Tag Archive for Imelda Padilla

Hit-and-run motorcyclist busted, non-bike friendly candidates set for CD6 special election, and Venice Blvd looking up

Once again, my apologies for yesterday’s unexcused absence. 

Let’s just say it’s yet another reminder than diabetes sucks. And that you don’t want this crap if there’s anything you can do to avoid it. 

Because right now, the only thing that compares to my excessively high blood sugar is just how low I feel each and every day, both physically and emotionally. 

But at least I’m well enough to write this.


Let’s start with a little good news.

The LAPD has made an arrest in the case of the heartless coward who ran down a Boyle Heights teenager, then got back on his motorcycle and rode off, leaving the boy bleeding in the street.

Thirteeen-year old Joshua Mora was crossing Whittier Boulevard in the crosswalk on March 30th when 29-year-old Banning resident Erwin Majano allegedly slammed into him.

Mora lost his right leg as a result of the impact.

At last report, Majano was being held on $50,000 bond; he was arrested following a tip from the public. Which means someone will likely receive the standing $25,000 reward upon conviction.


The June runoff election to replace disgraced former Councilmember Nury Martinez in CD6 is set.

Imelda Padilla, field deputy for Martinez, will face Marisa Alcaraz, environmental policy director and deputy chief of staff to City Councilmember Curren Price.

Martinez resigned last October when a recording surfaced capturing her making racist and otherwise offensive comments in a conversation with CD14 Councilmember Kevin De León and former CD1 Councilmember Gil Cedillo, along with a powerful union head.

Both candidates are City Hall insiders. And neither were endorsed by Streets For All, and only Padilla even bothered to respond to the group’s candidate questionnaire — and said nothing about bikes, walking or transit.

Yet one will be the district’s next councilmember — in part because a shameful 11.4% of eligible voters turned out to determine who will represent the other 88.6%.

Meanwhile, California State Assemblymember Miguel Santiago will challenge De León in next year’s election, after De León resisted loud calls for his resignation.


Things are looking up on Venice Blvd.



When is a bike lane not a bike lane? When it might be slightly inconvenient for a Hollywood film crew to park somewhere else.

Yes, the film industry is important to Los Angeles. But this isn’t their backlot, and we live and work here too.

Note: I removed the name from this tweet since it came from a private account.



Speaking of Streets For All, they join a busy bike weekend with Saturday’s fundraiser and community bike ride.



Day One is offering you the chance to try out a GoSGV ebike this weekend.


Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition teams with South Pasadena Active Streets for a feeder ride to 626 Golden Streets a week from Sunday. 

The open streets event will feature 6.5 miles of blissfully carfree streets through the Heart of the Foothills, in San Dimas, La Verne & Shirley, Pomona and Claremont. 


The war on cars may be a myth, but the war on bikes just keeps on rolling.

A Houston man was shot and killed while riding his bike following an apparent road rage altercation.

A Wisconsin man pled not guilty to four counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety, even though he admitted to police that he strung cords across a bike path in the middle of the night four times, injuring at least one person. He faces up to 50 year behind bars and a fine of $100,000 if he’s convicted on all four counts — yet he was released on a paltry $1,000 bond. Indicating just how seriously the judge doesn’t take the crime.

Life is cheap in the UK, where a road raging driver got just 21 months behind bars for brake-checking a bike rider before driving away, leaving his victim sprawled in the roadway with life-changing injuries.

But sometimes it’s the people on two wheels behaving badly.

An Aussie mountain biker suffered a concussion, bruises and a broken thumb when her descent was interrupted by a throttle-controlled ebike rider rapidly riding uphill, despite a ban on ebikes on the trail.



California’s former Governator takes things into his own hands, and fills a pothole near his home himself. Except it wasn’t a pothole, it was a gas line trench, which will now have to be dug up again.



California Walks teamed with the relatives of traffic violence victims to demand passage of a bill that would create a speed cam pilot program in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Jose, Oakland, Glendale and Long Beach.

This is who we share the road with. Police in Santa Ana are looking for the heartless coward in an older black Cadillac DeVille who flipped an 11-year old boy through the air and kept going without stopping; fortunately, the victim wasn’t seriously injured, and his companion wasn’t struck. Thanks to How The West Was Saved for the heads-up. 

San Francisco bike riders took a slow ride through the Richmond District to remember fallen bicyclist Ethan Boyes, and demand a protected bike lane on Arguello Boulevard; they’ll hold a Ride of Silence next month to remember all the victims of traffic violence.

Golden Gate Express says bike messengers are thriving in San Francisco, despite operating in the tech capital of the world.



Popular The War On Cars podcast looks at Hollywood’s negative depictions of bicycles, where someone riding one is either depicted as a loser or about to suffer serious misfortune. Or both.

Bicycling considers whether toxic masculinity is contributing to bicyclist, pedestrian and motorist deaths from traffic violence. Short answer, yes. Longer answer, oh hell yes. Read it on AOL this time if the magazine blocks you. 

Streetsblog complains that Amtrak’s frustrating patchwork of policies deters bicyclists from using the passenger rail service, frustrating their most obvious clientele with policies that allow bikes on one line, and deny them on another.

BMX pro Nigel Sylvester has created a first-of-its-kind hardshell bike case for traveling with a BMX bike.

Sure, let’s go with that. A Las Vegas woman claims she was carjacked before the alleged drunken hit-and-run that killed a man riding a bicycle, arguing that it wasn’t her behind the wheel, despite being covered in glass shards from the shattered windshield.

