Nothing like passing out from high blood sugar, then picking up your laptop and starting work at 1 am.
So if I screw up or miss anything, my apologies in advance.
Then again, that’s no different from most nights these days.
Photo by Artyom Kulakov from Pexels.
Los Angeles is one of the nation’s deadliest large city for people on bicycles.
Or maybe not even in the top 15, depending on how you measure it
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, aka NHTSA, reports LA saw 12 people killed while riding bicycles in 2020, the latest year for which detailed traffic safety stats are available.
That comes in behind only New York’s 17. And tops Houston, Texas and Jacksonville, Florida with ten each, followed by Chicago and Detroit with eight.
But on a per capita basis, we’re not even close.
Tucson, Arizona led the nation with 1.26 deaths per 100,000 residents, followed closely by Detroit with 1.2 per 100,000 people.
Los Angeles was all the way down at number 16, with a relatively paltry 0.30 per 100,000 residents. Or we could be 20th, since we were tied with Oklahoma City, Las Vegas, Chicago and San Jose.
Despite leading the US in sheer number of bike riders killed, New York didn’t even make the top 20 on a per capita basis.
But however you look at it, it’s still too damn many.
Then again, even one traffic death is one too many.
The LAPD is continuing the hunt for the hit-and-run motorcyclist who slammed into a 13-year old boy in a Boyle Heights crosswalk.
Joshua Mora was crossing Whittier Blvd at Osme Ave when he was struck by the speeding motorbike rider, who left him sprawled and bleeding in the street as he angrily got back on his bike and sped away.
The crash cost Mora his right leg.
There’s a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible — thanks to the city’s standing hit-and-run reward program — while a crowdfunding campaign for the victim has raised slightly more than the $30,000 goal.
.@KCBSKCALDesk @NBCLA @KTLAnewsdesk @ABC7 @FOXLA @desk_34 @Noticias62TV @TELEMUNDO52 @TheEastsiderLA @boyleheightsbt @BoyleHeights_LA @BoyleHeightsNC @knxnews @LAPDHollenbeck @LAPDCValenzuela @LAPDHQ @LabradaAl @LAPDCaptMendoza @LAPDChiefMoore pic.twitter.com/pCK6xdZlKg
— LAPDCTD (@LAPDCTD24) April 4, 2023
$25K Reward for info that leads to the arrest & conviction of driver. @KCBSKCALDesk @NBCLA @KTLAnewsdesk @ABC7 @FOXLA @TELEMUNDO52 @UniNoticias @Noticias62TV @knxnews @latimes @LaOpinionLA @boyleheightsbt @BoyleHeights_LA @BoyleHeightsNC @TheEastsiderLA @LACrimeStopper1 pic.twitter.com/fp88SmQ5xE
— LAPDCTD (@LAPDCTD24) April 1, 2023
Meanwhile, a protest will be held at the site this Saturday to demand justice and safer streets.
Spread the word. Justice for Josh Rally pic.twitter.com/sFWwQIPLad
— George Olivos (@PicoDeGallos) April 6, 2023
Streets For All will host their next virtual happy hour on Wednesday, with new CD5 Councilmember Katy Yaroslavsky.
Next week: Virtual Happy Hour w/ Councilmember Katy Yaroslavsky @CD5LosAngeles on Wednesday April 12 @ 5p!
Big bike, bus, + rail projects are coming to CD5! Bring your transpo questions for the councilmember and newest @metrolosangeles Board member. RSVP: https://t.co/xASYcp7MEa
— Streets For All (@streetsforall) April 5, 2023
The National Association of City Transportation Officials, aka NACTO, is looking for a new director of engagement.
Which sounds like a position better suited to The Batchelor, but it pays up to 150 grand.
ICYMI: We're hiring!
NACTO is looking for a movement builder to be our next Director of Engagement. This role will lead our efforts to connect and champion the transportation professionals working towards equitable policy and street design!
Learn more: https://t.co/o30DQFvSjn pic.twitter.com/BgDlpvKzhw
— NACTO (@NACTO) March 24, 2023
The war on cars may be a myth, but the war on bikes just keeps on rolling.
No bias here. London’s Daily Mail gets its knickers in a twist over a bike-riding woman ignoring the country’s widest bike lane. Never mind that there are any number of reasons why she might not have used it.
The LAPD’s Olympic Station held a BBQ fundraiser on Wednesday to help send four of their fellow officers to the annual New Jersey to DC Police Unity Tour to honor fallen police officers.
