtown San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge and the Venice Boardwalk, where bikes aren’t even allowed.

Oakland is racing to meet the demand for bike lanes for non-racing riders.

In a move that could improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians, Google promises their self-driving cars can now recognize objects better than a human driver can — including gestures made by bike riders. Yeah, but can they recognize this one? Thanks to Ed Cable for the heads-up.

A teenage Sacramento driver deliberately chases down and pins a 7th grader to a tree after someone throws a water bottle at her SUV. Yeah, that’s equivalent force.



Grist sort of answers whether it’s safer to ride a bike or drive a car; thanks to Kevin Hopps for the link.

A new wearable bike light promises to be fashionable, but doesn’t look very noticeable.

Kansas residents pitch in when a man suffering from arthritis has his three-wheeled bike stolen.

An aggressive Austin driver intentionally targets — and fortunately misses — pedestrians and cyclists.

An LSU football player is arrested for bike theft, and says he’s very sorry. Well, okay then.

Two women take off on a bike tour of the East Coast. In 1944. Thanks to Chris K for the tip.

Shockingly, the father of a hit-and-run driver who killed a Florida cyclist says it wasn’t his son’s fault, he wasn’t intoxicated, he didn’t flee and it was all that damn bike rider’s fault. For a change, the police disagree.



Calgary’s city council votes to defy the bike haters and build three separated bike lanes as a pilot project.

A new bike lock promises to be unpickable. But does anyone actually bother to pick bike locks these days?

Caught on video. A bike riding Dutch woman breaks up a fight the hard way.

This might not be the best time for a politician to ride a bike in the Ukraine, as the mayor of the country’s second largest city is shot while riding his.

Aussie streets are designed to tolerate minor “bingles” but bicyclists aren’t. Is it just me, or does bingle sound like the name of an elf?



Letters reveal the great feminist author Simone de Beauvior and philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre rode bikes to help organize the French resistance in World War II.

It was de Beauvior who brilliantly wrote “There are two kinds of people in the world: human beings and women. And when women try to act like human beings, they’re accused of trying to be men.”

Which I learned from a Doonesbury cartoon.


Morning Links: Successful Finish the Ride, state hit-and-run bills advance, and an Agenda 21 conspiracy fail

Hit-and-run survivor Damian Kevitt speaks at Finish the Ride. Photo courtesy of Joni Yung.

Hit-and-run survivor Damian Kevitt speaks at Finish the Ride. Photo courtesy of Joni Yung.

By the sound of it, Sunday’s Finish the Ride turned out to be a very successful event.

Even if I couldn’t be there, much to my regret (more on that later).

The Times takes an early look at the ride intended to call attention to the problem of hit-and-runs, while ride creator Damian Kevitt says they’re a sign of “the moral decay of America.”

Unfortunately, he’s right.

There’s something seriously wrong with any society where it’s become commonplace — if not socially acceptable — to run away like a coward and leave a stranger bleeding in the streets.

A rider who arrived later in the day emailed this brief description.

Finish the Ride was a huge success. The ride was over but the party was still in full swing when I rolled up, and the sheer diversity of booths was impressive. Poor Damian was still playing meet-and-greet and posing for photos with a variety of well-wishers. He was in his usual good cheer but he’s probably exhausted.

There were at least 638 riders, judging by the highest bib number I saw. The organizer couldn’t provide a total or guess at the number of “day-of registrants” since they were still tallying all the participants.

LAPD had eight bike officers for the escort, and several weren’t just on duty, they were sporting bibs too! The CHP had a booth so I spoke to an officer (who recognized me from the task force meeting), and there’s still no solid leads, but they’ll take tips til the statute of limitations runs out.

Riding back through Chinatown, I spoke with two riders who had done the hilly route, and weren’t about to return to start the same way, but were happy to do it once, “for Damian.”



Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell will dedicate at new bike repair station at Polka Dot Plaza Monday morning.

Richard Risemberg points the finger at South Pass for blocking a road diet on the York Blvd bridge. And directs your attention to an in-depth examination of the unloved and unneeded 710 Freeway extension and more viable alternative.

Neon Tommy looks at Santa Monica’s upcoming MANGo Greenway, which promises to protect SaMoHi students from dooring.

Pico Rivera awaits a grant to fund a planned 8,000 square foot bike hub.



Streetsblog offers their weekly update of transportation-related bills before the state legislature; and yes, good things are happening on the bike and hit-and-run fronts.

San Diego cyclists take on a grueling 136 mile course to raise funds for the Challenged Athletes Foundation, which also benefitted from Finish the Ride.

San Francisco prepares to double down on bikeways to improve safety and ease of riding.