A Las Vegas bike rider suffered a broken leg when they were struck by a Nevada Highway Patrol officer. No word on who was at fault, but you can guess who will get the blame.

There’s not a pit in hell deep enough for a Phoenix man who was convicted of sexually assaulting and murdering a young woman and a teenager as they rode their bikes along a canal 30 years ago.

He gets it. A Utah columnist argues that cities need to prioritize people, not cars. Which is exactly what Los Angeles will do on Sunday, and four cities in the San Gabriel Valley will do next week. Now we just need to do it every day.

This is who we share the road with, too. Horrifying story from Denver, where a man is on trial after pleading insanity in the road rage shooting of a mother and two of her three sons; he allegedly shot her in the back as she tried to protect her kids, then moved in for a failed kill shot to the head, before fatally shooting her 13-year old son and wounding the 8-year old.

Kindhearted University of Nebraska–Lincoln engineering students are helping the local Bike Kitchen meet its goal of repairing 1,000 bikes to donate to kids and adults in need.

Bighearted residents of Seabrook, Texas rallied around a hit-and-run victim who was injured when a driver smashed into her adult tricycle; less than two hours after a volunteer firefighter posted about the crash, she had up to five replacement bikes to choose from.

About damn time. Chicago has installed concrete curbs to protect a bike lane on the Northwest Side where two people were killed riding bikes in recent months.

No surprise here, as a Michigan study shows SUV drivers cause 55% more injuries to bicyclists than drivers of cars in the event of a collision.

Uber is funding a program to get ebikes with dangerous non-certified lithium-ion batteries off the streets of New York, allowing thousands of delivery riders to trade-in their bikes for newer, safer models.

A DC bike protest called on the World Bank to stop funding fossil fuels.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana will extend and add lighting to the city’s Mississippi River Levee Path, which forms a link in the 3,000-mile-long Mississippi River Bicycle Trail. I used to ride that pathway over four decades ago, when I first got the little blue Trek I rode for 25 years.

In yet another example of keeping a dangerous driver on the road until it’s too late, a Florida man has been arrested for the high-speed crash that killed a bike rider. A security cam captured him doing 90 mph in a 40 mph zone moments before he slammed into the victim, knocking him more than the length of a football field from the point of impact; he has several previous citations for excessive speed, including doing 115 mph in a 45 mp zone just a year earlier. Yet he was somehow allowed to keep driving until he killed someone.



Momentum Magazine offers “six fantastic and affordable commuter bikes” for spring riding. And for once, when a magazine says affordable, they actually mean it, with price starting at just $499.

Cycling Weekly considers how far is too far to commute to work. I once met a RAAM competitor who trained by commuting from his home in Steamboat Springs, Colorado to his job in Denver and back everyday, a distance of 156 miles — even in the winter.

Forbes says Wednesday’s Bicycle Day, which marks the anniversary of when the inventor of LSD discovered its hallucinogenic properties while riding his bike home from the lab, will soon overtake the next day’s 4-20 as the world’s most important celebration of the psychedelics community.

An environmental group warned bike riders against using toxic glue containing benzene, toluene and other hazardous substances to repair bike tires.

There’s a special place in hell for whoever stole a Mexican Paralympian’s custom adaptive handcycle from his Playa del Carmen home. Seriously, anyone could tell it’s made for someone with special needs just by looking at it.

Montreal is using snow clearing and studded bike tires to keep its bikeshare system going year-round.

A 52-year old Scottish man is on trial for stealing famed stunt cyclist Danny Macaskill’s $10,000 stunt bike, in a burglary that netted over $15,000 worth of goods from Macaskill’s home.

Life is really cheap in the UK, where a 70-year old driver was fined a lousy £153 plus £324 court costs — the equivalent of $191 and $405, respectively — for dooring a bike rider while attempting to brush the crumbs from a sausage roll off his lap, and leaving the victim with a fractured foot and torn ligaments. And they wonder why people keep dying on the streets. Thanks to Victor Bale for the link. 

Britain’s Cycling Goalkeeper topped the sports pages after making a last-minute save for Wrexham, the lower-tier soccer club saved by Hollywood owners Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenne.

An Irish man is riding across the US to raise funds for charity, despite suffering from terminal brain cancer. Or maybe because to if.

VeloNews has more information on the death of Ukrainian elite and masters road cyclist Kostantin Deneka, who was killed by Russian forces while fighting for his country while serving with a special forces unit of the Ukraine defense intelligence.

There’s no justice in Malaysia, where the woman who killed eight teenagers riding modified bicycles was allowed to walk free, after an appeals court voided her conviction and six-year sentence.


Competitive Cycling

The 37th Redlands Classic stage race kicked off with a 2.8 miles circuit race on Wednesday, with women completing 14 laps and men 20; Cycling Utah says the race has a stacked field for both sexes.

Cyclist remembers “cycling phenomenon” Beryl Burton, calling her Britain’s greatest rider and the woman who beat men.

Indiana University explains what’s new with the school’s iconic Little 500 bike race this year, including dumping Schwinn for State Bicycles; the race was made famous by Breaking Away.



Once again, if you’re illegally riding a gas-powered bicycle with a suspended driver’s license, put a damn light on it. Or if your bike gets a flat tire, just hop on your trusty steed and ride to school.

And that feeling when you go from bike racing to shredding in a metal band.


Chag Pesach Sameach to all observing the final day of Passover. 

And Ramadan Mubarak to all observing the Islamic holy month. 


Be safe, and stay healthy. And get vaccinated, already.

Oh, and fuck Putin, too.