A writer for the Los Angeles Times walks all 25 miles of Sunset Blvd in a single day. That’s long been one of my favorite LA bike rides, taking you through a microcosm of virtually every type of LA neighborhood from DTLA to the coast. Although it’s a lot more fun if you do it when it’s not choked with cars and drivers.
A father in Aliso Viejo credits an Apple AirTag with recovering his daughter’s stolen ebike, reclaiming it from the thief himself when sheriff’s deputies were unable to find it. Although you should be cautious about that doing yourself, since you never know if the thief might be armed.
San Diego’s ArtReach will auction off Electra bicycles designed by local artists, to benefit young people who wouldn’t otherwise have access to art programs.
Berkeley is indefinitely postponing a bike and pedestrian friendly redesign of Hopkins Street, citing pervasive staffing shortages, as well as unresolved safety issues and regulatory concerns.
Streetsblog reports San Francisco’s approval of an unpopular two-way, centerline bike lane on Valencia Street makes more sense when you consider it was the only option presented to the city’s transportation board.
LiveStrong rates the best bicycling shoes. I can’t comment since I’ve never worn anything but Sidi.
Bicycling makes their picks for the year’s 12 best ebikes, topped by the $2,700 Specialized Globe Haul ST cargo bike. As usual, read it on Yahoo if the magazine blocks you.
Good question. Transportation for America says in theory, streets are for people, so why aren’t they in practice?
Bike Portland’s Jonathan Maus offers his thoughts on the city’s continuing decline in bicycling rates, which began a decade ago.
Consider it the world’s wildest Ciclovía, as Yellowstone National Park opens its gates to bike riders tomorrow, before opening to motorists later this month.
Kindhearted Tennessee cops dug into their own pockets to buy a new bike for a 10-year old boy, after spotting him running next to his bike-riding friends because he didn’t have one.
We recently mentioned a three-year old boy in Maine whose Spider-Man bike was stolen when he went into a store with his mom; now a bighearted woman who can’t even afford shelter for herself used what little money she had to buy him a new one.
The NYPD tickets less than 2% of drivers in blocked bike lane complaints. Which makes sense, since they’re often the ones blocking them.
A Pennsylvania man wants out of prison for vehicular homicide in the death of a 15-year-old boy killed while the kid was riding his bike with friends; he says he’s a good person who always tries to do the right thing, but the local paper says the only thing missing from his parole petition is remorse.
DC is pushing back plans for a 2.7-mile redesign of Connecticut Ave that would reduce speeds and remove parking, and could include spacious seven-foot wide bike lanes.
Six months after they were installed, new bike and pedestrian lanes on a Maryland roadway have eliminated crashes for people walking and biking, while increasing travel times just 30 seconds for morning motor vehicle commuters.
A Virginia bike shop worker blames distracted drivers for most crashes. And he should know, since his last job was more than two decades as a cop.
Bike Radar explains everything you always wanted to know about fat tire bikes, but were afraid to ask.
Women working in the bike industry say it still has a long way to go to achieve equity and equality.
A British Columbia driver blames poorly designed bike lanes for why he high-centered his car on a concrete lane divider, while bike riders say it’s his own damn fault.
Video captures a violent brawl as a gang tries to steal a London delivery rider’s bicycle.
Flemish officials have set a goal of having over 30% of all trips in Flanders taken by bicycle by the end of this decade.
99 Percent Invisible relates how the Netherlands reclaimed their country from motor vehicles, forever cementing it in the minds of everyone who opposes bike lanes by insisting “This isn’t Amsterdam!”
BMW is jumping on the ebike bandwagon with plans to introduce Mini electric bikes by the end of the year. That’s Mini branded bikes, not tiny bicycles.
Competitive Cycling
The bike racing season is gaining speed, as Belgium’s Jasper Philipsen took the victory in the Netherland’s Scheldeprijs, while a resurgent Mark Cavendish finished third in his best result of the year.
GearJunkie considers why the punishing cobbles of Paris-Robaix are the toughest one-day bike race on the pro calendar.
Muscle and Fitness explains everything you need to know about the nascent National Cycling League.
That feeling when you challenge a three-time Olympic track cycling champ to an ebike race. It only took the indictment of a former president to empty New York’s bike lanes.
And if you’re going to protest Trump’s indictment dressed as the Q-Anon Shaman, try to stay on your bike.
Chag Pesach Sameach to all observing Passover tonight.
Ramadan Mubarak to all observing the Islamic holy month.
Be safe, and stay healthy. And get vaccinated, already.
Oh, and fuck Putin, too.
Is a 25,000 reward enough to seek justice for Joshua’s leg?