For the seventh time this year, a Southern California bike rider has been left to die in the street by a heartless hit-and-run driver.
This time in Oxnard.
According to the Ventura County Star, the victim was riding against traffic in the northbound bike lane on Saviers Road near Pleasant Valley Road shortly after 6 pm Friday, near the Speedway Express gas station.
An SUV driver exiting the gas station turned right onto Saviers, and crashed head-on into the victim, before fleeing the scene.
The victim, identified only as an adult man, died shortly after being taken to a local hospital.
Anyone with information is urged to call Oxnard Police Traffic Investigator Patrick Blanche at 805/200-5668, or email patrick.blanche@oxnardpd.org.
This is at least the 17th bicycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the third that I’m aware of already this year in Ventura County.
He was also the second wrong-way bike rider killed in Oxnard in just ten days.
Yet another reminder to alway ride in the direction of traffic, even in a bike lane.
Update: The victim has been identified as 33-year old Oxnard resident Youssef A. Ayad. Police are looking for the driver of a 2002 Mercury Mountaineer.
My deepest sympathy and prayer for Youssef A. Ayad and all his family and loved ones.