There seems to be something wrong with this photo of the new separated bike lane on Grand Ave in DTLA.
But I just can’t put my finger on it…

Photo by Redditor u/TezzDonut
Thanks to Evan Burbridge for the heads-up.
Councilmember Bob Blumenfield is hosting a virtual town hall on Thursday to discuss how to reform policing in Los Angeles, which could have a major effect on traffic enforcement and criminal investigations affecting people on bicycles.
Please join me for a Virtual Town Hall on Reimagining Public Safety this Thurs 8/27 from 6-7:30pm. This is a major conversation that many Angelenos have waited to be part of their entire lives. Be part of the conversation and register:
— Bob Blumenfield (@BobBlumenfield) August 25, 2020
Talk with the Southern California Association of Governments, aka SCAG, about their newly revived Go Human campaign tomorrow.
ANNOUNCEMENT: SCAG will be holding a Go Human #Twitterchat on 8/27 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.! During this virtual event, we invite communities, jurisdictions, and stakeholders to engage in conversation on safety. Join & follow w/ #GoHumanSocal See you Thursday!
— GoHumanSoCal (@GoHumanSoCal) August 26, 2020
Nothing like penning a 380-mile Pacman by bike.
Salsa Cycles presents a moving video as a Canadian woman attempts to ride all ten bikepacking routes pioneered by her late husband in a single year.
Thanks to Victor Bale, who suggests watching this one full screen, for forwarding the link.
Former professional cyclist James Lowsley-Williams offers tips on how to avoid saddle sores when you ride.
Including don’t wear underwear with your bike shorts, which you already knew, right?
Or you could just plop your ass on this padded wedge currently raising funds online.
But I’ll let you try it first, thank you.
The war on cars may be a myth, but the war on bikes just keeps on going.
Police in Albuquerque NM are looking for whoever shot and killed a man as he was walking his bicycle last week. Although someone should tell the Albuquerque Journal that the truck they were using probably isn’t a suspect in the shooting.
A Baltimore bike rider is accusing a driver of deliberately slamming his truck into four people riding their bikes as part of a large group ride. Chances are, the pickup didn’t deliberately hit anyone. The asshole driving it did, despite what the headline says.
Some people can’t see the traffic for the cars. A writer for London’s Daily Mail blames the city’s bike lanes for causing traffic congestion, while failing to recognize that it’s really just too many people like him in cars.
At last there has been a revolt against cycle super highways turning our towns and cities into polluted car parks. When will the war on motorists come to an end?
— Andrew Pierce (@toryboypierce) August 24, 2020
But sometimes, it’s the people on two wheels behaving badly.
A San Diego man pled not guilty to fatally stabbing a man in an apparent random attack in a Pacific Beach public restroom, before attempting to flee on a bicycle.
A bikeshare-riding Brooklyn mugger was caught on video ripping a gold chain off a young mother’s neck.
Metro is putting out a call for bikeshare providers to replace Bicycle Transit Systems, the current Metro Bike operator, when their contract expires in two years. And hopefully find someone more willing to expand system throughout LA.
The Pasadena Police Department will be conducting yet another of their bike and pedestrian safety crackdowns this Friday; their last one resulted in 119 tickets, 28 of which went to people on bicycles. So ride to the letter of the law until you leave cross the city limits.
Brigitte Nielson and her dog nearly got cameos in Bradley Cooper’s latest film, as they rode through the LA set for the new movie by director Paul Thomas Anderson.
A Sacramento man was busted for an alleged sexual assault on a Davis bike path earlier this month. Which is yet another reminder that women face risks riding that men don’t, especially when out of public view on offroad paths.
Vice examines Traffic Demand Modeling, or TDM, the antiquated formula that predicts the need for road projects — and too often misses the mark.
NPR looks to Trek to examine what bikes can tell us about Trump’s trade wars and the changing global economy.
No surprise here, as a new study pending publication shows riding a bike can help keep you young, figuratively if not literally.
A public radio reporter has set out on a 900-mile bike ride across four Rocky Mountain states, crisscrossing the Continental Divide to listen to Americans in advance of the 2020 election. Yes, they’re actually paying him to take a bikepacking trip.
A Colorado district attorney has concluded there was no wrongdoing by five Colorado Springs cops after a popular bike fitter and former bike shop employee died when they tried to take him into custody during an apparent psychotic episode.
The mayor of Jefferson City, Missouri bought a new bike to take part in a community ride, and discovered a bicycle allows you to be social while social distancing.
When his son wanted to ride a bike with his sisters despite his cerebral palsy, a Chicago bike shop owner established a foundation to help provide others with adaptive bicycles, too.
Kindhearted community members teamed with the local Walmart to buy a new bicycle for a popular Illinois man known for riding everywhere, after his bike was stolen from a truck stop.
An Illinois columnist suggests saving money by riding a bike instead of driving.
A Massachusetts man is taking traffic violence into his own hands, protesting every day for the past two weeks to call for safer streets.
Thanks to the pandemic, ridership rates are way up on a once-controversial Toronto protected bike lane.
A new European study show the popup bikeways that sprang up across Europe in the wake of the pandemic lockdown delivered $3 billion in health benefits across the continent.’s ebike sister site picks eight of their favorite ebikes, starting at the equivalent of $2,759.
A group of bighearted bicyclists bought a new bike for a Filipino sapatero — shoe repairman — after someone noticed him riding a homemade bike put together from scrap metal.
Competitive Cycling
NBC posts a TV and streaming schedule for this year’s pandemic-delayed Tour de France, which kicks off this Saturday. Or you could try to be one of the lucky few to see it in person.
Bicycling celebrates the long overdue demise of podium girls in the Tour de France, but says it’s also time for a real women’s Tour. Here’s the Yahoo link if you’ve been banished by the magazine’s paywall.
Cycling’s governing body pinky swears they’re really going to improve safety after too many high-profile crashes during this year’s races.
Former US crit champ Travis McCabe is finally getting his chance to race with the top level WorldTour, after his rookie season was nearly derailed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
UCI considers putting pro mountain bikers in a bubble to resume the racing season.
If you’re going to ride your bike three sheets to the wind — or three times the legal limit — don’t toss your empties into the bushes. Go mountain biking with stunt cyclist Danny MacAskill without ever leaving the bike shop.
And who says cleats and Crocs don’t mix?
— ChainReactionCycles (@Chain__Reaction) August 25, 2020
Be safe, and stay healthy. And wear a mask, already.