A writer for Bicycling tracks down America’s first international bicycling champion. From 1870. Meanwhile, Elly Blue is pretty sure she could outrun a Portland bike cop.

When nearly every street is over capacity, bikeways can go in anywhere. Which makes this a great time to be a bike rider in Detroit. Yes, Detroit.

Lowell MA’s motorhead mayor wants to undo a road diet and remove its bike lanes to move as many cars as possible in and out of the city. Oh, and parking revenues are down.

Interesting idea, as a New York lawyer sues Honda for failing to put a light or audible device on its vehicles to prevent dooring (last line).

The new poster child for distracted driving? A North Carolina woman is killed when she posts to Facebook while driving about how happy Pharrell’s Happy makes her.



A Calgary paper offers an in-depth look at the debate over proposed protected bike lanes, which is pretty much the same debate that goes on everywhere else. Meanwhile, a motorhead columnist takes issue with the whole damn thing.

The London Guardian looks at the best of the worst bikeways around the world.

Pee in public, get banned from Brit rides.

Thousands of Scottish cyclists Pedal on Parliament to demand safer streets. With good reason, since only 10% of Scot drivers who hit cyclists are ever prosecuted.

A Chinese company is now offering one day bike tours to North Korea. Though you might want to think twice about it unless you’re Dennis Rodman.



When a spectator offers to take an injured mountain bike rider’s bike down the course for him, they both end up in the same ambulance.

And an Agenda 21 conspiracy nut claims bike paths are part of a plot to ban cars. Except if we banned cars, we wouldn’t need bike lanes, would we?


Weekend Links: Four out of five LA hit-and-run never solved; road raging Silicon Valley cyclist beats driver

First up, one last reminder about Sunday’s Finish the Ride, as the Glendale News-Press interviews hit-and-run survivor Damian Kevitt.

Meanwhile, KNBC-4 says four of five Los Angeles hit-and-runs are never solved; half are never even investigated due to a lack of evidence or witnesses.


A Marin County tech exec faces charges for severely beating a motorist earlier this month in a dispute over whether the truck’s mirror had hit his bike.

No matter who you are or what’s happened, there’s never any justification for violence. If you feel your anger boiling over, do whatever it takes to remove yourself from the situation. Then call 911 and let the police handle it.

The question is, why did the local police sit on the story for over a week?

Thanks to Megan Lynch for the heads-up.


This could be a big step forward. New traffic signs in San Diego’s North County ban right turns on red lights when bikes or pedestrians are present.

Note: Alex Hirsch says there’s been a similar signal on southbound Galey in Westwood for the past couple years. The question is whether it bans rights on red at certain hours due to traffic conditions, or if it functions on demand to protect vulnerable road users.



Metro agrees to create a level paying field for bike and pedestrian projects seeking funding from the state.

One of Hollywood’s seven most powerful women is a cyclist, which means we’ve only got six more to go.

CICLE unveils the full schedule for next month’s Bike Week Pasadena.

A 46-year old Whittier cyclist is critically injured in a Friday morning collision in Downey.

Huntington Park City Council approves a new bike plan with 23 miles of new bikeways, which compares favorably to the current zero.



San Diego rider is named the city’s bike Commuter of the Year.

This is why you don’t try to recover your stolen bike by yourself. A San Francisco woman is assaulted and pepper sprayed trying to steal hers back.

Elk Grove gets its first bike and pedestrian bridge.

Keep your eyes on Craigslist and Ebay for 36 Trek demo bikes stolen from behind a Folsom bike shop. To help recover them, that is, not score a hot bike.



Park your bike, bang a gong, get it on.

Intriguing new urban bike offers six great features, a very cool frame and a wait list to buy it.

The Furnace Creek 508 ultra-marathon bike race moves to the Silver State for 2014.

When even cowboy-centric Cheyenne, Wyoming gets a new bike plan, it’s a pretty good indication bikes are booming everywhere. And here to stay.

A survivor of 28 cancer surgeries has been cycling around the world for the last 26 years.

A Pepperdine research paper looks at who supports New York bike lanes and why.



A Toronto cyclist uses Craigslist to explain safe cycling to the driver who yelled at her to get the f*** out of the way.

A Brit driver gets a measly three months for deliberately ramming a cyclist into a guard rail. Then again, it’s never a good idea to assault a lawyer.

Evidently, in Scotland strong-arm bike thieves wear hi-viz, too.

Bike-on-bike collisions are on the rise in the Netherlands, leading to concern about anti-social cycling in the world’s bike paradise. Seems like you’ll find jerks everywhere, regardless of transportation mode.



After getting caught riding drunk twice in two months, a judge suggests a cyclist get rid of his bike for his own good. Especially if he happens to be riding this very cool 1991 Lotus track bike.